Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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 Article 8 of the Informal Composite Negotiating Text / Revision 2 (A/CONF.62/WP.10/Rev. 2, 11 April 1980) of the United Nations Third Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) assigns a specific meaning to the term internal waters as part... More
 For the purpose of reporting national capture fisheries statistics, catch and landings are assigned to the country of the flag flown by the fishing vessel. However, the CWP recommends that this may be over-ridden if one of the following arrangements... More
 The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO, 1995) stresses that “in order to ensure the sustainable management of fisheries and to enable social and economic objectives to be achieved, sufficient knowledge of social, economic and institutional factors should be... More
 In order to be properly geo-referenced, statistical datasets require to be associated with the reference system used for geographic coordinates. This system is known as Spatial Reference System (SRS), sometimes also referred as Coordinate Reference System (CRS). Each SRS... More
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