Director-General QU Dongyu

Director-General meets CEO of Global Environment Facility


Today, 4 March 2021, the FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, held a virtual meeting with Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Chief Executive Officer, Global Environment Facility (GEF). The two heads discussed the importance of bridging agriculture and environment, and agreed on the need of strengthening national institutions and policy coherence in developing countries by working together.  

They concurred that efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri-food systems are the solution to reversing environmental degradation, and are at the basis of FAO-GEF collaboration. The Director-General noted three key pillars to achieve this: holistic land distribution, better water utlization and a new strategic framework of innovative productivity. 

It was agreed that the two organizations would be cooperating to stragically design global projects, which address food insecurity, based on the three aforementioned pillars. The strengthened commitment to expanding this partnership is anticipated to bring science-based and nature-respecting solutions to support Members. 

Chief Executive Officer Rodriguez informed that he had completed the first major milestone for GEF-8 planning, with the successful organization of the virtual Technical Advisory Group meetings, held from 8 to 11 February 2021. Twenty-five FAO technical experts participated and contributed to the science-based replenishment discussion for which the GEF CEO was very appreciative. The Director-General underscored his full committment to supporting the refinement of GEF-8, to maximize synergies and to ensure that the programme is robust when presented to donors for replenishment.

The meeting further highlighted FAO's unique role and the strong synergies between the directions of GEF and FAO's priorities, including agri-food systems, ecosystem restoration (forests), One Health, urban systems (Green Cities Initiative) and innovation (digital agriculture).