Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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Classifications and Metadata Standards
Methodological standards
 Employment Employment in fisheries should be collected in sex-disaggregated form. A further note should be made that the term fisher (refer also ILO-2012) should not only include those operating from fishing vessels but also those fishers operating land-based fishing gears... More
 Fishery production additional variables The additional variables allow for the calculation of total revenue and total costs for the fishing operations. This allows derivation of the economic profitability of the fishing sector which is judged from information on the net revenue... More
 Total revenue Total revenue is composed of several variables. Gross value of landings - part of the core variables (see description above). Revenue from leasing out quota or other fishing rights where individual transferable quotas (ITQ) or similar systems have established... More
 Total Costs Total costs is composed of several variables. Cost data can be obtained from the financial records of the fishing enterprises and these data are mostly difficult to obtain. Even when such data are available, they are often protected by... More
 Capital value Capital value includes two key components: the value of physical capital (the fleet and gears considering depreciation or historical value) and the value of quota and other fishing rights (the immaterial capital). According to the definition of Capital Value included... More
 Remuneration Remuneration provides an important and clear estimation of the contribution to livelihood gained from employment in the sector. The total remuneration includes social security costs for all crew members either including or excluding the owner. Although this value may... More
 International Labour Organization (ILO). 2012. International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 Volume 1 Structure, group definitions and correspondence tables. Geneva, ILO. 420 pp. (also available at Onlus, I. 2006. Evaluation of the capital value, investments and capital costs in the... More
 Fishing effort in capture fisheries is generally defined in terms of the amount of fishing gear of a specific type used on the fishing ground(s) over a given time period (e.g. duration of a fishing operation, fishing activity or fishing... More
 CWP Member Organizations' use various systems for the collection of capture fishery data from the national authorities including the CWP STATLANT system of questionnaires. These questionnaires provide various levels of precision for reporting fishing effort and, where possible, data should... More
 FAO. 1997. Fisheries management. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries No. 4. Rome, FAO. 82 pp. (also available at FAO. 2019. FAO technical workshop on global harmonization of Tuna fisheries statistics. Rome, 19-22 March 2018. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report... More