Système d’Information sur la Diversité des Animaux Domestiques (DAD-IS)

Greece is characterized by a mixture of agro-ecosystems and livestock farming systems

The picture is completed by the diversity of locally adapted breeds, formed through the years under the impact of various processes, geographical isolation, genetic drift, selection and crossbreeding. These genetic resources are recognized as an important element for the maintenance of the diverse farming systems, acknowledging also their role in shaping and conserving biodiversity. In this context livestock breeds and their farming systems co-evolve in close link with the socio-economic environment influencing the farmers’ decisions.

The current Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020, aims to enhance the competitiveness of the agri-food sector, to promote the multifunctionallity of the rural areas and protect the environment. Two actions are implemented:

The Action 10.1.09. "Conservation of Endangered Indigenous breeds of farm animals”

Aiming through the financial support for livestock farmers of locally adapted breeds, to the:

  • Sustainable development and balance of nature resources
  • Maintaining and enhancing biodiversity in the livestock sector,

Action 10.2.1: Genetic Resources in Livestock

The activities include the following:

  • Recording of genealogical data
  • Performance recording
  • Diffusion of information to the farmers

