Director-General QU Dongyu

FAO Director-General addresses G77 and China handover ceremony in Rome


Rome- The Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), QU Dongyu, addressed today the Group of 77 & China handover ceremony for its Rome chapter held at FAO headquarters.

Qu thanked the outgoing Chairperson and Permanent Representative of the Kuwait Mission to UN agencies for Food and Agriculture, Yousef Juhail, for his leadership and dedication over the past year, and welcomed the incoming Chairperson Ambassador Papa Seck, Permanent Representative of Senegal to FAO.

“[I] look forward to continuing working with the G77 & China under his leadership and vision”, the Director-General said, recognizing the active and constructive participation of the Group in the FAO Governing Bodies sessions and other key meetings over the past year.

He added that their “dynamic contribution” had effectively contributed towards the implementation of the Organization’s mandate – in support of agrifood systems transformation and the Four Betters.

“This Group has a critical role to play in bringing the voice of the developing countries to the forefront of the Organization’s governance process and to ensure a balanced perspective during discussions— and, above all, to ensure we work as ONE FAO”, he underscored.

Qu highlighted the importance of South-South and Triangular Cooperation, as well as strong partnerships with all stakeholders, including the private sector, to ensure no one is left behind, and reminded that working in unity—as ONE FAO—benefits both the developed world and the developing south.

Challenges ahead

The Director-General also outlined some of the challenges ahead that needed to be tackled underscoring that while he was very proud of the achievements reached so far, the road ahead is still “long and rocky”.

“The G77 & China Group is sharply aware that we only have 7 planting seasons left to the 2030 deadline”, he warned, pointing out his recent visits to Africa and Latin-America and the Caribbean, and the urgent need for stronger political commitment to address hunger and transform agrifood systems.

Qu explained that because there is still so much to be accomplished together, he has put forward an innovative proposal for the Programme of Work and Budget for the 2024-25 biennium.

Qu stressed the need of working collectively as ONE FAO to achieve the collective objectives of the Organization, as well as the 2030 Agenda.

“A consensual approval of the proposed budget level will be a powerful signal that we are ONE FAO, and to respect the evidence and fact, and that FAO needs to continue to operate as we have been doing over the past years, at the service of ALL its Members, especially vulnerable Members”, he emphasised.