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Alaska HoneyBee Home Page

AllAfrica Global Media is the leading provider of African news and information worldwide, through news feeds to institutional and agency clients and through They post more than 700 new stories daily from more than 100 African media organizations and from their own award-winning reporters.

ANDA International

This site covers the conservation and development of the natural, historic and cultural resources of the Amazon.

Australia's Fungimap

Cloud forests

Launched by Strybing Arboretum, this is an educational site filled with interesting images, resources and information.


American Indian Ethnology Database

This is an electronic database containing food, drug, dye, fibre and other plants used by native North American peoples (a total of over 47 000 items); 291 Native American groups and 3 895 species from 243 different plant families are represented.

Biodiversity Rights Legislation (BRL)

GRAIN has just revamped the Biodiversity Rights Legislation (BRL) section of its Web site. The BRL is a full-text online database of laws and agreements defining rights over biodiversity in developing countries.

Gender and Sustainable Development Resource Directory

This database places a focus on resources produced in the global South. Subjects include Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Environment and Health.

Searchable World Wide Web Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database

The PLANTS Database

The PLANTS Database is a single source of standardized information about plants and focuses on vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts and lichens of the United States and its territories.


European Forest Institute

Interesting and new publications on forest certification can be downloaded from the European Forest Institute's Certification Information System (CIS) site. is a comprehensive source of information on American forestry and forest products sectors.

Forest Health and Silviculture Images

More than 3 500 images of more than 800 insects, diseases, plants, wildlife and management practices taken by over 150 photographers are now available online.

Forestry Images

A joint venture by the US Forest Service and the University of Georgia, Forestry Images holds nearly 4 500 colour .jpeg images of forest plants, insects, silvicultural practices, invasive organisms and general natural scenes.

This new Web site contains comprehensive coverage of the world's scientific literature in forestry and related disciplines - dating back to 1939. The database contains more than 600 000 research summaries, with more than 20 000 new additions each year.


This World Bank site summarizes knowledge and experience, provides gender statistics and facilitates discussion on gender and development.

Glossary of Biodiversity Terms

Governments on the Web

This site gives a complete listing of every government Web site (including local governments, embassies, political parties).

Green Nature

Herb Data New Zealand

The art and science of herbal medicines.

Herb Research Foundation

A source of science-based information on the health benefits and safety of herbs that contains more than 300 000 scientific articles.

INASP (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications)

INASP is a cooperative network of partners aiming to improve worldwide access to information.


NWFP Bibliography

FAO NWFP Programme's home page contains an extensive bibliography, which includes all the publications listed in previous issues of Non-Wood News. Readers are requested to send any additional bibliographic listings to the NWFP Programme
([email protected]).



Lasting Forests

This site is devoted to improving rural, wildland, and natural resource management by providing useful information, concepts and ideas, as well as links for students, practitioners and landowners.

Macrofungi of Costa Rica

Medicinal Plant Specialist Group (MPSG) of the IUCN Species Survival Commission

This site includes recent issues of the MPSG newsletter, Medicinal Plant Conservation.

Midwest Special Forest Products

Mountain voices

An online archive of in-depth interviews with mountain people around the world.

Networks or newsletters



The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund is a joint initiative of Conservation International, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan, the MacArthur Foundation and the World Bank. A fundamental goal is to ensure the civil society is engaged in biodiversity conservation. Their free monthly e-newsletter, CEPF E-News, includes the latest details about CEPF activities and opportunities.

Community Forestry Resource Center (CFRC)

The cfc-news listserve highlights events, activities and resources for individuals and groups interested in independent third-party certification of family forests and wood.
To subscribe, please send an email to [email protected]. In the body of the message type: [subscribe cfc-news]. For more information about CFRC, please or

Herbolaria Mexicana y Mercados verdes herbolario

Herbolaria Mexicana y Mercados verdes herbolario son los boletines electrónicos de la Red Mexicana de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (REDMEXPLAM) y de la Subred Iberoamericana para el Comercio Justo de Plantas Medicinales y sus derivados (RICOPLAM-RIPROFITO). Los dos boletines llegan actualmente a más de 2 000 suscriptores entre América Latina, Europa y Estados Unidos.

Para recibir ambos los boletines es necesario enviar los datos personales completos así como los de la empresa, organización o institución para la que se trabaja a cualquiera de las siguientes direcciones electrónicas: [email protected];
[email protected]

NWFP North America initiative

An initiative is under way in North America to get non-timber forest products more integrated into forest research and management institutions. A NTFP listserve has been started to serve as a forum to exchange information concerning these products. To join, please visit:

Phytomedica Network

The PHYTOMEDICA forum is an interactive e-mail discussion and learning process on the sustainable use and conservation of medicinal plants, the development of phytomedicines and other related natural products. Phytomedica now has 800 members (French- and English-speaking groups combined) and is managed by Conserve Africa Foundation.

To join, please send a blank e-mail to:

[email protected]

For more information, please contact:

[email protected]


RIL-Afrique-L est un bulletin électronique sur les pratiques d'exploitation forestière à faible impact et durable en Afrique. Il est l'expression d'un réseau de communications, d'échanges et de discussions entre les différents acteurs du secteur forestier (professionnels ou non) et il s'adresse plus particulièrement à l'Afrique francophone.
Tous les numéros de RIL-Afrique-L sont disponibles sur le site Web de la FAO à l'adresse:

Pour plus de détails, veuillez contacter:

Laura Russo: [email protected]

Sacred Earth Newsletter

The Sacred Earth Newletter is a free Ezine which aims at a six-weekly publication cycle. It contains articles, news and reviews on all things herbal and/or ethnobotanical.

To subscribe, please send an e-mail to:

The North Island NTFP Demonstration Project Newsletters

NWFP articles

Pankaj Oudhia works on medicinal herbs and insects in India and regularly writes articles based on ethnobotanical surveys. His many articles can be found on his Web site.

Products made from wood (including NWFPs)

• What's a Tree Done for You Lately?
• Project Learning Tree

• The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension lists more than 5 000 products made from wood.


SciDevNet is a new Web site devoted to news and information on issues in science and technology relevant to developing countries. It is sponsored by Nature and Science, in association with the Third World Academy of Sciences, and carries a special section on intellectual property issues.

Science in Africa

Africa's first online science magazine. Ii includes a section on medicinal plants and indigenous knowledge.

Sustainable Development Online (SDO)

SDO is a Web portal on sustainable development, updated weekly with ±1 700 Web sites and currently less than 1 percent of broken links. It is continually updated and maintained and each Web site listed has been visited by one of SDO's researchers. If you have a web site that you would like to be listed, please submit it to SDO and one of their researchers will follow it up. In addition, there are 410 courses listed on SDO - 64 are courses that can be undertaken online at your own pace and convenience.
E-mail: [email protected]

Success Stories of Sustainable Forestry

The United States Development Agency (USDA), in cooperation with the National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils, has just launched an interactive Web site that will collect and make available Success Stories of Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Community Development activities and projects, both domestic and international (with US partnerships).

The ginseng page

Trade in NWFP and Botanicals

This is an annotated collection of guidelines, standards and regulations for trade in non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and botanicals.

Universities Worldwide

This site includes hotlines to 6 287 universities in 169 countries. Universities not included in the listing can be added.

Wild Canada is pioneering innovative ways to protect Canada's wildlands and wildlife.

World Agroforestry Center

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