Director-General QU Dongyu

MEETING OF THE G20 FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTERS’ MEETING - Session 2: Global Governance Reform Statement

by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General

22/02/2024 , (Brazil)

FAO commends Brazil for continuing the dialogue initiated by the Indonesian G20 Presidency.

The G20 is an important venue for consensus-building on economic cooperation.

The food and energy price trends that followed the COVID-19, natural disasters, as well as ongoing conflicts and wars, have hit the world in a moment of profound vulnerability in the aftermath of the pandemic.

The consequences of overlapping crises affected food availability, accessibility, and affordability, beyond traditional hunger hotspots.

The capability of countries to assist their populations was sharply undermined by interrupting supply chains, increasing debt levels, falling revenues, and depreciating currencies.

We need a global governance system which is fit-for-purpose, works in an efficient, effective, and coherent manner, is accountable to its members, and fully aligned and committed to achieve all the SDGs.

And when it comes to hunger and poverty, it must prioritize people, while also protecting the planet. Agrifood systems are solutions based on science and data.

For this reason, we need THE NEW FAO we are building with an endorsed new Strategic Framework 2022-31, and implementing more action plans. For example, FAO started at COP27 and culminated at COP28 by launching a Global Roadmap for Achieving SDG2 without breaching the 1.5C threshold.

This Global Roadmap aims to make the case that accelerated climate actions can transform agrifood systems and help to achieve good, nutritious food for all for today and tomorrow.

FAO continues to be committed to supporting Members in this transformation, to achieve food security and provide access to healthy diets for all, for a better future.

FAO’s role as a professional facilitator serving 194 Members, provides a unique platform for governments, academic institutions, civil society, the private sector, and key partners for exchange of knowledge and dialogues.

It is a key pillar for the global governance of food security and rural development and provides a platform for negotiations and consultations by Members that can shape global agrifood systems.

We work together with other actors for the sound global governance architecture in a coordinated way to eradicate hunger and ensure good, nutritious foods for all. That’s why I appreciate Brazil’s leadership in launching the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty.

This governance structure includes:

Besides FAO, other existing UN agencies, including IFAD, WFP and WHO, as well as other relevant international organizations and development partners, and International Financial Institutions (IFIs).

This includes, for example, FAO’s close collaboration with the World Bank during the past 60 years, and other IFIs that are critical for reaching greater impact at scale.

The World Trade Organization negotiations offer an important opportunity to strengthen the multilateral trading system and to deepen the agricultural reform process to correct and prevent restrictions and distortions in agricultural markets.

I want to wish good luck to my colleagues at WTO for a smooth convening of the Ministerial Conference next week.

FAO will continue to work together with all global partners within the global governance structure for the Four Betters: better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind,

In support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs. We need to walk the talk and action now. No matter a black cat or a white cat, it will be a good cat once it can catch a mouse!

At FAO, we are following the approach of the “Four Rs V1.0”: Recovery, Reform, Rebuild and Renaissance of the Organization for a better world. I need your support and cooperation.

Thank you.