Digital Villages Initiative in Asia and the Pacific
Developed by FAO-RAP to facilitate the adoption of the best digital innovations supporting agrifood systems across Asia & the Pacific.

Digital Villages Initiative (DVI) in Asia and the Pacific

The FAO Regional Office in Asia and the Pacific (FAO RAP) implements the DVI through technical assistance to Member Countries by supporting digital agriculture strategies and rural digitalization initiatives following country-led, user-centered, bottom and flexible solutions to the digitalization of rural areas. Under DVI, FAO contributes to knowledge sharing via an annual Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum (DASF) for Asia and the Pacific and through the Digital Villages Initiative Knowledge Exchange (DVI-KE), a regional platform and database of digital solutions for agrifood systems in Asia and the Pacific.

The Digital Villages Initiative Knowledge Exchange (DVI-KE) is a regional platform and database of digital solutions, initiatives, and villages covering the entire agrifood systems in Asia and the Pacific. Version 1.0 of DVI-KE covers 500 digital solutions from 20 Asian and Pacific countries. The DVI-KE offers a searchable database by country, digital solution theme, type of developer, primary beneficiaries or delivery modality. Learn more how to use the platform with this video tutorial. 

Discover the FAO DVI-KE Platform|

Stories from the field

VIET NAM | Viet Nam Digital Village Initiative

19 Jan. 2024 | Showcasing the benefits of digital agricultural practices for smallholder farmers livelihoods in Viet Nam.

KOREA | The Future of Agriculture in the Republic of Korea

12 Jan. 2024 | Unfolding the Republic of Korea's journey in agricultural digitization.

BANGLADESH | Achieving better production in Asia-Pacific through digital agriculture

2 Feb. 2023 | A cooperative-run Digital Village Service Centre in Lahiri Mohanpur in rural Bangladesh promotes innovation and connectivity.


2023 | Promoting the digitalization of small and medium-sized agrifood enterprises in Asia and the Pacific

The goal of this publication is to understand the current status of digitalization of agri-SMEs in Asia and the Pacific, what this process looks like and how to improve it. 

2022 | Scaling up inclusive innovation in agrifood chains in Asia and the Pacific

This publication provides a catalogue of digital innovations along the value chains and discuss alternative business models; with applications from Asia and the Pacific.

Rural E-commerce Development - Experience from China

This report explores the role of rural e-commerce in transforming the agri-food systems in China, through the development of an innovative ecosystem that has led to market integration for agricultural producers and rural populations.




Upcoming Event

The Thirty-seventh Session of the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (#APRC37) will be held as a high-level Ministerial in-person event in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 19 – 22 February 2024. It will be preceded by the Senior Officers Meeting (SOM) to be held virtually from 31 January to 2 February 2024. The state of food and agriculture in the region; agrifood systems transformation; and solutions particularly for smallholders and family farmers will be discussed.


Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum for Asia and the Pacific (DASF 2023)Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum for Asia and the Pacific (DASF 2023)
27-28 September 2023 | Bangkok, Thailand

Co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), The DASF 2023 overall theme was: “From solutions to ecosystem development: “From solutions to ecosystem development: Scaling up promising digital innovations and lowering barriers to deployment and to persistent digital divide”.

(300x160)Event-28-30Nov22Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Solutions Forum
28 November 2022 | Apia, Samoa

Under the theme “Working together to leave no one behind” the 2022 Pacific SIDS Solutions Forum is organized to follow up and build on the global SIDS Solutions Forum of 2021 through identifying country-specific and regional successes (good practices), challenges and next steps within the context of advancing the achievement of the SAMOA Pathway and 2030 agenda in the context of COVID-19 and the 5F crisis (food, fuel, feed, fertilizer, and financing) recovery.
(300x230)-Event-17-21-October2022Digital Village Initiative in Asia and the Pacific: Country experiences in agrifood digital transformation
18 October 2022 | Bangkok, Thailand | Online

As part of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum, This side event present FAO DVI experience in Asia through 4 country experiences including Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.


ASIA & PACIFIC | Fourth Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum for Asia and the Pacific urges scaling up digital innovations to meet agrifood system challenges

FAO | At the 4th Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum for Asia and the Pacific, organized in Bangkok from 27-28 September, senior government officials, ...

CAMBODIA: Cambodhrra organized a validation workshop on Digital Village Ecosystem Assessment (DVEA)

Cambodhrra | Cambodhrra organized a validation workshop on Digital Village Ecosystem Assessment (DVEA), a Rural Transformation and Digital Village...

INDIA | FAO launches Digital Village Initiative pilot

The Tribune Express | FAO has partnered with the Government of Punjab to launch a Digital Village Initiative (DVI) pilot site at the Food Security...

BANGLADESH | FAO plans to establish fisheries digital village in Gazipur

Business Post | The FAO in collaboration with Department of Fisheries (DoF) is planning to establish a dedicated fisheries digital village...

INDONESIA | West Java is leading the way for innovative agriculture digitalization in Indonesia's villages

FAO | Digitalization of agriculture is one of the opportunities to transform the agri-food system in Indonesia. As a country with nearly 50% population...

INDONESIA | Accelerate implementation of open broadband network to realise Sg Asap Digital Village, says Murum rep

Borneo Post | The implementation of an open broadband network in Sungai Asap, similar to Sebauh’s model, needs to be accelerated to realise the...

THAILAND | Grass always greener on model smart farm

Bangkok Post | It's 10 o'clock in the morning and Prasert Laitim has just finished watering salad greens at Samart Organic Vegetable Farm on a one-rai...

Supported SDG Goals

Supported Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by the Digital Villages Initiative.
Click on the SDGs icons below to learn more about the progress of the SDGs in Asia and the Pacific.

icon-sdg1icon-sdg2 SDG # 5: Gender equality in Asia & the Pacificicon-sdg10Discover SDG-13: Climate action in Asia & the Pacificicon-sdg17