Bilateral meeting with H.E. Badr Abdelatty, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt

©FAO/Cristiano Minichiello.
Rome - The FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, met with H.E. Badr Abdelatty, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt at FAO headquarters in Rome.
The Director-General welcomed the Minister to FAO and congratulated him on his recent appointment, expressing FAO’s appreciation for the continued support of the Government of Egypt to FAO, including through hosting the Regional Office of FAO in Cairo.
The Director-General also referred to his visit to Egypt in March 2024 and congratulated the Government of Egypt on its continued efforts to transform agrifood systems and advance sustainable development.
H.E Minister Abdelatty conveyed the appreciation of the Government of Egypt for the ongoing cooperation between FAO and Egypt, including through South-South Cooperation in African countries. He also commended FAO’s increasing role in transforming agrifood systems globally, and in providing emergency and resilience support.
The Director-General and the Minister also discussed the humanitarian situation in Gaza, Lebanon and Sudan and agreed to coordinate their efforts to alleviate the humanitarian situation there, in line with FAO’s mandate.
The Minister further indicated that Egypt was currently playing an important role as a hub for grains and humanitarian assistance in the region, and the Director-General indicated FAO’s willingness to provide technical assistance as needed.
The pair agreed to continue the collaboration and to further consolidate the excellent relations.