Digital Villages Initiative in Europe and Central Asia

Përmet is a rural community located in southern Albania, nestled in the valley of the Vjosa River and surrounded by the picturesque Përmeti mountains.  The community is renowned for its agricultural and food production, which includes a variety of locally grown products such as grapes (including the native Debinë White and Merlot varieties), cherries, herbs, and medicinal plants, as well as high-quality livestock such as cattle, goats, and eggs. The region is particularly known for its excellent gastronomic treasures, wine and raki, which are considered among the best in Albania. Additionally, Përmet's cheeses, meats, oregano, honey, and gliko (a local sweet fruit preserve) are highly regarded throughout the country.  
Furthermore, the rural community is also rich both in natural and cultural heritage, rendering it a promising destination for rural tourism. The renowned Bënjë thermal springs, the "Bredhi i Hotovës" national park, the 18th-century Leusa Church, ancient Ottoman bridges and Orthodox monasteries draw both local and international tourists. With its high level of internet connectivity and widespread use of smartphones and computers, Përmet presents a fertile enabling environment for digital agriculture development , complemented by a strong community ability to learn, active support from non-governmental organizations and leadership figures, significant endogenous development potential, and available financial resources. 


Despite the region’s natural and cultural riches, the Përmet District continues to be among Albania's marginalized areas, isolated from major development pathways and grappling with substantial emigration challenges. In the last two decades, the population in the mountainous villages has fallen considerably. Lack of investment, road infrastructure, public service centres caused many rural inhabitants to sell their lands and homes and move both internally, to Tirana and Durrës, but also abroad. This decline not only erodes the social fabric of these communities but also underscores the urgent need for development measures.

The production of gliko holds the potential to serve as a valuable resource for the development of the local economy in Përmet. Unfortunately, the absence of effective marketing strategies highlighting the unique qualities of gliko has rendered it vulnerable to competition from industrial counterparts produced in other regions of southern Albania.  This lack of distinct branding and promotional efforts not only jeopardizes the local gliko industry but also diminishes its competitiveness in the market. 

Përmet encounters a notable challenge in not fully leveraging digital technologies within its agrifood sector. The underutilization of digital tools and platforms in agriculture hinders the sector's efficiency, productivity, and overall competitiveness. Simultaneously, there is room for improvement in digital literacy levels among the local population. 

In Përmet, stakeholders in the agrifood sector, such as civil society, NGOs, and research entities, often work in isolation, lacking strong collaboration. This absence of a cohesive framework limits their collective impact. Although there is some inter-institutional dynamism and public authority efforts for rural development, there is still significant room for improvement. Strengthening collaboration among stakeholders and enhancing coordination mechanisms can amplify the effectiveness of initiatives, ensuring a more comprehensive and sustainable approach. 

DVI interventions

Digital soil map

In 2020 FAO conducted an evaluation of land use, water resources, and agroecological conditions in the area surrounding Përmet, aiming to improve the accessibility of soil data and develop first digital soil maps in Albania. The map preparation utilized a combination of GIS technologies, field assessment and sampling.  

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DVI twinning with Lormes (France) and Rahovec (Kosovo*)

The Municipality of Përmet in Albania participated in a pilot DVI twinning’ exercise. In November 2022, this Albanian community engaged in a series of online exchanges to facilitate linkages, cooperation, and knowledge-sharing with the Smart Village Lormes in France and village Rahovec in Kosovo*. *References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999). 

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Digital Villages in Action in Europe and Central Asia virtual event launched DVI actions in eight countries, bringing together policy actors, stakeholders, partners, and beneficiaries. Barbara Battioni Romanelli, UN Fellow of FAO Albania discussed Albania’s progress and plans for the introduction of DVI in the country.

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Digital Agriculture team

FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

[email protected]