Director-General QU Dongyu

FAO and the US stress innovation, science and technology in agriculture are critical to achieve food security


29 January, 2020, Rome – FAO Director-General QU Dongyu met today with the US Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue.

During the meeting, the Director-General expressed appreciation for support extended by the US Government since he took office. QU underlined that collaboration between FAO and the USA is crucial, and expressed hope for continuing their constructive relationship in order to keep the momentum needed to transform global agriculture in line with the SDG commitments.

QU spelt out his vision for a new business model for FAO in order to facilitate increased and targeted support to the most vulnerable countries, and accelerate achievement of the SDGs. To support these goals, more innovation, investment and enabling policies are needed, he added.

For his part, the US Secretary lauded the progress achieved so far under the Director-General’s leadership in aiming to re-focus the organization in support of eradicating global hunger. He expressed optimism for the future of FAO and his willingness to work closely with the UN agency to help achieve the Organization’s strategic goals.

Need for innovative approaches, digitalization and connectivity in rural areas

During the meeting, the FAO chief and the US Secretary discussed the need for and the importance of forward-thinking approaches and innovations in technology, science and mindset, to be able to address the multiple challenges faced in the areas of agriculture, food security and other related sectors.

Both sides agreed that digitalization and connectivity are essential in rural areas to provide smallholders and family farmers access to markets and showcase their innovative approaches, products and practices.

In this respect, QU cited formation of FAO’s Office for Innovation and the role of Chief Scientist as important instruments within FAO that will help drive and coordinate innovation across the work of the Organization, and highlighted the importance of strengthening innovation at regional level in FAO.

The FAO chief and the US Secretary also touched upon the important role that the private sector, civil society, academia and others have to play in supporting global efforts to enhance agriculture and food systems.

In this context, QU and Perdue agreed that the Food Systems Summit 2021 provides a critical opportunity to garner further commitment and direction on how to address world hunger and to bring broad-based public awareness of the global challenges we face.