Director-General QU Dongyu

Programme and Finance Committees voice support to proposed Strategic Framework and new private sector strategy


13 November 2020, Rome – The FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, today delivered closing remarks in the final session of the Joint Meeting of the 129th Session of the Programme Committee and the 183rd Session of the Finance Committee. Over the last five days, Members of both Committees discussed programmatic and substantive issues related to FAO’s work, particularly the FAO’s new Strategic Framework 2022 – 2031 and the new Strategy for Private Sector Engagement.

The Director-General thanked Members for their contributions, professionalism, commitment and deep thinking on FAO’s work, highlighting that working with transparency and looking at the same issues from different angles are important for FAO to change its business model, and for strengthening the transformative agenda that has been introduced in the Organization to make it more dynamic, more deliverable and more tangible. 

Qu appreciated the positive reactions and comments from Members on the new Strategic Framework, and the new Strategy for Private Sector Engagement. 

The Report of the Joint Meeting welcomed the inclusive and transparent consultation process in the development of the new Strategic Framework, as well as the application of cross-cutting/cross sectoral accelerators in programme interventions, such as technology, innovation and data. 

Members also noted that the Strategic Framework builds on the momentum of transformations already taking place in the Organization, including structural reforms at headquarters, various activities including the Hand-in-Hand Initiative, and the programmatic approach showcased by the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme.

In relation to the new Strategy for Private Sector Engagement, the Joint Meeting welcomed a more agile, transparent and proactive process to engage with the private sector, and the importance of building trust with private sector entities. 

Members also stressed that the new Strategy should place great emphasis on ensuring engagement with a balanced, broad and geographically diverse range of private sector actors, with significant emphasis on micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). 

The Director-General shared his thoughts on the relevance of solidarity, development and inclusiveness, in order to make FAO more efficient and effective in supporting its Members.

He affirmed that Management and Members should always be putting themselves in the others' shoes, understand each other and work in a transparent and constructive way. 

Qu noted that the challenge of development is not only related to developing countries, but to all countries, as exemplified by the global consensus around Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals. He highlighted the importance of designing strategies in a coherent and holistic way, based on the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, social and environmental), involving Members and different sectors.

In terms of inclusiveness, the Director-General said it is key to narrow the gap between rich and poor, urban and rural areas, as well as women and men. For that, he advocated for inclusive policies, common benchmarks and special differentiation treatment. 

“Every organization and every country need a group of people with big heart and passion, and finally we can build up a real community,” he said, highlighting that FAO is a big family and “it is time to understand each other, take care of each other for a better world”. 

More on the Joint Meeting

The Joint Meeting also discussed issues related to FAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme; FAO’s response to COVID-19; measures to prevent harassment, sexual harassment and authority abuse; UN Rome-based collaboration; as well as the establishment of the Committee of Agriculture’s Sub-Committee on Livestock.

The Joint Meeting was chaired by the Permanent Representative of the Netherlands, Ambassador Hans Hoogeveen, Chair of the Programme Committee. The Independent Chairperson of the FAO Council, Khalid Mehboob as well as the Alternate Permanent Representative of Uruguay, Imelda Smolcic, Chair of the Finance Committee, also participated in the Joint Meeting. 

The Joint Meeting’s Report will be submitted to the 165th Session of FAO Council, which will meet from 30 November to 4 December.