Forest Protection Working Paper FFM/02


International Wildland Fire Management Agreements Template

Prepared by the International Liaison Committee
 The International Wildland Fire Summit in 2003


Tom Frey & Ricardo Velez-Munoz

January 2004


The Forest Protection Working Papers report on issues addressed in the work programme of FAO. These working papers do not reflect any official position of FAO. Please refer to the FAO website ( for official information.

The purpose of these papers is to provide early information on on-going activities and programmes, and to stimulate discussion.

Comments and feedback are welcome.

For further information please contact:
Mr. Mike Jurvélius, Forestry Officer (Forest Fire Management)
Mr. Peter Holmgren, Chief
Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Resources Division, Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
             [email protected]

or: FAO Publications and Information Coordinator:
[email protected]

For quotation:
ILC (2003). Legal International Wildland Fire Management Agreements Template. The Template was prepared for the International Wildland Fire Summit held in Sydney, Australia in October 2003 by the International Liaison Committee. This Document will be published under FAOs Forest Protection Working Papers, Working Paper FFM/2/E. Forest Resources Development Service, Forest Resources Division, FAO, Rome (unpublished).


© FAO 2004


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