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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rome, 2009
ContentsForeword Introduction ERP Background and Rationale The purpose of ERP Challenges and Responses
The ERP Partnership ERP Partnership resources Conclusions and Key Policy Considerations
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Abstract This book was developed to assist policy makers dealing with rural poverty, food insecurity and education challenges confronting rural people. It seeks to address the correlation between education, training, empowerment and food security, mainly through a number of examples from all over the world. It is about strengthening the capacity of rural people to achieve food security. The broad background is that studies leading to the formulation of the Millennium Development Goals in 2000 have shown the potential that poor people have to make their living if the right conditions are created. The challenge for the international community is to identify barriers and to create conditions for rural people to change and improve their situation. In this perspective, the way to reach food security is to strengthen the capacity of poor people. The concept of capacity is closely associated with notions such as empowerment. It is generally agreed that education in all its forms is one important pillar in such a strategy. The role of education is not only to impart knowledge and skills but also to contribute to the empowerment of people by improving their self-confi dence, widen their frame of reference and give them the tools to participate in wider processes of social and economic change. |
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