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Classifications and Metadata Standards
Methodological standards
 Alverson, D.L., Freeberg, M.H., Murawski, S.A. & Pope, J.G. 1994. A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 339. Rome, FAO. 233 pp. (also available at http://www.fao.org/3/T4890E/T4890E00.htm). FAO. 2003. Fisheries Management 2. The ecosystem approach to fisheries.... More
 FAO. Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water. [Cited 1 November 2020]. http://www.fao.org/sustainable-development-goals/goals/goal-14/en/ More
 Until recently the development at the international level of harmonized statistics on the number of fishers has been neglected. This is almost certainly due to the fact that, generally speaking, until about 20 years ago there was little effort at... More
 FAO. 1999. Numbers of fishers 1970-1996. FAO Fisheries Circular No. 929, Rev. 1. Rome, FAO. 124 pp. (also available at http://www.fao.org/3/a-x1168t.pdf) International Labour Organization (ILO). 2012. International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 Volume 1 Structure, group definitions and correspondence tables. Geneva,... More
 Fish, as a highly perishable commodity, often undergoes treatments which prolong its shelf life and quality as food. Fish is also a very widely traded commodity. When considering statistical aspects related to fish and fish products in the fishery industry... More
 FAO. 1965. International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Commodities: Divisions and Group. FAO Fisheries Circular No.35. Rome, FAO. 14 pp. FAO. 2022. International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Commodities (ISSCFC, Rev.1, 2019). (also available at http://www.fao.org/.....pdf) More
 FAO. Reference data for commodities (.csv file). Open Fisheries Global Information System (FIGIS). [Cited 1 November 2020].  https://github.com/openfigis/RefData/tree/gh-pages/commodity United Nations. 1991. Provisional central product classification. Statistical Papers Series M, No. 77. New York, UN. 296pp. (also available at https://unstats.un.org/unsd/classifications/econ/download/in%20text/cpcprov_english.pdf). World Customs Organization... More
 The term fishery fleet or fishery vessel refers to mobile floating platforms of any kind and size, operating in fresh, brackish or marine waters which are used for catching, harvesting, searching, transporting, landing, preserving and/or processing fish, shellfish and other... More
 The term fishing vessel is used instead when the vessel is engaged only in catching operations. The term non-fishing vessel applies to vessels performing other functions related to fisheries, such as supplying, protecting, rendering assistance or conducting research or training. More
 Fishery vessels are classified in accordance with the International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Vessels by Vessel Types (ISSCFV, 2019) (FAO, 2021a) which includes vessels engaged only in catching operations (i.e. fishing vessels) and other vessels supporting fishing related activities... More