Guidelines on spate irrigation


Guidelines on spate irrigation

Frank van Steenbergen
MetaMeta Research

Philip Lawrence
HR Wallingford

Abraham Mehari Haile

Maher Salman and Jean-Marc Faurès
FAO Land and Water Division

Full pdf - 3,214kb

Rome, 2010

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ISBN 978-92-5-106608-09

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Table of contents

Part I   [752kb]

List of figures
List of tables
List of boxes
Glossary and abbreviations

1. Introduction
2. The social setting

Part II   [1,297kb]

3. Hydrology and sediment transport
4. Water diversion and control structures
5. Soil and field water management

Part III   [474kb]

6. Agricultural practices and extension services
7. Water rights and water distribution rules
8. Management arrangements

Part IV   [840kb]

9. Economics of spate irrigation
10. Spate irrigation in the context of river basin resource management
11. Recommendations for interventions in spate irrigation


© FAO 2010