Making forestry work for the poor: assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty alleviation in Asia and the Pacific


Making forestry work for the poor. Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty alleviation in Asia and the Pacific

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2012


The forestry sector’s contribution to poverty alleviation in Asia and the Pacific is of great importance owing to the high prevalence of poverty in forested areas. Obstacles to reducing poverty through forestry are many. Forests are often far from markets and poor people frequently lack marketing knowledge, financial capital and/or networks necessary to reap benefits from forest related activities. Unstable land and resource tenure also hamper efforts to improve prospects for rural people. Some countries in the region have made great strides in forest management in recent years and investments are now paying dividends at the local level in terms of poverty reduction, income generation and livelihoods improvement. This publication documents the contribution of forests and forestry to poverty alleviation in 11 countries in Asia and the Pacific region, including the outlook and recommendations for each country in the coming years.

Table of Contents

List of tables, figures and boxes
Acronyms and abbreviations
Policy brief: making forestry work for the poor
Country Reports:
    I.    Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in Bhutan
    II.   Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in Cambodia

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    III.   Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in the People’s Republic of China
    IV.  Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in India
    V.   Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in Indonesia

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    VI.   Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in Lao PDR
    VII.  Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in Nepal
    VIII. Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in Papua New Guinea

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    IX.  Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in the Philippines
    X.   Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in Thailand
    XI.  Assessment of the contribution of forestry to poverty
          alleviation in Viet Nam

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ISBN 978-92-5-107230-1

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For copies write to:Patrick B. Durst
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Maliwan Mansion, 39 Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: (+66) 2 697 4000
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