Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS)

Slovenian Ark network

Ark-farms and Ark-centers in Slovenia are farms that take care of the in situ conservation of Slovenian local breeds and are opened for the general public visits. The main purpose of those farms is conservation, raising awareness, education and marketing of animal products in their local environment or the environment of origin.

The term "ark" is also known in several other European countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Therefore, the activity of such farms are linked with visitors from abroad by conserving local breeds or varieties of crops. Since 2016, you could find them in Slovenia as well.

The ark farms operate under the specific guidelines under the supervision of the Public service for animal genetic resource conservation. Likewise, at least three different Slovenian local breeds from different groups defined with animal size need to be kept on the farm. Ark-centers operates under similar guidelines, but they are dedicated to education, awareness raising and promotion of Slovenian local breeds.
