Building resilience for adaptation to climate change
in the agriculture sector

Proceedings of a Joint FAO/OECD Workshop 23–24 April 2012

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2012


Globally, climactic conditions are increasingly variable, and the intensity of their effects stronger. As climate change brings new uncertainties, risks and changes to already existing risks, one of the most efficient ways for agriculture to adapt is increasing its resilience.
In April 2012, the joint FAO/OECD Workshop on "Building Resilience for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agriculture Sector" was held to address these issues in different agro-ecological and socio-economic contexts, and to illustrate how building resilience is critical to adapting to climate change.
The various sessions of the Workshop questioned the notion of resilience from very different angles, confronting concepts, specific risk management strategies, case studies and national policies, from different perspectives– biophysical, economic, or social and institutional – and at various scales, from farm and household to national and global. This publication is a compilation of the papers presented at the Workshop, and the Workshop Summary.

Table of Contents

Summary report and main conclusions
Opening remarks (FAO) Modibo Traore
Opening remarks (OECD) Dale Andrew

Papers presented  

Agriculture and climate change – overview


Risks, vulnerabilities and resilience in a context of climate change


The assessment of climate change-related vulnerability in the agricultural sector: reviewing conceptual frameworks


Climate change and animal health


Climate risk assessment and management in agriculture


Coping with changes in cropping systems: plant pests and seeds


Building resilience for adaptation to climate change in the fisheries
and aquaculture sector


Building resilience for adaptation to climate change through
sustainable forest management


A comparative study of risk management in agriculture under
climate change


The assessment of the socio-economic impacts of climate change at
household level and policy implications


The urgency to support resilient livelihoods: FAO Disaster Risk
Reduction for Food and Nutrition Security Framework Programme


Agriculture in National Adaptation Programmes of Action


The role of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture


Crop production in a northern climate


A broad overview of the main problems derived from climate change
that will affect agricultural production in the Mediterranean area


Crop–livestock production systems in the Sahel – increasing resilience
for adaptation to climate change and preserving food security


Rice in Southeast Asia: facing risks and vulnerabilities to respond to
climate change

Country presentations   

Perspectives on risk management as climate change adaptation
measure in Italian agriculture


The resiliency of the Canadian crop insurance system under climate
change: testing quantitative methods


Exploring adaptation of agriculture to climate change: policy choices
and resiliency


Towards climate-resilient agriculture: the Dutch touch


The EU agricultural policy – delivering on adaptation to climate change


The Swiss climate strategy for agriculture at a glance


Japanese adaptation policy and the analysis and mapping of impacts
under Climate Change for Adaptation and Food Security Project


Australia's Carbon Farming Initiative


Agricultural response to a changing climate: the role of economics and
policy in the United States of America


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ISBN 978-92-5-107373-5.

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