Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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Classifications and Metadata Standards
Methodological standards
 Total food supply: There are various ways of defining supply and, in fact, various concepts are in use. The elements involved are production, imports, exports and changes in stocks (increases or decreases). There is no doubt that production, imports and... More
 Population: Refers to the present-in-area de facto population, i.e. includes all persons physically present within the geographical boundaries of countries. In general, the population data used are three-year averages of the mid-year estimates published for each country by the Population... More
 Per capita supply: Data under this category indicate the per capita food fish supplies available for human consumption during a given reference period. It is derived by dividing total food supply by the population. More
 In the context of fisheries data, geographic coordinates will consist of pairs of (x,y) numerical values handled in the spatial reference system considered (refer spatial reference system). If needed, these pairs may be extended to include a third dimension with... More
 Geographic coordinates WKT format In Method 3 above, the recommended format for handling coordinates is the OGC Well-Known-Text format (WKT). Whatever the geometric shape, WKT provides a simple string representation of the geometry. In that way, a single column is... More
 Use of Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (DMS) In the case of handling geographic coordinates in official reports and publications, the geographic coordinates can be enumerated using the Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (DMS) notation. This notation is generally used in the legal context where the DMS appears to... More
 Geographic classification systems A geographic classification system can be defined as a way of grouping and organizing geographic references (reference points, lines or areas) to be used as reference data for geo-referencing statistical datasets. To facilitate its use, a geographic classification... More
  Irregular area classification systems: Systems where the elements correspond to irregular areas. e.g. Countries or areas FAO Major Fishing Areas for Statistical Purposes Exclusive Economic Zones Regional Fishery Bodies Competence areas Reporting areas, Fishing zones. ... More
  Grid classification systems: System defined by a regular geo-referenced grid characterized by a maximum geographic extent or scale (global, regional, local) a grid unit/cell shape (e.g. square, rectangle) a grid resolution (e.g. 1 x 1degree, 5 x 5... More
 Linear classification systems: System defined by elements characterized by a linear shape, e.g. haul trajectory. More
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