Azerbaijan's economy, traditionally reliant on oil and gas, is diversifying with agriculture playing a significant role, employing 37% of the workforce yet contributing just 7% to GDP. Agriculture is crucial for the nation's food security and non-oil exports. The Azerbaijani government, recognizing these challenges, has implemented support measures like grants and tax exemptions, particularly promoting U.S. agricultural machinery sales. Yet, issues like outdated food facilities, fragmented land, and poor irrigation systems persist.
To address these, the Azerbaijani government is undertaking transformative projects. These projects aim to develop agricultural value chains and sustainable rural growth, aligning with the government's 2016 Strategic Roadmap for agriculture, envisioning development up to 2020 and beyond.
A key initiative is the "Smart Villages" project in Aghali village. This project incorporates smart services and infrastructure to drive economic growth through technology and innovation. This comprehensive approach is pivotal in modernizing Azerbaijan's agricultural sector for sustainable long-term growth.
Digital Villages in Action in Europe and Central Asia virtual event launched DVI actions in eight countries, bringing together policy actors, stakeholders, partners, and beneficiaries. Elmaddin Namazov, National Programme Coordinator of FAO Azerbaijan discussed Azerbaijan’s progress and plans for the introduction of DVI in the country.
Organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and with the support of FAO, the “Vision for the Future: Transition to Digital Agriculture” conference brought together various stakeholders to share global experiences, visions and developments in the area of agricultural and digital rural transformation.
While previous efforts have been made to reform Azerbaijan’s agricultural knowledge and innovation system (AKIS) the main shortcoming within its agricultural advisory services (AAS) has been the absence of a systemic and systematic approach with a strategic vision and clear mission, supported by an adequate enabling environment.