THA 75:008/80/WP/15


Michael B. New
National Freshwater Prawn Research and Training Centre
Inland Fisheries Division, Department of Fisheries
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives


Bangpakong, Chacheongsao

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During a private visit to the USA in March 1980, the author attended the Annual Meeting of the World Mariculture Society. This year's meeting included nineteen papers on crustacean nutrition, most of which concerned shrimps and prawns.

The abstracts of the papers given are not generally available, and the World Mariculture Society usually takes about eighteen months to produce the proceedings of its annual meetings (the 1979 issue had not arrived by April 1980). It was therefore felt that publication of brief notes based on the highlights of the papers presented would be of value. It is hoped that the national project and others in the region who are working with crustacea but who were not fortunate enough to attend the meeting will find these notes useful.

The notes are divided into broad topics similar to those used in a recent bibliography on shrimp and prawn nutrition (New, 1980). A reference section is provided and the addresses of the principal authors cited is given.


See Proteins.


See Physiology.


See Physical form.


Fair, et al., found that when fed in isonitrogenous rations, levels of up to 30% crude fibre did not suppress the growth rate of postlarval Macrobrachium rosenbergii over a twelve-week period. Additionally, dietary fibre levels of 5% and 20% were found to stimulate growth of larger (1.48±0.054 g) animals over an eight-week period.


A useful review of this topic, together with a classification of decapod chemoreceptors was provided by Heinen. He reported that many stimulatory substances would be prohibitive for use in practical feeds because of their high cost. L-glutamic acid seems to be the most suitable material. Synergistic effects were reported when betaine was used with glycine, lysine or taurine. Panulirus sp responded best to citric acid.


See Physiology.


When a natural mussel diet for lobsters was compared with four semi-defined diets, D'Abramo, et al., found that it resulted in animals with the lowest level of fat. The semi-defined diets, in addition to 6% of various mixtures of oils, contained 0.5% cholesterol and 8% lecithin. Of the artificial diets, those containing tuna oil-cod liver oil combinations gave the best growth and survival; this was attributed to the increased levels of the PFA's 20:5 and 22:6.

Middleditch, et al., gave a paper on lipids and this is mentioned below, under “Maturation”.


With his usual panache, Corny Mock (Mock, et al.) made the following comments in a paper on the larval culture of Penaeus stylirostris:-

  1. The use of germicidal UV lamps increases Vitamin D2 levels in the water. Vitamin D deficiency in mammals causes rickets. How many legs do shrimp have?

  2. Bakers' active dry yeast was more readily acceptable by larvae than compressed yeast cake. Yeast was demonstrated as an effective substitute to frozen algae, though its use delayed meta-morphosis. Its value was attributed to its content of chitin and glucosamine. A caution was given that active yeast produces CO2 but its growth can, like that of phytoplankton, be controlled by the use of UV.

  3. In one experiment, dried Artemia was used as the sole source of food, thus eliminating phytoplankton.

Techniques for the mass culture of Brachionus plicatilis for use in the ‘Mock’ larval system were described by Fontaine and Revera.

Two papers with implications for artificial larval diet preparation for crustaceans are reported under “Physical Form” below.


Middleditch, et al., reported that certain dietary lipids are required to promote ovarian maturation. Many lipids pass through the marine food web unaltered and thus the suitability of a particular invertebrate as a maturation inducing diet may depend on its own diet.

Successful maturation, spawning and hatching of Penaeus setiferus was reported by Lawrence, et al. In all cases unilateral ablation was necessary. A prepared dry feed composed of a 1:1:1 ratio of oysters, squid and polychaete worms was used. Describing similar success with P. stylirostris, Brown, et al., reported using a diet composed of a 1:2:1 ratio of polychaete worms, squid, and a prepared pelleted ration.


Two papers on the effects of processing on larval diet ingredients were given by Halvers group (Tucker, et al. and Gabaudan, et al.). These were not specifically on crustacean nutrition but they were of general interest and the dry larval diet evolved will eventually be tested with crustacea as well as with salmonids. While freeze drying of ingredients and test diets, or drum drying at 140°C for 30 minutes, or vacuum drying at 60°C, gave acceptable results, oven drying at 140°C for 12 hours resulted in large losses in digestibility. They were not totally explained by losses in the lysine content of over-dried samples. A fish protein hydrolysate, produced by low pH pepsin digestion could be used as a larval diet binder.

See also the papers by Goldblatt, et al., and Farmanfarmaian, commented on below in “Vitamins” and “Proteins” respectively.


In work with Macrobrachium rosenbergii postlarvae, Millikin, et al., reported that performance was equally good from diets with 40% or 49% protein while those with 23% or 32% showed depressed growth rates. However, once the experiment had proceeded past 10 weeks, (when the animals still averaged only 1.15 g), the 40% protein level diet gave better cumulative weight gain than 49% protein. The authors commented that the apparently higher protein requirement of this species, when compared to other prawns, may decrease when quantitative dietary requirements for amino acids are known and supplied and other dietary and environmental factors are manipulated.

Farmanfarmian, also working with Macrobrachium rosenbergii, concluded that the commercial pellet (Ralston Parina Marine Ration 20) could be improved by the inclusion of an algin binder and by the addition of 1% levels of crystalline lysine, arginine or tryptophane. The addition of tryptophane induced higher relative growth and food consumption while lysine and arginine supplementation resulted in a better food conversion ratio.

In discussing the results of dietary experiments with lobsters, Boghen, et al., attempted to explain differing results from artificial diets which included a range of ingredients with dietary amino acid profile. Highest survival was obtained with diets containing crab protein or sea urchin, whilst the best biomass increase was given by inclusion of crab protein. The other ingredients tested were casein, casein plus albumin, shrimp and mussel. The authors commented that excess dietary lysine can be toxic and cause growth retardation. Mason and Castell reported that in lobster trials where casein or cod fish protein concentrate was supplemented with amino acids, glycine appeared non-essential. The most limiting amino acid in casein was threonine whilst histidine and or tryptophane were limiting in cod fish protein concentrate.


Fair, et al., reported that the rate of total nitrogen assimilation was directly proportional to the dietary fibre concentration of rations for Macrobrachium rosenbergii.

In a paper on the effects of starvation on Penaeus japonicus, Cuzon reported that this species does not significantly decrease in weight over a four-week period without food but its normal metabolism is progressively suppressed. Carbohydrates, then lipids and then (only in the fourth week) proteins are consumed to meet its energy requirement. It does not store as much glycogen as other penaeids. After 28 days starvation the gut still contained sand; trypsin activity, similar to that of fed shrimp, indicates that bacteria in the gut are being utilised as food.

Cellulase activity was reported in Macrobrachium rosenbergii by Fair, et al., but it was not proportional to increases in dietary fibre concentration. Extracts of the hepatopancreas of the same species fed on Ralston Purina Marine Ration 25 exhibited significant activity for amylase, chitinase, trypsin and chymotrypsin in work described by Lee. Additionally esterases were more active than lipases. Contrary to previous belief (Vonk, 1960; see New 1980 for reference), Macrobrachium may exhibit pepsinase activity. It possesses a protease capable of breaking down very complex proteins. The view was expressed that the ration used was not high enough in protein for this species.


See Chemoreception.


The paper by Fenucci, et al., on the use of various levels of squid meal in diets for Penaeus stylirostris and P. setiferus reported that, initially, no rations tested gave such good results as a standard diet reported in their paper at the FAO Kyoto meeting. Further investigation revealed that this was because the wrong vitamin mix was inadvertently used. Thus inositol, choline chloride and vitamin C were omitted. Diets were bound with alginate and all contained 30% sun-dried shrimp meal.

A hypothesis that the poor response of lobsters to artificial diets, compared to those additionally fed with either mussel, brine shrimp, beef liver or lecithin, was due to choline deficiency was not supported by the work of Goldblatt, et al., Choline enrichment of the diet in several forms failed to produce adequate survival. Inclusion of beef liver or mussel or fractions of these materials in formulated ration itself, rather than fed separately, also yielded poor survival rates. Processing changes are thus implicated.

See also Mock, et al., reviewed under “Larval Nutrition” above.


All references are to papers given at the 11th Annual Meeting of the World Mariculture Society from 5–9th March 1980 in New Orleans. Final papers will probably not be available until 1981, unless draft copies can be provided by the principal authors, whose addresses are given later.

Boghen, A.D., Castell, J.D., Robichaud, M. and Conklin, D.E., 1980. Effects of certain dietary proteins on growth and development of juvenile lobsters (Homarus americanus). Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Brown, A., McVey, J.P., Lawrence, A. and Middleditch, B., 1980. Mating and spawning of Penaeus stylirostris under controlled conditions. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Cuzon, G., 1980. Comparison of fed and starved Penaeus japonicus shrimp: influence on body composition and metabolism. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

D'Abramo, L.R., Bordner, C.E., Dagett, G.R., Conklin, D.E. and Baum, N.A., 1980. Relationships among dietary lipids, tissue lipids, and growth in juvenile lobsters. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Fair, P.A., Fortner, A.A., Millikin, M.R. and Sick, L.V., 1980. The effects of dietary fibre on the growth, assimilation and cellulase activity of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Farmanfarmaian, A., 1980. Further studies on amino acid supplementation of the commercial feed of the giant shrimp (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Fenucci, J.L. and Zein-Eldin, W.P., 1980. The nutritional response of two penaeid species to various levels of squid meal in a prepared feed. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Fontaine, C.T. and Revera, D.B., 1980. The mass culture of the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, for use as foodstuff in aquaculture. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Gabaudan, J., Pigott, G.M. and Halver, J.E., 1980. The effects of processing of protein ingredients for larval diets: Biological evaluation. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Goldblatt, M.J., Bordner, E., Conklin, D.E. and Brown, W.D., 1980. Feeding trials to determine the efficiency of choline delivery in lobster. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Heinen, J.M., 1980. Chemoreception in decapod crustacea and chemical feeding stimulants as potential feed additives. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Lawrence, A.L., Akamine, Y., Middleditch, B.C., Chamberlain, G. and Hutchins, D., 1980. Maturation and reproduction of Penaeus setiferus in captivity. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Lee, P.G., 1980. A quantitative analysis of digestive enzymes for the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Mason, E.G. and Castell, J.D.,1980. The effects of supplementing purified proteins with limiting essential amino acids on growth and survival of juvenile lobsters (Hemarus americanus). Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Middleditch, B.S., Missler, S.R., Hines, H.B., McVey, J.P. and Brown, A., 1980. Maturation of penaeid shrimp: lipids in the marine food web. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Millikin, M.R., Fortner, A.R., Fair, P.H. and Sick, L.V., 1980. Influence of several dietary protein concentrations on growth, feed conversion and general metabolism of juvenile prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

Mock, C.R., Revera, D.L. and Fontaine, C.T., 1980. Preliminary observations on the larval culture of Penaeus stylirostris using modifications of the Galveston technique. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.

New, M.B., 1980. A bibliography of shrimp and prawn nutrition. Aquaculture, in press.

Tucker, B.W., Pigott, G.M. and Halver, J.E., 1980. The effects of processing on protein ingredients for larval diets: amino acid analysis. Proc. World Maricult. Soc., 11: in press.


A.D. Boghen, c/o Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, P.O. Box 247, Bodega Bay, California 94923, USA.

A. Brown, Galveston Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, 4700 Avenue U, Galveston, Texas 77550, USA.

G. Cuzon, CNEXO-COB, B.P. 337 Brest, Brest 29 273, France.

L.R. D'Abramo, c/o Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, P.O. Box 247, Bodega Bay, California 94923, USA.

P.H. Fair, Charleston Laboratory, Southeast Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, P.O. Box 12607, Charleston, Southern Carolina 29412, USA.

A. Farmanfarmaian, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08904, USA.

J.L. Fenucci, Galveston Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, 4700 Avenue U, Galveston, Texas 77550, USA.

C.T. Fontaine, Galveston Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, 4700 Avenue U, Galveston, Texas 77550, USA.

J. Gabaudan, Institute for Food Science and Technology, College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA.

M.J. Goldblatt, Institute of Marine Resources, University of California, Davis, California 94923, USA.

J.M. Heinen, Boston University, Boston, Maryland 02215, USA.

A.L. Lawrence, Texas A & M University, Drawer Q, Port Aransas, Texas 78373, USA.

P.G. Lee, Department of Marine Science, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620, USA.

E.G. Mason, Marine Lobster Farms Ltd., Victoria, P.E.I., Canada.

B.S. Middleditch, Department of Biophysical Science, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77004, USA.

M.R. Millikin, Charleston Laboratory, Southeast Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, P.O. Box 12607, Charleston, Southern Carolina 29412, USA.

C.R. Mock, Galveston Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, 4700 Avenue U, Galveston, Texas 77550, USA.

M.B. New, Wroxton Lodge, Institute Road, Marlow, Buck SL7 1Bj, England.

B.W. Tucker, Institute for Food Science and Technology, College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA.

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