Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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  Diagrammatic presentation of fishing effort concepts and relationships in a generalized capture fishery. Concepts are defined in the glossary and shading indicates the categories of standard measures of effort: A - measures derived from data related to fishing operations, B... More
 Glossary of fishing effort concepts This glossary is interim and may be subject to further revisions by CWP. Fishing effort concept Definition ... More
  Standard measures of fishing effort Fishing gears and fishing vessels referred to in these measures are defined in accordance with ISSCFG and ISSCFV respectively. These measures are interim and may be subject to further revisions by CWP. ... More
 The International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishing Gear (ISSCFG) was originally adopted during the 10th Session of the CWP (Madrid, 22-29 July 1980). The current ISSCFG (Annex M) was adopted at the 25th CWP Session (FAO 2016) following a revision... More
 FAO. 2010a. Report of ad-hoc Group on CWP Gear Classification – 2010 (Rome, Italy, 19-21 October 2010). CWP-24/5. Rome, FAO. 12 pp. (also available at FAO. 2010b. Report of the twenty-third session of the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics.... More
 FAO. Fishing gear type (fact sheets). [Cited 1 November 2020]. More
 A food balance sheet presents a comprehensive picture of the pattern of a country's fish supply and its utilization during a specified reference period. The total quantity of fish and fishery products produced in a country added to the total... More
 Production: Production figures relate to the total national fish production in terms of live-weight (i.e. the actual ex-water weight at the time of capture or removal from aquatic environment). Production figures cover catch and culture of all fish, crustaceans, molluscs... More
 Non-food uses: Includes reduction to meal and oil; utilization of aquatic products for feed and bait; ornamental purposes; withdrawals from markets and any other non-food use of fishery production (e.g. fertilizers, medical uses). Waste is not included.  More
 Imports: This covers all movements of commercial trade into the country of fish and fishery products. Data on imports include fish caught by foreign fishing vessels and landed in domestic ports.  More