Director-General QU Dongyu

SAMOA Pathway Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue Roundtable 2: Priorities, Solutions and the Way Forward

by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General


27 September 2019

SAMOA Pathway Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue Roundtable 2: “Priorities, Solutions and the Way Forward”

 Thank you, your excellency.

First of all,​ I would like to recall all the audience here to recognize the values of SIDS countries. Because a lot of people consider that SIDS are small islands, but we are the UN. We consider the whole territory of SIDS, which includes land and ocean. ​

So, food security and nutrition must be a priority for Small Island Developing States, where climate change, the isolation of islands, insufficient land resources and a change in diets have contributed to an increase in malnutrition and non-communicable diseases. This is affecting the health of the population and productivity. Launched in 2017, the Global Action Programme on Food Security and Nutrition speaks to these challenges and is a direct response to the call of the SAMOA Pathway. FAO stands ready to increase its support to strengthen inter-sectoral coordination and policy processes in SIDS to help governments deliver better food security and nutrition outcomes.

In the Pacific, together with the European Union, FAO is working with countries under its FIRST programme to support evidence-based policies and programmes complemented by long-term investments. In the Caribbean, school feeding programmes, climate resilient farming practices, and insurance systems were improved by experience sharing between SIDS, and facilitated by FAO.

Across the SIDS, we are working with regional agencies to reduce illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. We are also committed to strengthening match-making partnerships among Member States through our new initiative, so called Hand-in-Hand initiative, more vulnerable SIDS will benefit from increased and better targeted investment in the next 4 years. There is much to do. But only by working together can we support SIDS communities to build the value chains by collective actions.

You can count on FAO, who will play the key role as facilitator and promoter. We can offer a tailor-made and digital service to vulnerable regions. Let’s deliver together and help vulnerable SIDS to be stronger and happier.

Thank you.