Director-General QU Dongyu

Director-General meets Hungarian Minister for Agriculture István Nagy


26 November 2019, Rome - FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu met today with István Nagy, Minister for Agriculture of Hungary, to explore ways to work more closely together on issues of common interest.

During the meeting, Minister Nagy congratulated the Director-General on his election and praised him for his successful and energetic first 100 days in office.

The FAO Director-General expressed appreciation for Hungary’s continuous support to the Organization. The country hosts the Organization’s Global Shared Service Centre and the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia in its capital Budapest. 

In their talks, the parties agreed on the vital need to support small-scale farmers and provide job opportunities to the youth, through the promotion of innovative solutions to build sustainable livelihoods in rural areas.

The Minister for Agriculture welcomed the Director-General’s new Hand-in-Hand initiative, which prioritizes targeted work benefitting people in the world’s most vulnerable regions, as an excellent opportunity for multilateral cooperation.