INS/81/008/MANUAL/7February 1989
Banchong TiensongrusmeeSoehardi Pontjoprawiro
Kisto Mintarjo

Project Document Identification

PART II F Activities
Prepare seafarming manuals and other technical/information serials.

Working Group

Chairman:Purwito Martosoebroto Directorate General of Fisheries

Moebimin WibisonoDirectorate General of Fisheries
Soleh SamsiDirectorate General of Fisheries
Hersanto EffendyDirectorate General of Fisheries
E. DanakusumahAgency for Agriculture Research and Development
Wardana IsmailAgency for Agriculture Research and Development
Kisto MintardjoBalai Budidaya Laut
Muhamad MurjaniBalai Budidaya Laut
Soehardi PontjoprawiroSeafarming Development Project
Banchong TiensongrusmeeSeafarming Development Project


This manual was revised to up-date the data according to information recently obtained from the provincial fisheries officers, and field surveys carried out during 1986–1988. The authors are grateful for generously of their time and cooperation during field visit to the potential areas. The authors are greatly indebted to the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), particularly Dr. Mahdi Kartasasmita, the Head of Earth Resources Satellitte Ground Station and Mrs. Sri Utaminingsih, Processing Data Analysis Officer who provided satellite imageries taken from MSS Landsat to confirm the suitability and the estimated area of the potential sites.

Hyperlinks to non-FAO Internet sites do not imply any official endorsement of or responsibility for the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at these locations, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. The sole purpose of links to non-FAO sites is to indicate further information available on related topics.

This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software. FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.




2.1 Criteria for assessment of sites
2.2 Potential sites


3.1 Cockle
3.2 Mussel
3.3 Oyster
3.4 Pearl oysters


4.1 Criteria for site assessment
4.2 Potential sites


5.1 Site selection
5.2 Potential sites


6.1 Domestic wastes
6.2 Agriculture wastes
6.3 Industrial wastes
6.4 Human wastes



Table 1 Potential areas for seafarming development

Table 2 Potential areas for finfish culture

Table 3 Volume and value of cockle production from 1979–1985

Table 4 Potential areas for cockle culture

Table 5 Potential areas for mussel culture

Table 6 Potential areas for oyster culture

Table 7 Potential areas for pearl oyster culture

Table 8 Seaweed production by provinces from 1981–1985

Table 9 Potential areas for seaweed culture

Table 10 Potential areas for Euheuma culture

Table 11 Potential areas suitable for sea cucumber culture

Table 12 Types of industry and its potential wastes

Table 13 Level of industrial wastes endanger to fish kept in netcages

Table 14 Sources of pollutant


APPENDIX I. Location of basic chemical industry plant in different provinces


Fig. 1 Potential areas for finfish culture

Fig. 2 Potential areas for cockle culture

Fig. 3 Potential areas for mussel culture

Fig. 4 Potential areas for oyster culture

Fig. 5 Potential areas for pearl oyster culture

Fig. 6 Potential areas for seaweed culture

Fig. 7 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture

Fig. 8 Potential areas for sea cucumber culture

Fig. 9 Potential areas for seafarming development in Weh Island, Kodya Sabang Aceh

Fig. 10 Potential areas for finfish culture development in Lhok Seudu bay in Aceh Besar

Fig. 11 Potential areas for finfish culture development in Calang bay, Western Aceh

Fig. 12 Potential areas for seafarming development in Simeulu island, Western Aceh

Fig. 13 Potential areas for seafarming development in Kuala Langsa, Eastern Aceh

Fig. 14 Potential areas for finfish culture in Bintan, Riau

Fig. 15 Potential areas for seafarming development in Batam, Riau

Fig. 16 Potential areas for seafarming development in South Sumatra

Fig. 17 Potential areas for seafarming development Lampung

Fig. 18 Potential areas for seafarming development in Lombok island, West Nusatenggara

Fig. 19 Potential areas for finfish culture in Grajagan East Java

Fig. 20 Potential areas for mussel and cockle culture Jambi Java

Fig. 21 Potential areas for seafarming development in West Java

Fig. 22 Potential areas for cockle culture in Cirebon, West Java

Fig. 23 Potential areas for cockle culture in Subang, West Java

Fig. 24 Potential areas for seafarming development in Serang, West Java

Fig. 25 Potential areas for seafarming development in Tangerang, West Java

Fig. 26 Potential sites for seafarming development in Bekasi, West Java

Fig. 27 Potential areas for cockle culture in Tayu, Pati and Rembang, Central Java

Fig. 28 Potential areas for cockle culture in Pasuruan and Probolinggo, East Java

Fig. 29 Potential areas for mussel culture in Kwanyar, Bangkalan, Madura island and Kenjeran, East Java

Fig. 30 Potential areas for cockle and mussel culture in Tanjung Balai, North Sumatra

Fig. 31 Potential areas for mussel culture in Labuan lombok, Lombok island, West Nusatenggara

Fig. 32 Potential areas for mussel culture Ketapang bay, West Java

Fig. 33 Potential areas for oyster culture in Bima bay, Sumbawa island

Fig. 34 Potential areas for oyster culture in Demak and Jepara, Central Java

Fig. 35 Potential areas for oyster culture in Kupang, East Nusatenggara

Fig. 36 Potential areas for oyster culture in Maros, South Sulawesi

Fig. 37 Potential areas for pearl culture in Pari island, Jakarta

Fig. 38 Potential areas for pearl culture in Lokatai, Banggai island, Central Sulawesi

Fig. 39 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture in Sibolga North Sumatra

Fig. 40 Potential areas for seaweed culture in Tasikmalaya, West Java

Fig. 41 Potential areas for seaweed culture in Cianjur, West Java

Fig. 42 Potential areas for seaweed culture in Lebak, West Java

Fig. 43 Potential areas for seaweed culture in Garut, West Java

Fig. 44 Potential areas for seaweed culture in Sukabumi, West Java

Fig. 45 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture in Bali

Fig. 46 Potential areas for Seaweed culture in Komodo island, East Nusatenggara

Fig. 47 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture in East Sumba, East Nusatenggara

Fig. 48 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture in Limbo island, Taliabu, North Maluku

Fig. 49 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture in Besar island, Maumere, East Nusatenggara

Fig. 50 Potential areas for seaweed farming in Tujuh island, Seram

Fig. 51 Potential areas for seaweed culture in Aru island, Southeast maluku

Fig. 52 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture in Maru island, North Tanibar

Fig. 53 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture in Adaut Selaru island, South Tanibar

Fig. 54 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture in Semata island, Southeast Maluku

Fig. 55 Potential areas for Eucheuma culture in Lirang island, Southeast Maluku

Fig. 56 Potential areas for seaweed and pearl culture in Southeast Sulawesi

Fig. 57 Potential areas for seaweed culture in Samaringa island, Central Sulawesi

Fig. 58 Potential sites for seafarming development in Sulawesi

Fig. 59 Potential sites for seafarming development in Bali

Fig. 60 Potential areas for seafarming development in South Sumatra

Fig. 61 Potential areas for seafarming development in East Kalimantan

Fig. 62 Grouper and snapper suitable for culture in floating netcages

Fig. 63 Seabass, caranx and siganid suitable for cage culture

Fig. 64 Molluscs suitable for culture

Fig. 65 Seaweed suitable for culture