NACA-SF/WP/88/5September 1988
Seminar report on the status of seaweed culture in China, India, Indonesia, ROK, Malaysia,
Philippines and Thailand


Papers presented during the
Seaweed training course in the
Republic of the Philippines
2–21 May, 1988

Editors: Alessandro Lovatelli and Pedro B. Bueno

National Inland Fisheries Institute
Kasetsart University Campus
Bangkhen, Bangkok Thailand.

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Seminar summary

Marine phycoculture in China

Status of seaweed culture in India

The development of seaweed culture in Jakarta

Report on Eucheuma culture production in Bali Province, Indonesia

Current situation of seaweed aquaculture development in ROK

Preliminary results of experimental culture of the red seaweed, Gracilaria sp. in Malaysia

Seaweed farming in East Malaysia

Seaweed industry of the Philippines

Gracilaria culture in Thailand

List of participants


Seaweeds are widely distributed throughout the Asian region. In most of the Asian countries they are collected as a source of food, however in some regions they are intensively cultured due to their multiple use. Consequently the interest in seaweed culture is rapidly growing in a number of countries.

In recognition of the need of countries to develop their seaweed industries, a regional seaweed training course was organized in the Republic of the Philippines. The course, held in Manila, Cebu and Bohol from 2–21 May 1988, was sponsored by the FAO/UNDP, Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project (RAS/86/024) and Regional Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project (RAS/84/016) and organized by the University of the Philippines and the Agriculture Department.

Eighteen participants were trained from seven countries in the region, namely China, India, Indonesia, ROK, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. Ten of the participants were sponsored by the Seafarming Project, and the rest by the ASEAN Project.

The course reviewed the general biology and ecology of a number of commercially important algae, culture practices, postharvest handling and processing of seaweeds in the Philippines. Practical sessions and field trips were organized during the latter two weeks of the course aimed at familiarizing the participants with the day to day practical activities of this seafarming culture system.

During the first week of the course a paper on the status of seaweed culture in each of the participating country was presented. The seminar session reviewed culture practices, postharvest handling, management and economics of seaweed culture, developmental constraints and future research needs. The above aspects of the seaweed industry appear in the status reports presented by participants at the meeting and included in this report.

A manual on seaweed culture was prepared for the training course. It is hoped that this publication will be of practical interest and help to all who are engaged in the improvement of the seaweed industry in the region.

The Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project wishes to express its gratitude to Prof. Gavino Trono Jr. and the staff of the Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines for organizing and executing the course. Thanks are also due to the staff of the Agriculture Department.

 Regional Seafarming Development and
Demonstration Project (RAS/86/024)