Director-General QU Dongyu

High Level Political Forum 2020: Ending hunger and achieving food security

by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General


High Level Political Forum 2020 
Ending hunger and achieving food security
Speech by the FAO Director-General, Dr. QU Dongyu 

Tuesday, 7 July 2020, 3:00 PM-4:00 PM

Check against delivery

Good evening from Rome.
Moderator, it is my pleasure to be part of this panel, as the timing is very important.
Last year, about 2 billion people in the world didn’t have regular access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food.
The poor and extremely poor are the most affected –children, women and indigenous peoples being the most vulnerable.
The pandemic is worsening these trends.
Conflicts are still the key threat for food security and good nutrition. Approximately 490 million undernourished live in the countries affected by conflict.
So you can see how all this international scenario is affecting them.
How to leave no one behind. And that is a basic right, human right, which is getting enough food, food for all.
So the SDGs have four P: people centered, prosperity, partnership and planet.  So we have to revisit and rethink the four P and how to work together.
I also think that currently, production and consumption patterns are not sustainable.
The transformation of agro-food systems needs to address the root causes of hunger, food insecurity, inequality, unsustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems, including biodiversity –all at the same time.
So change, we have to change and changes need to happen in three interconnected ways:
First, change the way food is produced, processed and distributed along the value chain.
Second, change dietary patterns towards healthy diets.
Shaping demand for safe, diverse, and nutritious foods and transforming urban food systems may also drive changes in what and how food is produced.
And third, reduce inequalities and ensure access to healthy diets for all.
We have to address the small island states, landlocked least developed countries. That’s why when I came into office as the FAO DG, I established a special office for that and the department of Innovation. So I started the Office for Innovation.
Just this week, we are going to finish our Council and we are going to approve the new Office for SDGs. So in our FAO system we work together with member countries, to address SDGs as a whole, holistic approach.
So I think with the Hand-in-Hand initiative we want to build with all key partners: international organizations, UN system organizations, private sectors, governments, civil societies, and academia, all on the same page.
So I think with that, innovation is the most essential solution, investment is the basic, and enabling policy is very important.
And then, we have got all the young farmers empowered. And with all the international cooperation and partnership, we can solve this problem: leave no one behind, end hunger, and for a better world.
Thank you.