Director-General QU Dongyu

168th Session of the Council Closing Remarks

by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General


168th Session of the Council

Closing Remarks


Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General

As prepared

3 December 2021 


Mr Hans Hoogeveen, Independent Chair of the Council,

Distinguished Delegates, Dear Colleagues,

1.         This week’s hybrid meetings were the first time for ICC to conduct the Council session with many substantive agenda items and with a number of new Council Members. All your debates and thought-provoking ideas would be appreciated.


2.         They reflected Members’ perspectives on key areas of work of the Organization, especially on FAO two thematic strategies e.g. Climate change, Science and innovation.


3.         And most importantly highlighted common concerns with compromises.


4.         As we start with the implementation of FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31, we need to move from wording to action,


5.         We need to learn together and work together as we take bold steps forward to achieve FAO’s mandate.


6.         The Mandate that, like at no other time in recent history, is so critically important for the wellbeing and livelihood of people, planet, family farmers, women and youth.


7.         2022 will be marked by EXTRAORDINARY efforts leading to EXTRAORDINARY results,


8.         Transforming our agrifood systems to be more efficient, more inclusive, more resilient and more sustainable under overarch of Four Betters and ensure a better food security for a better future for all.


9.         Our actions are our future!


10.       Let us continue to be prudently optimistic as we build back better - globally, nationally and locally.


11.       Let us continue to be prudent in following the pandemic health measures in place to ensure the health and safety of all of us.


12.       I wish to thank the ICC, Hans Hoogeveen, for his coordination and management during this challenging week.


13.       I thank the Council members for their cooperation and contributions.


14.       I wish you all a healthy and happy holiday!


15.       Thank you.