Acotanc-2001: 9th australasian conference on tree and nut crops
16th commonwealth forestry conference
Urban green space in the 21st century - urban greening as a development tool
Building bridges with traditional knowledge
Appalachian herb gathering (growing, conserving and using our native plants)
Workshop on the role of bamboo in disaster avoidance
International seminar on protected area management
17th international seminar on forest and natural resources administration and management
Conservación de la biodiversidad en los Andes y la Amazonia - Reuniendo a científicos, ONGs e indígenas
International conference on advancing community forestry: innovations and scaling up experiences
Séminaire international - forestry meets the public
VII world international bamboo congress
IUFRO conference - collecting and analysing information for sustainable forest management and biodiversity monitoring with special reference to mediterranean ecosystems
Alternative ways to combat desertification: connecting community action with science and common sense

Acotanc-2001: 9th australasian conference on tree and nut crops

Perth, Australia,
13-20 April 2001

The conference theme will be "Tree crops: essential for the earth".
MiniAcs (half-day to three-day miniconferences on specialist topics) will be held from 14 to 16 April. Most will be organized in conjunction with Australian specialist groups. The following are among the topics expected to be covered: almonds; bush tucker (Australian native plant foods); cactus fruits; chestnuts; environmental integration of tree crops; permaculture etc.; hazelnuts; essences and industrial oils from perennial plants; macadamias; medicines from Australian plants; new approaches to traditional fruits; olives and other perennial plant oils; pecans; pistachios; propagation of tree crop plants; specialist and cabinet timbers; quandongs and sandalwood; tree crops for saline and arid lands; tropical fruits and nuts; unusual temperate fruits and nuts; and walnuts.

Prominent tree crop experts from major world regions (e.g. the United States, China, New Zealand, Chile, Israel, the Philippines, Brazil and Brunei) are expected to attend and participate in the MiniAcs - a chance for global exchange and update of information on vital topics.

For more information, please contact:
David Noël, Director, Tree Crops Centre, Acotanc-2001 Conference Secretariat, PO Box 27, Subiaco, WA 6008, Australia.
Fax +61 8 9388 1852;
[email protected];

16th commonwealth forestry conference

Fremantle, Perth, Western Australia
18-25 April 2001

For more information, please contact:

Commonwealth Forestry Association, Oxford Forestry Institute,
South Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3RB, UK.
Fax: +44 1865 275074;
[email protected]

Urban green space in the 21st century - urban greening as a development tool

St Petersburg, Russian Federation
28-31 May 2001

For more information, please contact:
Dr Irina Melnichuk.
[email protected]

Building bridges with traditional knowledge

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
28 May-3 June 2001

Conference themes cover:
Ethnobiological research
Cultural diversity and property rights
Biodiversity and development
Traditional and biological conservation.

For more information, please contact:
Building Bridges Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Fax: +1 808 956 3923;
: [email protected]


Appalachian herb gathering (growing, conserving and using our native plants)

Ohio, USA
23-24 June 2001

The Rural Action Sustainable Forestry Program is planning a conference, in partnership with the National Center for the Preservation of Medicinal Herbs and United Plant Savers, that will be of benefit to landowners who are concerned with becoming economically sustainable on their woodlands while at the same time protecting the environment. This is mainly accomplished through the use of special forest products (also known as non-timber forest products).

The topics to be covered include:

Growing forest and field herbs
Wild-simulated ginseng
Using medicinal herbs.

For more information, please contact:
Cynthia Brunty, Rural Action Forestry Program.
Fax: +1 740 767 4938;
[email protected]

Workshop on the role of bamboo in disaster avoidance

30 July-3 August 2001

The workshop will be jointly sponsored by the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) and the Government of Ecuador and will be held in conjunction with the International Bamboo Fair.

An international list of speakers - including researchers, administrators, policy-makers, resource managers, material and equipment suppliers, manufacturers, and bamboo land and house users - will discuss the role and potential uses and the R&D activities required to enhance and promote the role of bamboo.

At the same time, the International Bamboo Fair will give resource owners, producers, product manufacturers and suppliers and business people an opportunity to exhibit their products and promote marketing for their bamboo products and services.

The fair will feature a wide range of bamboo product exhibits and business opportunities and provide services for trade talks for people from different parts of the world.

The workshop will feature technical and poster presentations, discussions on:

· Biological and ecological characteristics of bamboo forest and products in disaster avoidance.
Bamboo to rehabilitate degraded land.
Use of bamboo to sustain riverbanks and erosion control slope.
Characteristics of wind-resistance and earthquake-resistance bamboo housing.
Development of new structure of disaster-resistance housing.

For more information, please contact:
Mr Lou Yiping, INBAR, Branch Box 155, PO Box 9799, Beijing 100101, China.
Fax: +86 10 64956962;
[email protected];

International seminar on protected area management

Montana, USA
9-25 August 2001

This seminar is hosted by the University of Montana in collaboration with Colorado State University and the University of Idaho. Participants will discuss and see examples of innovative approaches to critical protected area management issues, including resource assessment and planning tools, techniques to address visitor interests and impacts, and mechanisms to reconcile resource protection with development pressures.

For further information on this seminar, please contact:
Dr James A. Burchfield, University
of Montana, Missoula,
MT 59812-0002, USA.
E-mail: [email protected];

17th international seminar on forest and natural resources administration and management

Colorado, USA
26 August-13 September 2001

The seminar was hosted by Colorado State University's College of Natural Resources.

In the past, more than 405 managers from 110 nations have attended this seminar, which focuses on strategies and methods to develop, manage and conserve natural resources for the sustained delivery of goods and services to meet the full range of human needs.

For more information, please contact:
Ms Ann Keith.
[email protected];

Conservación de la biodiversidad en los Andes y la Amazonia - Reuniendo a científicos, ONGs e indígenas

Cuzco, Perú
24-28 de Septiembre de 2001

Organizado por:

Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas - CBC, Cuzco, Perú;
Fundación Científica San Francisco - FCSF, Del Mar (Estados Unidos), Loja (Ecuador), Munich (Alemania);
Red Internacional para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad y la Diversidad Cultural - INKA, Munich, Alemania.

El congreso internacional e interdisciplinario tratará de la conservación de la biodiversidad en los Andes y la Amazonia con énfasis en el Ecuador, el Perú y Bolivia, países albergan una enorme riqueza cultural y biológica. Sin embargo, todos los diversos ecosistemas, desde los bosques húmedos de la cuenca amazónica hasta los bosques andinos, se encuentran amenazados. Su destrucción continúa a pesar de que ya existe suficiente conocimiento acerca de la importancia y el valor de esos ecosistemas.

El congreso ofrece la posibilidad de reunir los diferentes actores involucrados en la conservación de la biodiversidad: científicos, ONGs, poblaciones locales y grupos indígenas. El intercambio de conocimientos y el debate sobre las deficiencias actuales que muestra la cooperación entre ciencia, ONGs y organizaciones indígenas, podría facilitar el desarrollo de estrategias comunes más efectivas para la conservación de la naturaleza y el manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales.

Sesiones del congreso
Son seis los temas de las sesiones principales:

1. diversidad de especies en las regiones tropicales, con énfasis en el Ecuador, el Perú y Bolivia;
2. biodiversidad y los servicios de los ecosistemas;
3. uso sostenible de recursos naturales;
4. uso y valor de los productos no madereros;
5. manejo de parques naturales y áreas protegidas;
6. oportunidades y riesgos del ecoturismo en comunidades indígenas.

Para más información, dirigirse a:
Secretaría del Congreso, Sigrun Lang, INKA e.V., Gravelottestr., 6,
81667 Munich, Alemania.
Fax: +49 89 45911920;correo electrónico:
[email protected] ;
o a:
Eliana Rivera, Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas, Av. Tullumayo 465, Cuzco, Perú.
Fax: +51 84 241319;
correo electrónico:
[email protected];

International conference on advancing community forestry: innovations and scaling up experiences

Chiang Mai, Thailand
25-28 September 2001

The conference is being organized by the Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC), FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO/RAP), the International Center for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and the Sustainable Management of Resources in the Lower Mekong Basin Project (SMRP) MRC/GTZ.

Diverse forms of community-based forest management have been developed throughout the Asian region and some countries have already institutionalized such systems through legislation or other enabling forms. The conference will examine critically the emerging policy, institutional and local innovations that are driving community forestry forwards and provide an excellent opportunity to identify and share lessons learned and challenges in community forestry.

For more information, please contact:
Dr Somsak Sukwong, Executive Director, Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC), Kasetsart University, PO Box 1111, Bangkok 10903, Thailand.
Fax: +662 561 4880;
[email protected];

Séminaire international - forestry meets the public

Rüttihubelbad, Suisse
8-11 octobre 2001

Le séminaire est organisé par le Comité mixte FAO/CEE/OIT de la technologie, de la gestion et de la formation forestières, avec la participation de l'UIIRF.
Le séminaire vise à répondre aux questions suivantes:
Que signifient relations publiques et éducation en matière d'environnement dans la foresterie?
Sont-elles nécessaires?
Quels sont les groupes cibles?
Quel message la foresterie tente-t-elle de faire passer?
Qui sont les "messagers", quelles institutions sont impliquées?
Quels sont les moyens et les médias qui peuvent faire passer efficacement ces messages?
Quelle est l'efficacité de cette communication et comment peut-on en évaluer l'impact?
Quelles sont les carences et comment peut-on améliorer les liens entre relations publiques et éducation en matière d'environnement dans la foresterie?

Pour plus de détails, veuillez contacter:
Martin Büchel, Chef du secteur des bases et formation, Direction fédérale des forêts, CH-3003 Berne, Suisse.
Télécopie: +41 31 324 7866;
mél.: [email protected]

VII world international bamboo congress

Dehra Dun, India
12-17 November 2001

The conference is a triennial gathering of representatives from 37 countries. Sponsored and organized by a cooperation of bamboo peoples, the name of this conference incorporates both the International Bamboo Association (IBA) and the International Network of Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) events.
Bamboo forests are a main component of Asian and South American upland watersheds.
Currently planners are trying to gauge worldwide interest in bamboo conservation issues.
A basic outline of the proposed meeting programme is listed on the International Bamboo Association Web site (www.bamboo.org.au/iba/).

For more information, please contact:
V. Ramanuja Rao, INBAR Programs Coordinator.
E-mail: [email protected]; or
Susanne Lucas, IBA Representative.
[email protected]  

IUFRO conference - collecting and analysing information for sustainable forest management and biodiversity monitoring with special reference to mediterranean ecosystems

Palermo, Sicily, Italy
4-6 December 2001

The conference is intended to give participants hands-on workshop exchanges and experiences about inventory/monitoring problems and potential. Special (but not exclusive) reference will be made to Mediterranean forest and other wooded ecosystems, and techniques such as remote sensing and spatial analysis in the GIS environment. In Mediterranean countries, reliable and internationally comparable information on forest health and protection, wildfires and biodiversity are largely missing or unsatisfactory. This state is in contrast with the wood production-oriented information characteristically provided by current forest inventory and monitoring procedures.

In the light of these important issues, the major objectives of this conference will be to:

· review the state of the art of forest inventory data and methodology, with special reference to Mediterranean ecosystems, remote sensing and spatial analysis;
review inventory/monitoring techniques relevant to high forest landscape heterogeneity and forthcoming technologies;
review mensuration and information technology advances for distinctive issues such as monitoring wildfires, biomass estimation in coppices and dwarf maquis stands and grazing pressure on forests;
discuss the possible connecting role of landscape ecology and the inventory implementation of habitat classification approaches with a view to biodiversity assessment;
facilitate cooperation between Mediterranean countries, enhancing externalities perspective development as the greater contribution to natural and seminatural areas management in such environments; and
produce a summary of discussions and conclusions to be included in the conference proceedings.

For more information, please contact:
Dr Giuseppe Garfì, Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze 11, 90128 Palermo, Italy.
Fax +39 091 6521098;
[email protected];

Alternative ways to combat desertification: connecting community action with science and common sense

Cape Town, South Africa/Rural Communities and Gobabeb, Namibia
8-20 April 2002

An international symposium, rural community interaction and workshop.

For more information, please visit the Internet site:
or contact:
Ms Roben Penny, Woodbine,
Essex Road, Kalk Bay, 7975 Cape Town, South Africa.
Tel./Fax: +27 21 788 1285;
: [email protected] ; or
Ms Mary Seely, Desert Research Foundation of Namibia, PO Box 20232, Windhoek, Namibia.
Fax: +264 61 230 172;
[email protected] or
Mr Beaumont C. McClure, Special Assistant for International Programs, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona State Office, 222 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004, USA.
Fax: +1 602 417 9398;
[email protected]
