Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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Classifications and Metadata Standards
Methodological standards
 Geographic coding systems Geographic coding systems are recommended to facilitate the use of geographic classification systems and the geo-referencing of fisheries statistics. A geographic coding system consists in identifying each element of the classification with a unique, permanent and meaningful code... More
  Areal grid coding system - Recognizing the need for areal breakdown, the CWP has recommended the use of a global coding system (refer areal grid system) More
  Other grid coding systems - For the purpose of fisheries data reporting where square-based grids are used, other alternative grid coding systems can be used, as long as they are compatible with the above CWP areal grid coding system... More
 Logbooks are records of catch and effort registered at the time of the catch operation. The records can be in books or on electronic media. Data transmission to authorities can be at the time of landings or immediately after the... More
 Vessel transmitted information Vessel transmitted information (VTI) includes the reporting of catch, effort and entry and exit notifications, and may be supplemented by data from a vessel monitoring system (VMS) or an automatic identification system (AIS) which are submitted by... More
 FAO major fishing areas for statistical purposes are arbitrary areas, the boundaries of which were determined in consultation with international fishery agencies on various considerations, including the boundary of natural regions and the natural divisions of oceans and seas... More
 Marine waters is intended to refer to oceans and seas including adjacent saltwater areas. More
 Inland waters may be used to refer to lakes, rivers, brooks, streams, ponds, inland canals, dams, and other land-locked (usually freshwater) waters (such as the Caspian Sea, Aral Sea, etc.). More
 Recognizing the need for areal breakdown, the CWP has suggested that a graticule-based system could be used throughout the globe and has recommended that the quadrangles (also called rectangles or squares) be coded and identified according to the following standard... More
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