Système d’Information sur la Diversité des Animaux Domestiques (DAD-IS)

Slovenian workshop on agriculture and tourism

How to connect agriculture and tourism was the main question of the workshop organized by the agribusiness platform (, under the umbrella of Slovenian leading financial journal “Finance”. Different producers and good practices were presented during the workshop. The Slovenian most prominent touristic spot called “Heaven” ( connects food, local producers, medicinal plants, cultural landscape and heritage. New offer for the tourists includes the visit of critically endangered local goat breed “Drežnica goat” and tasting of its product. As other countries in Europe Slovenia also faced with an epidemic, which increased demand for local food and products. The great interests from consumers were spotted also on agrotourism and locally produced food derived also from local breeds. The workshop showed that consumers are more than ever aware of locally produced food thus increased promotion of local products including native breeds and agrotourism is needed.

photo: archive
