Director-General QU Dongyu

FAO continues to do more and better, but needs more resources QU Dongyu tells Council

FAO Director-General QU Dongyu and Hans Hoogeveen, Independent Chairperson of FAO Council.

©FAO/Alessia Pierdomenico

Rome – FAO Director-General  QU Dongyu today thanked Members of the FAO Council for their support and recognition of the achievements of FAO over the past biennium.

“We aim to do even more and better in the coming years, building on the outcomes and lessons learned in 2022-23,” he said in remarks closing the 175th Session of the Council, a key governing body.

The week-long Session allowed Members to discuss a variety of matters, ranging from FAO’s Programme Implementation Report to the new Science, Technology and Innovation Portal. A component of FAO’s Science and Innovation Strategy, the portal will help FAO collaborate more effectively and make actionable information accessible to a broader audience, particularly women and youth, the Director-General said.

A major topic was also geared to strengthening FAO’s Country Office Network to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, agility and flexibility on the ground. To this end, Qu pledged the Organization’s commitment to work closer with host countries on how best to take action forward.

The Director-General noted that FAO is at the forefront of global efforts to respond to the global food insecurity crisis, but “we have a big gap and need more money,” he said, underscoring that, as of the end of May 2023, only 13.1 percent of the $2.1 billion that FAO requested to assist 49 million people in 2024 has been funded.

In this context he welcomed the support expressed by Members to the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA), noting that in 2023, thanks to the flexibility and speed offered by SFERA, FAO was able to provide early assistance to vulnerable populations.

Looking ahead

During discussions the Council underlined the critical role of data and information to enhancing market transparency and the importance of trade and agrifood trading systems that are considerate of food security objectives.

“We need to continue emphasizing the importance of a free, non-destructive and reliable trading system,” the Director-General said, noting that Members had clearly recognized the need for more financial resources to meet current challenges and that the current levels of investment in agrifood systems are not sufficient to eradicate hunger.

He also welcomed robust and widespread demand for the Hand-in-Hand Initiative, noting that 70 Members have now signed up and that two more countries – the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Independent State of Samoa – had asked to join this week.

Qu also thanked Council Members for their interest and support in expand in the use of South-South and Triangular Cooperation to share best practices and knowledge and to support the use of more innovation and technologies, saying this is a priority that FAO will continue to focus on.

“Every challenge presents an opportunity,” he concluded. “Let us be prepared in advance and be ready to change.”