Director-General QU Dongyu

37th FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC37) Closing Remarks

by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General


37th FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC37)

Closing Remarks


Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General

As prepared 

1 April 2022


Your Excellency, Minister Pedro Álava González, Chairperson of the Regional Conference


Ladies and Gentlemen,


1.         Congratulations to all participants, whether physically here in Quito, or connected virtually.


2.         This regional conference has taken place at a difficult moment in history.


3.         Over the past days, you have discussed and exchanged views on how the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 can support you to successfully address the many challenges facing agrifood systems in the region, and globally.


4.         These include:


•          the social and economic consequences of the pandemic;

•          rising prices of staple foods, fertilizers and other inputs;

•          the climate crisis and the erosion of biodiversity on land and in our oceans;

•          deforestation and water scarcity; and

•          persistent poverty and rising food insecurity.


5.         Today, the Latin America and the Caribbean region produces enough food to feed 1.3 billion people – one sixth of the Earth’s inhabitants.


6.         Maintaining the same proportion, by 2050 the region will need to produce enough food to feed 1.6 billion - 300 million more than today.


7.         It is therefore critical to ensure better production and better nutrition, with a better environment and a better life for all, leaving no one behind.


8.         During this regional conference, you have discussed the innovations and the multilateral actions that will allow you to harness the full power of science and technology,


9.         As well as the important potential of partnerships and inclusivity to collectively address the challenges ahead.


10.       As this regional conference comes to an end, my messages to you are simple:


11.       First, Latin America and the Caribbean can and must step up to these challenges and move to the forefront of global food and agriculture - the food security of the world requires it.


12.       And second, the best way to do this is by transforming your agrifood systems to make them more efficient, more inclusive, more resilient and more sustainable.


Dear Friends,


13.       You have laid out your regional roadmap to achieve this transformation through the 3 regional priorities you have endorsed.


14.       These regional priorities are the roots that will plant the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 firmly in the fertile soils of this region.


15.       The successful transformation of the region’s agrifood systems will require your ownership, your political commitment, and your action plans.


16.       You must take leadership, because FAO is your Organization and is fully committed to your priorities.


17.       I one again wish to thank the government and the people of Ecuador for hosting us,


18.       And for the excellent collaboration during the preparations that led to this successful regional conference.


19.       I wish to thank all of you for your support, for your active participation, fruitful and successful deliberations,


20.       And for coming together as One Region – One FAO!


21.       Let us continue to work together in an efficient, effective and coherent manner to achieve extraordinary results!


22.       Thank you.