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Agrawal, A. 2005. Environmentality: community, intimate government and the making of environmental subjects in Kumaon, India. Current Anthropology, 46(2): 161–190.

Akinnifesi, F.K., Kwesiga, F., Mhango, J., Chilanga, T., Mkonda, A., Kadu, C.A.C., Kadzere, I., Mithofer, D., Saka, J.D.K., Sileshi, G., Ramadhani, T. & Dhliwayo, P. 2006. Towards the development of miombo fruit trees as commercial tree crops in southern Africa. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 16(1).

Aravind, N.A., Manjunath, J., Rao, D., Ganeshaiah, K.N., Shaanker, R.U. & Vanaraj, G. 2005. Are red-listed species threatened? A comparative analysis of red-listed and non-red-listed plant species in the Western Ghats, India. Curr. Sci., 88(2): 258–265.

Badola, R. & Hussain, S.A. 2005. Valuing ecosystem functions: an empirical study on the storm protection function of the Bhitarkanika mangrove ecosystem, India. Environ. Conserv., 32(1): 85–92.

Baquero, F., Sierra, R.L., Ordóñez, M., Tipán, L., Espinosa, M.B., Rivera,
F. y Soria, P.
2004. La vegetación de los Andes del Ecuador. Memoria explicativa de los mapas de vegetación: potencial y remanente a escala 1:250.000 y del modelamiento predictivo con especies indicadoras. EcoCiencia/CESLA/Corporación EcoPar/MAG SIGAGRO/CDC – Jatun Sacha/División Geográfica – IGM. Quito.

Berglund, H. & Jonsson, B.G. 2005. Verifying an extinction debt among lichens and fungi in northern Swedish boreal forests. Conserv. Biol., 19(2): 338–348.

Bermingham, E., Dick, C.W. & Moritz, C., eds. 2005. Tropical rainforests: past, present and future. Chicago, United States, University of Chicago Press. 672 pp.

Bhagwat, S.A., Kushalappa, C.G., Williams, P.H. & Brown, N.D. 2005. The role of informal protected areas in maintaining biodiversity in the Western Ghats of India. Ecol. Soc., [online], 10(1): 8.

Bongers, F. & Parren, M.P.E. 2005. Forest climbing plants of West Africa: diversity, ecology and management. Wallingford, United Kingdom, CABI Publishing. ISBN 0 85199 914 X.

Bonn, A. & Gaston, K.J. 2005. Capturing biodiversity: selecting priority areas for conservation using different criteria. Biodivers. Conserv., 14(5): 1083–1100.

Brehm, G., Pitkin, L.M., Hilt, N. & Fiedler, K. 2005. Montane Andean rain forests are a global diversity hotspot of geometrid moths. J. Biogeogr., 32(9): 1621–1627.

Brugiere, D., Sakom, D. & Gautier-hion, A. 2005. The conservation significance of the proposed Mbaéré-Bodingué national park, Central African Republic, with special emphasis on its primate community. Biodivers. Conserv., 4(2): 505–522.

Burrows, J.E. & WIllis, C.K., eds. 2005. Plants of the Nyika plateau: an account of the vegetation of the Nyika National Parks of Malawi and Zambia. Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 31. Pretoria, South Africa, SABONET.

Butaud, J.F., Rives, F., Verhaegen, D. & Bouvet, J.M. 2005. Phylogeography of Eastern Polynesian sandalwood (Santalum insulare), an endangered tree species from the Pacific: a study based on chloroplast microsatellites. J. Biogeogr., 32(10): 1763–1774.

Chadha, S. 2005. Vulnerable and threatened plants of economic value. Hedychium coronarium Koering. MFP News, 15(1).

Christensen, M. & Larsen, H.O. 2005. How can collection of wild edible fungi contribute to livelihoods in rural areas of Nepal? J. Forests and Livelihood, 4(2). February.

Colfer, C.J. Pierce & Capistrano, D., eds. 2005. The politics of decentralization. Forests, power and people. Earthscan. ISBN 1844072053.

Coulston, J.W. & Riitters, K.H. 2005. Preserving biodiversity under current and future climates: a case study. Global Ecol. Biogeogr., 14(1): 31–38.

Cowlishaw, G., Mendelson, S. & Rowcliffe, J.M. 2005. Structure and operation of a bushmeat commodity chain in southwestern Ghana. Conserv. Biol., 9(1): 139–149.

Cruse-Sanders, J.M., Hamrick, J.L. & Ahumada, J.A. 2005. Consequences of harvesting for genetic diversity in American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.): a simulation study. Biodivers. Conserv.,14(2): 493–504.

Cullen, R., Hughey, K.F.D., Fairburn, G. & Moran, E. 2005. Economic analyses to aid nature conservation decision-making. Oryx, 39(3): 327–334.

Cunningham, A., Campbell, B. & Belcher, B. 2005. Carving out a future. Forests, livelihoods and the international woodcarving trade. Indonesia, CIFOR, paperback ISBN 1-84407-045-X. This book is part of the People and Plants Conservation Series. More information about all the books in this series is available at:

d’Alessi, F. 2005. The cultivation of rare endangered plants: a different approach. Acta Bot. Gallica, 152(2): 247–250.

da Silva, J.M.C., Rylands, A.B. & da Fonseca, G.A.B. 2005. The fate of the Amazonian areas of endemism. Conserv. Biol., 9(3): 689–694.

de Thoisy, B., Renoux, F.& Julliot, C. 2005. Hunting in northern French Guiana and its impact on primate communities. Oryx, 39(2): 149–157.

Diederichs, N., ed. 2005. Commercialising medicinal plants: a southern African guide. African Sun Media. ISBN 1-919980 83 0.

Duchok, R., Kent, K., Khumbongmayum, A.D., Paul, A. & Khan, M.L. 2005. Population structure and regeneration status of medicinal tree Illicium griffithii in relation to disturbance gradients in temperate broad-leaved forest of Arunachal Pradesh. Curr. Sci., 89(4): 673–676.

Dudley, N. et al. 2005. Measuring biodiversity and sustainable management in forests and agricultural landscapes. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London. [Biol.], 360(1454): 457–470.

Durst, P.B., Brown, C., Tacio, H.D. & Ishikawa, M. 2005. In search of excellence: exemplary forest management in Asia and the Pacific. RAP Publication 2005/02. Bangkok, FAO.

This book highlights the brighter side of forestry in a much-maligned region. A widespread call for nominations identified 172 forests in 21 countries that were perceived to be “well-managed”. After careful vetting, 28 forests were selected for detailed case study analysis. The result is a kaleidoscope of ideas, approaches, inspiration and perspiration that tell the stories of people dedicated to building sustainable livelihoods through careful management of their forests. The entire book can be downloaded in a PDF format from

For more information and to obtain copies, please contact:

P. Durst, Senior Forestry Officer,
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific,
39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok, 10200 Thailand.
Fax: (66 2) 697 4445; e-mail: [email protected]

(Please also see pp. 5 and 58 for case studies from this book.)


El-Keblawy, A. & Ksiksi, T. 2005. Artificial forests as conservation sites for the native flora of the UAE. Forest Ecol. Manage., 213(1–3): 288–296.

Ericsson, T.S., Berglund, H. & Östlund, L. 2005. History and forest biodiversity of woodland key habitats in south boreal Sweden. Biol. Conserv., 122(2): 289–303.

European Environment Agency. 2005. European Environment Outlook. (EEA Report No. 4/2005. ISBN 92 9167 769 8.

Fa, J.E., Ryan, S.F & Bell, D.J. 2005. Hunting vulnerability, ecological characteristics and harvest rates of bushmeat species in afrotropical forests. Biol. Conserv,. 121(2): 167–176.

FAO. 2005. Committee on Forestry, Seventeenth Session – Report. Rome, 15–19 March 2005. Available at: 009/j4876e.htm/

FAO. 2005. Proceedings Third Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-Related Definitions for Use by Various Stakeholders. Rome, 17–19 January 2005.

FAO. 2005. State of the World’s Forests. CD–ROM collection 1995–2005.

FAO has published State of the World’s Forests – the Organization’s flagship publication presenting the latest information on major policy and institutional developments and key issues concerning the forest sector – every other year since 1995. In coordination with the publication of State of the World’s Forests 2005, FAO has released a CD-ROM containing the entire collection of the report since its first edition. It contains all six issues of the publication in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish. This unique resource provides a ready overview of the situation and development of forest resources over the past decade.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]. Available at:

FAO. 2005. FAO participatory forestry publications on CD-ROM.

This CD-ROM contains 15 years of publications produced by FAO and its partners, mainly under the Forests, Trees and People Programme (FTPP). FTPP, which started in 1987 and ended in 2002, was an international community forestry programme designed to increase social and economic equity and improve well-being, especially of the poor, through collaborative and sustainable management of trees, forests and other natural resources. The CD-ROM includes more than 70 publications on participatory forestry and related subjects, organized according to series, theme and alphabetical order. It is hoped that these publications will contribute to strengthening human and institutional capacities that are necessary for the support of locally based sustainable management of forest resources.

For more information, please contact:

Dominque Reeb, Senior Forestry Officer (Participatory Forestry), Forestry Policy and Information Division, Forestry Department, FAO, 00100 Rome, Italy. E-mail: [email protected];

FAO et CFC. 2005. Atelier international sur le traitement, la valorisation et le commerce de karité en Afrique. Actes du séminaire. CFC Document Technique no 21. FAO, Rome.

L’Atelier international sur le traitement et le marketing des produits du karité en Afrique, tenu à Dakar (Sénégal) du 4 au 6 mars 2002, a constitué un forum pour l’échange et l’analyse d’informations entre les experts du point de vue des matières techniques et du marché afin d’évaluer le potentiel des demandes existantes et nouvelles de traitement et de marketing des produits du karité en Afrique.

Copies de cette publication (en langue française uniquement) sont fournies gratuitement par le Programme sur les PFNL de la FAO en contactant: [email protected]. Les versions électroniques des démarches (en anglais et en français) sont disponibles au site: show_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/008/y5952f/y5952f00.htm

Fazey, I., Fischer, J. & Lindenmayer, D.B. 2005. Who does all the research in conservation biology? Biodivers. Conserv., 14(4): 917–934.

Fink, C. & Maskus, K.E., eds. 2005. Intellectual property and development: lessons from recent economic research. Washington, DC, World Bank. 339 pp. Available at:

Forup, M.L. & Memmott, J. 2005. The relationship between the abundances of bumblebees and honeybees in a native habitat. Ecol. Entomol., 30(1): 47–57.

García Rollan, M. 2004. Guía fácil de las mejores setas. Mundi-Prensa Libros, S.A.ISBN 8484762009.

Gilg, O. 2005. Old-growth forests: characteristics, conservation and monitoring. ATEN/RNF. 96 pp.

Gillespie, T.W. 2005. Predicting woody-plant species richness in tropical dry forests: a case study from south Florida, United States. Ecol. Appl., 15(1): 27-37.

Giulietti, A.M., Harley, R.M., de Queiroz, L.P., Wanderley, M.D.L., & Van den Berg, C. 2005. Biodiversity and conservation of plants in Brazil. Conserv. Biol.,19(3): 632-639.

Glavonjic, B. et al. 2005. Forest and forest products country profile: Serbia and Montenegro. UNECE Timber and Forest Discussion Paper 40. Geneva.

Gordon, E. A. et al. 2005. Protecting biodiversity: a guide to criteria used by global conservation organizations. Report No. 5. Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Available at: publications/index.html

Hammond, D. 2005. Tropical rainforests of the Guiana shield. CABI. CABI Publishing HB. ISBN 0 85199 536 5.

Hecht, S.B., Kandel, S. Gomez, I., Cuellar, N. & Rosa, H. 2006. Globalization, forest resurgence, and environmental politics in El Salvador, World Development, 34(2), February.

Hollingsworth, P.M., Dawson, I.K., Goodall-Copestake, W.P., Richardson, J.E., Weber, J.C., Montes, C.S., & Pennington, R.T. 2005. Do farmers reduce genetic diversity when they domesticate tropical trees? A case study from Amazonia. Mol. Ecol.,14(2): 497-501.

Hoyt, Reginald. 2004. Wild meat harvest and trade in Liberia: managing biodiversity, economic and social impacts. ODI Wildlife Policy Briefing, No. 6, April.

Hurni, H., & von Dach, S.W. 2005. Biodiversity conservation to benefit mountain people. Mtn. Res. Dev., 25(3): 199.

IUFRO. 2005. Forests for the new millennium – making forests work for people and nature.

This policy brief, which is based on the work of over 100 authors, was prepared by the IUFRO Special Project, “World Forests, Society and Environment”. The report can be obtained by e-mailing the IUFRO WFSE-Coordinator at: [email protected]/

Jáger, L., ed. 2005. COST E30. Economic integration of urban consumers’ demand and rural forestry production. Forest sector entrepreneurship in Europe: country studies. Acta Silvatica and Lignaria Hungarica. ISSN 1786-691X (print), ISBN 1787 064X (online).

The country studies include considerable information on NWFPs. The hard copy of the book can be ordered from Laszlo Jáger, University of West Hungary, Faculty of Forestry, Ady E. str. 5, Sopron, H-9400 Hungary. E-mail: [email protected]

For more information, please visit:

Jansen, P.C.M. & Cardon, D., eds. 2005. Plant resources of tropical Africa 3. Dyes and tannins. 216 pp. (PROTA 3: Dyes and tannins.) ISBN 90 5782 159 1.

This handbook is published in both French and English and gives a comprehensive up-to-date description of 116 primary use dyes and tannins in 73 clearly illustrated review articles. With the increasing awareness of the environmental and toxicity problems associated with the use of synthetic dyes, natural dyes may regain their former role in the tanning and dyeing industry. Natural dyes and tannins of tropical Africa are highlighted.

For more information, please contact: Backhuys Publishers, PO Box 321, 2300 AH Leiden, the Netherlands (

Kala, C.P. 2005. Indigenous uses, population density and conservation of threatened medicinal plants in protected areas of the Indian Himalayas. Conserv. Biol., 19(2): 368–378.

Kathiresan, K. & Rajendran, N. 2005. Mangrove ecosystems of the Indian Ocean region. Indian J. Mar. Sci., 34(1): 104–113.

Keen, M., Brown, V.A & Dyball, R., eds. 2005. Social learning in environmental management. Towards a sustainable future. Earthscan. ISBN 1 84407 183 9.

Kessler, M., Kessler, P.J.A., Gradstein, S.R., Bach, K., Schmull, M. & Pitopang, R. 2005. Tree diversity in primary forest and different land use systems in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodivers. Conserv., 14(3): 547–560.

Khumbongmayum, A.D., Khan, M.L., & Tripathi, R.S. 2005. Sacred groves of Manipur, northeast India: biodiversity value, status and strategies for their conservation. Biodivers. Conserv. 14(7): 1541–1582.

Konijnendijk, C.C. et al., eds. 2005. Urban forests and trees. Springer. ISBN 3 540 25126 X.

Kowarik, I. & Körner, S., eds. 2005. Wild urban woodlands, new perspectives for urban forestry. ISBN 3 540 23912 X.

Krüger, P. 2005. The role of ecotourism in conservation: panacea or Pandora’s box? Biodivers. Conserv., 14(3): 579–600.

Kumar, A. & Ram, J. 2005. Anthropogenic disturbances and plant biodiversity in forests of Uttaranchal, central Himalaya. Biodivers. Conserv., 14(2): 309–331.

Latham, P. 2005. Some honeybee plants of Bas-Congo Province, Democratic Republic of Congo. ISBN 0 9546698 8 6.

Lawrence, A., Phillips, O.L., Ismodes, A.R., Lopez, M., Rose, S., Wood, D. & Farfan, A.J. 2005. Local values for harvested forest plants in Madre de Dios, Peru: towards a more contextualized interpretation of quantitative ethnobotanical data. Biodivers. Conserv., 14(1): 45–79.

Lewinsohn, T.M. & Prado, P.I. 2005. How many species are there in Brazil? Conserv. Biol., 19(3): 619–624. (abstract) doi/abs/10.1111/j.1523-1739.2005.00680.x

Linderman, M., Bearer, S., An, L., Tan, Y.C., Ouyang, Z.Y. & Liu, H.G. 2005. The effects of understory bamboo on broad-scale estimates of giant panda habitat. Biol. Conserv., 121(3): 383–390.

Lynch, K.A. 2006. An interdisciplinary curriculum on non-timber forest products. Portland, Oregon, United States, Institute for Culture and Ecology. 450 pp.

The workbook is an interdisciplinary set of instructional materials that includes over 100 lesson plans and handouts covering the ecological, cultural, political and economic importance of NTFPs. The geographic focus of the workbook is on the United States, although the exercises can easily be adapted to scale up to the international arena or to scale down to focus on species and issues of regional or local importance. The workbook consists of seven modules – each including detailed lesson plans, activities, evaluation tools and ready-to-use teaching aids, such as PowerPoint presentations and handouts. Each module has a specific disciplinary orientation (history, culture, economics, ecology, policy) to facilitate easy adoption within these different disciplines. The curriculum encourages critical thinking about NTFP issues and their relationship to overall forest health, sustainability and biodiversity conservation. This is accomplished through interactive classroom and field activities. Both theoretical frameworks and research methods are introduced and there is an emphasis on building effective communication and collaboration skills. Faculties are encouraged to integrate individual lesson plans into their existing courses or use the workbook materials as the foundation for a new course or workshop. In addition, the Institute for Culture and Ecology is available to facilitate a set of workshops and courses based on the materials. This project was funded by the National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry.

For more information, please contact: Institute for Culture and Ecology, PO Box 6688, Portland, Oregon 97228 6688, United States. E-mail: [email protected]/

Mackay, R. 2005. Atlas of endangered species (revised edition). Earthscan, United Kingdom. Paperback ISBN 1844072886.

Mahpatra, A. K. & Tewari, D.D. 2005 Importance of nontimber forest products in the economic valuation of dry deciduous forests of India. Forest Policy and Economics, 7: 455–467.

Manoharachary, C., Sridhar, K., Singh, R., Adholeya, A., Suryanarayanan, T.S., Rawat, S. & Johri, B.N. 2005. Fungal biodiversity: distribution, conservation and prospecting of fungi from India. Curr. Sci., 89(1): 58–71.

Mansourian, S., Vallauri, D. & Dudley, N., eds. 2005. Forest restoration in landscapes. Beyond planting trees. XXVIII, 437 pp., 28 illustrations, hard cover ISBN: 0 387 25525 7.

Marshall, E., Schreckenberg, K. & Newton, A.C., eds. 2006. Commercialization of non-timber forest products: factors influencing success. Lessons learned from Mexico and Bolivia and policy implications for decision-makers. Cambridge, United Kingdom, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

McLain, R.J. & Jones, E.T. 2005. Nontimber forest products management on national forests in the United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-655. Portland, Oregon, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.

PDF files at: pnw_gtr655.pdf or

McLain, R.J., McFarlane, E. M. & Alexander, S. J. 2005. Commercial morel harvesters and buyers in western Montana: an exploratory study of the 2001 harvesting season. Gen. Tech Rep. PNW-GTR-643. Portland, Oregon, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Order free hardcopies or download at: pubs/pnw_gtr643.pdf or

Merlo, M. & Croitoru, L., eds. 2005. Valuing Mediterranean forests: towards total economic value. CABI Publishing. ISBN 0 85199 997 2.

Mery, G. et al. 2005. Forests for the new millennium – making forests work for people and nature.

For more information, please contact: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Box 176, 00161 Helsinki, Finland.

Mittermeier, R.A., da Fonseca, G.A.B., Rylands, A.B., & Brandon, K. 2005. A brief history of biodiversity conservation in Brazil. Conserv. Biol., 19(3): 601-607.

Murphy, M.L., Oli, K.P. & Gorzula, S. 2005. Conservation on conflict: the impact of the Maoist-government conflict on conservation and biodiversity in Nepal. IISD.

Nagendra, H., Karmacharya, M. & Karna, B. 2005. Evaluating forest management in Nepal: views across space and time. Ecol. Soc. [online],10(1): 24.

National Forest Strategy Coalition. 2005. Highlights of accomplishments: two years of progress – advancing the National Forest Strategy (2003–2008). Ontario, Canada.
Available at:

Olsen, C.S. 2005. Trade and conservation of Himalayan medicinal plants: Nardostachys grandiflora DC and Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora (Pennell) Hong. Biol. Conserv., 125(4): 505–514.

Ordóñez, L., Arbeláez, M. y Prado, L. (Com-Eds). 2004. Manejo de semillas forestales nativas de la Sierra ecuatoriana y Norte del Perú. EcoPar – Fosefor – Samiri, Quito, Ecuador.

Pain, D.J., Fishpool, L., Byaruhanga, A., Arinaitwe, J. & Balmford, A. 2005. Biodiversity representation in Uganda’s forest IBAs. Biol. Conserv., 125(1): 133–138.

Penn, Jr, J. W. 2006. The cultivation of camu camu (Myrciaria dubia): a tree planting programme in the Peruvian Amazon. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 16(1), January.

Pethiyagoda, R. 2005. Exploring Sri Lanka’s biodiversity. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl., 12(14).

Pierce Colfer, C.J. & Capistrano, D., eds. 2005. The politics of decentralization: forests, power and people. Indonesia, CIFOR. Earthscan. ISBN 1844072053.

Predny, M. L. & Chamberlain, J. L. undated. Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis): an annotated bibliography. The Southern Research Station, United States Forest Service.

Goldenseal, a member of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), is a herbaceous perennial found in rich hardwood forests throughout the northeastern United States and Canada. Originally used by Native Americans as both a medicine and a dye, the herb was eventually adopted in the nineteenth century. The alkaloids in goldenseal have been found to have antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and tonic effects.

The growing awareness of possible medicinal benefits has increased worldwide consumption which, combined with a continual loss of habitat, has greatly reduced wild populations. Goldenseal has been listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II since 1997. Demand for cultivated roots has increased as wild populations become scarce, motivating research into propagation and cultivation techniques.

More attention should be focused on educating consumers about the appropriate uses of the herb in order to reduce overconsumption; working with growers to increase the profitability of cultivation and reduce pressures on wild plants; and identifying and tracking wild populations to determine the most effective management and conservation practices.

A searchable database and an electronic version are available at:

Hard copies can be obtained from the Southern Research Station, PO Box 2680, Asheville, NC 28804, United States or from Jim Chamberlain, Ph.D., CF, Research Scientist, Non-Timber Forest Products Coordinator, Research Group 5.11 (Non-Wood Forest Products), IUFRO United States Forest Service, SRS-4702, 1650 Ramble Road Blacksburg, VA 24060, United States. Fax: +1 540 231 1383; e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Rawat, M.S. 2005. Medicinal and aromatic plant resources and potential. Medplant Network News, 5(2): 5–8.

Refisch, J. & Koné, I. 2005. Impact of commercial hunting on monkey populations in the Taï region, Côte d’Ivoire. Biotropica ,37(1): 136–144.

Robinson, C.J., Smyth, D. & Whitehead, P.J. 2005. Bush tucker, bush pets and bush threats: cooperative management of feral animals in Australia’s Kakadu National Park. Conserv. Biol., 19(5): 1385–1391.

Robinson, J.G. & Bennett, E.L. 2004. Having your wildlife and eating it too: an analysis of hunting sustainability across tropical ecosystems. Anim. Conserv., 7: 397–408.

Rojas, M. y Aylward, B. 2005. ¿Qué estamos aprendiendo de la experiencia con los mercados de servicios ambientales en Costa Rica? Revisión y crítica de la literatura. IIED. ISBN: 1 84369 455 7.

El uso de mercados y el pago de servicios ambientales es un tema que ha venido ganando terreno entre los hacedores de políticas, ambientalistas y agentes de desarrollo de todo el mundo. En el mundo en vías de desarrollo, Costa Rica ejerce el liderazgo en la aplicación de esos mecanismos. Este documento examina la literatura sobre la experiencia costarricense con el fin de visualizar lo que estamos aprendiendo de esa experiencia: ¿cómo ha calzado dentro de estas iniciativas la información técnica, científica y económica sobre los servicios ambientales? ¿Qué alcance tienen el monitoreo y la evaluación de estas experiencias iniciales? El objetivo principal de esta revisión bibliográfica es identificar y analizar los materiales comprendidos en la siguiente temática:

• los orígenes locales del concepto de pago y mercados de servicios ambientales y como estos han evolucionado a través del tiempo;

• el tipo de iniciativas existentes relacionadas con los mercados de servicios, y quien está participando en estas actividades;

• el conocimiento base que soporta el desarrollo de mercados;

• las iniciativas tomadas con respecto al monitoreo y evaluación de las experiencias con pagos y mercados de servicios ambientales y hasta dónde y con qué resultados la literatura toma estas iniciativas en términos de eficiencia económica, eficiencia ambiental equidad social y/o reducción de la pobreza.

Sitio web:

Rowcliffe, J.M., Milner-Gulland, E. & Cowlishaw, G. 2005. Do bushmeat consumers have other fish to fry? TREE, 20(6): 274–276.

Ruiz-Pérez, M., Almeida, M., Dewi, S., Lozana Costa, E.M., Ciavatta Pantoja, M., Puntodewo, A., de Arruga Postigo, A. & Goulart de Andrade, A. 2005. Conservation and development in the Amazonian extractive reserves: the case of Alto Juruá. Ambio, 34(3): 218–23. May.

Sands, R. 2005. Forestry in a global context. CABI Publishing PB. 272 pp. ISBN 0 85199 089 4.

Sayer, J., ed. 2005. The Earthscan reader in forestry and development. WWF International Forests for Life Programme. Earthscan. ISBN 1 84407 153 7.

Schippmann, U., Leaman, D.J., Cunningham, A.B. & Walter, S. 2005. Impact of cultivation and collection on the conservation of medicinal plants: global trends and issues. In A. Jatisatienr, T. Paratasilpin, S. Elliott, V. Anusarnsunthorn & D. Wedge, eds. Conservation, cultivation and sustainable use of MAPs. Proceedings of WOCMAP III. The Third World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, pp. 31–44, Leuven, International Society for Horticultural Science (Acta Horticulturae 676).

Schnitzler, A., Hale, B.W. & Alsum, E. 2005. Biodiversity of floodplain forests in Europe and eastern North America: a comparative study of the Rhine and Mississippi Valleys. Biodivers. Conserv., 14(1): 97–117.

Schreckenberg, K.,Awono, A., Degrande, A., Mbosso, C., Ndoye. O. & Tchoundjeu, Z. 2006. Domesticating indigenous fruit trees as a contribution to poverty reduction. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 16(1). January.

Schwartzman, S. & Zimmerman, B. 2005. Conservation alliances with indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Conserv. Biol., 19(3): 721–727.

Shiva, A. 2005. Ayurved ke Chetra Mein Ped-Paudhon ka Dharmic Mahattav (Hindi), (religious or sacred value of medicinal plants in Ayurveda). Centre of Minor Forest Products, Indirapuram, Dehra Dun, India.

Shiva, A., Bhatt, R. & Bartwal, M. 2005. Jari-Butiyon ka Krishikaran, Utpadan, evam Vyapar (Hindi), (medicinal plants cultivation, production and trade for farmers and buyers. Centre of Minor Forest Products, Indirapuram, Dehra Dun, India.

Shiva, M.P. 2005. Types of gums and resins and their industrial uses. MFP News, 15 (1): 6–8.

Shiva, M.P. 2005. Akashth Van Sampada: Sampurna Bahudrishtiya Sarvalokan (Hindi). (A forestry textbook on non-timber forest resources.) International Book Distribution, Rajpur Road, Dehra Dun, India.

Sidaway, R. 2005. Resolving environmental disputes: from conflict to consensus. Earthscan. ISBN 1844070131.

Struhsaker, T.T., Struhsaker, P.J. & Siex, K.S. 2005. Conserving Africa’s rain forests: problems in protected areas and possible solutions. Biol. Conserv., 123(1): 45–54.

Sunderlin, W. D., ed. 2005. Livelihoods, forests and conservation. World Development, 33(9): 1379–1544.

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No. 17. Los hongos silvestres comestibles


Wild edible fungi, no. 17 in FAO’s NWFP publications series, has now been translated into Spanish: Los hongos silvestres comestibles. Perspectiva global de su uso e importancia para la población. Copies of this publication can be purchased from FAO’s Sales and Marketing Group at: publications-[email protected].
An electronic version is available at:
The French version will be available later this year.

Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005 (FRA 2005)
New FAO data show progress towards sustainable forest management at the global level, but also that biological diversity and forest ecosystems remain seriously threatened in several regions.

The main report of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005, launched at the Sixth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF6) in New York, gauged progress towards sustainable forest management, defined and measured in terms of the extent of forest resources and their contribution to the global carbon cycle; biological diversity; forest health and vitality; and the productive, protective and socio-economic functions of forests.

According to the report, there are more positive than negative trends at the global level, including a move in forest management towards multiple uses, including social and environmental benefits. Forests dedicated to the conservation of biological diversity have increased by 6.4 million ha per year to include 11 percent of all forests.

Forests for the protection of soil and water and for recreation have also increased significantly. Planted forests are expanding and provide an increasing proportion of the world’s wood supply.

However, negative trends are still alarming in some regions. Forests are rapidly being lost to agriculture in Africa, Central America, South America and Southeast Asia, accounting for almost 90 percent of the world’s deforestation of 13 million ha per year.

Primary forests, crucial for maintaining biological diversity, are converted to agriculture or degraded through logging at a rate of 6 million ha per year, mainly in South America and Southeast Asia.

Significant progress has been made in terms of political commitment, policies and legislation, with a majority of countries in the world taking steps to strengthen the policy and legal framework to improve the management and conservation of forests.

“There are positive and negative trends in all regions towards the goal of sustainable forest management which vary even more at the country level. To say more about the progress of forestry, it is necessary to upgrade monitoring and reporting processes in many countries,” said Mette Løyche Wilkie, the coordinator of this assessment.


One-third of the world’s forests are primarily used for the production of wood and non-wood products

Wood production continues to be an important function of many forests and reported removals of NWFPs are on the rise. Production of wood and non-wood forest products is the primary function of 34 percent of the world’s forests. More than half of all forests are used for the production of wood and NWFPs in combination with other functions such as soil and water protection, biodiversity conservation and recreation.

The value of wood removals is decreasing, while the value of NWFPs is increasing – and underestimated.

The forecasted value of NWFP removals amounted to about US$4.7 billion in 2005. However, information was missing from many countries, and the reported statistics probably cover only a small fraction of the true total value of NWFP removals. Edible plant products and bushmeat are the most significant products in terms of value. Trends at the global and regional levels generally show a slight increase since 1990. The key findings of FRA 2005 can be found at:

Microfinance and forest-based small-scale enterprises
This publication, funded by Norway, shows how microfinance can help low-income households living in forest areas to start up and run their own small businesses. Such forest dwellers frequently live in remote areas where a lack of financial services is a major obstacle to developing successful business activities. Microfinance is, therefore, crucial to alleviating poverty in forest communities.

Microfinance is a general term referring to the provision of basic financial services such as credit, savings, leasing, equity financing, insurance and remittance mechanisms by banks, NGOs and credit and savings cooperatives in both the formal and informal financial sectors.

The publication includes a number of success stories, including one from the Parbat district of Nepal, where 673 small-scale enterprises were set up under a microfinance enterprise development programme, creating employment in rural areas that depend on the trade of NWFPs such as honey, allo (traditional cloth made from nettles) and lapsi (a fruit used to make drinks and sweets). Some 669 of the businesses, or 99.4 percent of the programme participants, paid back their loans in full.

This new publication suggests that in addition to their regular services, microfinance institutions should provide business development counselling and support to small enterprises. It notes as well that there is often a need to break social barriers that can discourage rural people from approaching financial institutions for help.

Microfinance and forest-based small-scale enterprises also warns against the imposition of artificial ceilings on interest rates and subsidizing targeted credit programmes, since these can distort the market and make microfinance less sustainable.

Diccionario Forestal
La Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales (SECF) presentó en Madrid el Diccionario Forestal (Mundi-Prensa), con más de 19 000 términos gracias al trabajo de noventa colaboradores.

Las entradas, recogidas en 1 336 páginas, están divididas en siete bloques en los que se agrupan términos de materias relacionadas al tema forestal y cuyas definiciones a veces se extienden en la explicación casi «con carácter enciclopédico». Para don José Alberto Pardos, miembro de la Real Academia de la Ingeniería y colaborador del proyecto, con esta obra «de gran envergadura», en la que los términos figuran traducidos al inglés, se cumple con uno de los objetivos fundacionales de la SECF, es decir «el estímulo de la cooperación entre sus miembros».

Fuente: Revista Forestal Española, N° 38, septiembre 2005

Proceedings of the International Symposium Guadua 2004
The International Symposium Guadua 2004 took place at the Technological University of Pereira, Pereira, Colombia, from 27 September to 2 October 2004, and was attended by 250 participants from more than 20 countries. The symposium covered four main topics: silviculture and environmental services; harvesting and post-harvesting processes; applications and industrial uses; and institutions and socio-economic frame.

Women, forests and plantations. The gender dimension
Forests provide the source and means of survival for millions of people, who find their firewood, medicinal plants, food, fibres, housing materials and a full range of other products. Forests are also vital for the healthy state of our global environment. Although the historical contribution of women to forest conservation has often been made “invisible” – as in many other areas – it has been they, the indigenous rural women, with an intimate knowledge of the forest, who have been the principal caretakers and guardians of the forests.

At present, the encroachment of global commerce and “development” projects into the forests – such as plantations, oil exploitation, logging, mining, shrimp farming, dams and others – has not only destroyed nature but also distorted the ancestral relationships of forest peoples among themselves and with the forest. Such forest change or loss has not been gender neutral and has had a double and differentiated impact on women, depriving them of their traditional rights to and link with the forests while reinforcing a patriarchal society model.

With this book we aim at generating awareness on the issue, as a way of contributing positively to the struggles women undergo to defend the forest and to highlight their positive role in forest conservation.

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