
The story of the Connemara Pony

The Connemara Pony is famous for being hardy and sure-footed, and no surprise the breed evolved on the rocky coast of western Ireland, where it had to develop an ability to move quickly across rough terrain. The sometimes harsh Irish weather and unforgiving landscape helped develop a breed that is resilient and adaptable, and today’s Connemara is valued for all of these qualities.

Early Irish farmers often had large families to feed and could afford only one good pony, which often came from a wild herd and had to be caught and gentled. Most families owned a mare so they could sell her offspring for much-needed income, and even while pregnant she would be required to pull a plow or a cart filled with rock, turf, or people. Any animal that couldn’t perform these tasks on a daily basis was replaced. This difficult lifestyle helped the Connemara develop its trademark stamina and adaptability.
Despite this long and colorful history, the Connemara didn’t become an “official breed” until the Connemara Pony Stud Book was first published in 1926. The book was compiled by 30 “mostly local” Connemara gentlemen, who were concerned about the dwindling population of local mares. The group formed the Connemara Pony Breeders Society with the sole purpose of promoting the best of these mares. In an effort to improve and invigorate the breed, the Society selected the best stallions from the area and persuaded local farmers to only use the services of those stallions.
Today’s Connemara is gaining popularity throughout the world as both an adult and children’s pony. Its temperament and adaptability makes it well suited to a variety of disciplines, from jumping to dressage to endurance.

Today, Connemara ponies are bred worldwide in Ireland and the United Kingdom, as well as on the European Continent, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.







