Gateway to dairy production and products

Learning on the Milky Way: A study tour to the I.R. of Iran for the Tajik dairy sector stakeholders

Tajikistan’s dairy sector is faced with increasing competition from imports and an acute lack of high-quality domestically-produced raw milk for domestic agro-industries. As a result, stakeholders across the entire value chain are keen to improve raw milk quality, increase productivity and strengthen partnerships to make the national dairy industry more competitive on the domestic market. With this in mind, FAO Investment Centre together with FAO country offices in Tajikistan and Iran organized a study tour to the Islamic Republic of Iran, for a group of Tajik dairy value chain stakeholders, including dairy farmers, processors and representatives from the Tajik Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance. From 16 to 23 November 2014, participants travelled to Tehran and subsequently across the province of Tehran to meet with dairy farmers, milk collection centers, processors, veterinary drug and treatment providers, feed production machinery manufacturers and other input suppliers involved in the dairy sector of Iran.



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