THA/75/012/WP 21

Clarias batrachus in Thailand



Vijai Srisuwantach and Dhana Yingcharoen

Programme for the Development of Pond Management Techniques
and Disease Control (DoF - UNDP/FAO THA/75/012)

National Inland Fisheries Institute
Bangkok, Thailand


The “Programme for the Development of Pond Management Techniques and Disease Control (THA/75/012) was implemented in Thailand during 1979–82 as a joint project by the Department of Fisheries (DoF) and UNDP/FAO. The purpose of the project was to improve DoF support services for Clarias farming through strengthening:

  1. the skills of Fisheries staff in aquaculture disciplines such as disease diagnosis and treatment, pond management and extension,

  2. the research on solutions for problematical aspects of Clarias culture,

  3. the system of relaying problems from the farms to DoF and of transferring improved technologies, and

  4. the equipment and facility base of DoF for working on aquaculture problems.

Although the UNDP/FAO participation was structured terminate in August 1981, DoF committed continuation of the project to at least August 1982.

This report is one of several Working Papers prepared on various aspects of the project. A list of titles of reports completed in the series is annexed.

Inquiries concerning the subject matter of any particular report should be directed to the author,

c/oThe Director
National Inland Fisheries Institute
Kasetsart University Campus
Bangkhen, Bangkok 9

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List of Figures:

1. Length-weight relationship of wild Clarias batrachus (after Sidthimunka 1973)

2. Length-weight relationship of cultured Clarias batrachus (after Srisuwantach et. al., 1980)

List of Tables:

1. Length-weight relationships in centimeters and grams of wild Clarias batrachus (after Sidthimunka 1973)

2. Length-weight relationships in centimeters and grams of farmed Clarias batrachus (Srisuwantach et. al., 1980)

3. Relative condition index of farmed Clarias batrachus based on comparison of observed weights of cultured fish and standard weights of wild fish

Length-weight Relationships of Cultured and Wild Clarias batrachus in Thailand1

Vijai Srisuwantach2 and Dhana Yingcharoen3


Numerical relationships between length and weight along with condition indices were determined for both wild and cultivated Clarias batrachus in Thailand. The primary data were obtained from pre-existing studies on wild fish by Sidthimunka (1973) and on farmed fish by Srisuwantach, et. al. (1980).

Length-weight relationships were determined by the following equation:

log10W=log10a + b log10 L
W=weight in grams
L=total length in centimeters
b=exponent (slope).

Calculation of the relative condition index (Kn), the ratio of observed weight (W) of fish of a certain length to the calculated or expected weight (W) of fish that long, followed the formula of Le Cren (1951):

1 Completed as a component study under the “Programme for the Development of Pond Management Techniques and Disease Control (DoF - UNDP/FAO THA/75/012)”.

2 Fisheries Biologist, Ecology Unit, National Inland Fisheries Institute, Kasetsart University Campus, Bangkhen, Bangkok 9, Thailand.

3 Fisheries Biologist, Mahasarakam Fisheries Station, Amphoe Muang, Mahasarakam Province, Thailand.


Primary measurements were made on wild fish ranging from 7 to 34 cm., and on farmed fish from 5 to 28 cm., in length. In both cases data were grouped in correspondence with one centimeter length classes of the fish.

Regression analyses resulted in the equations

log W=-2.2907 + 3.1202 log L (wild fish)
log W=-2.1692 + 3.0857 log L (cultured fish)

illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The computation of expected or standardized weights (), as shown in Tables 1 and 2, was based upon the above equations.

A comparison of the observed weights of farmed fish with standard weights of wild fish shows that cultured Clarias weight an average of about 19% more than their wild counterparts (Table 3).


Le Gren, E.D. 1951. The length-weight relationship and seasonal cycle in gonad weight and condition in perch, Perca fluviatilis. J. Anim. Ecol., 20: 201–219.

Sidthimunka, A. 1973. Length-weight relationships of freshwater fishes of Thailand. International Center for Aquaculture Research and Development, Series No. 3, Auburn University, 25p.

Srisuwantach, V.R. Soungchomphan, and P. Sae-Eng. 1980. Water quality conditions as disease related stressors in Clarias ponds. Ecology Technical Paper No. 3. Ecology Unit, National Inland Fisheries Institute, Bangkok, Thailand. 33p.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Length-weight relationship of wild Clarias batrachus (after Sidthimunka 19873).

Figure 2

Figure 2. Length-weight relationship of cultured Clarias batrachus (Srisuwantach et. al. 1980)

Table 1. Length-weight relationships in centimeters and grams of wild Clarias batrachus (after Sidthimunka 1973).

Total length
No. of
Range in weight (gm)Average empirical
weight (gm)
Calculated standard
weights (gm)
  7 1  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.220.90
  8 2  2.0  3.0  2.5  3.370.74
  9 1  5.0  5.0  5.0  4.861.02
10 3  5.0 11.0  8.0  6.751.18
11 2  8.0 10.0  9.0  9.090.99
12 1 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.931.01
13 2 14.0 23.0 18.5 15.311.21
14 5 15.0 20.0 17.8 19.290.92
15 4 24.0 30.0 26.0 23.931.09
1611 18.0 39.0 31.0 29.271.06
17 6 31.0 37.0 35.0 35.360.99
18 3 41.0 46.0 43.0 42.271.02
19 6 42.0 60.0 52.2 50.031.04
20 2 52.0 54.0 53.0 58.720.90
21 3 75.0100.0 85.0 68.371.24
23 9 85.0115.0 99.2 90.821.09
24 6 90.0110.0100.8103.70.97
25 9 95.0160.0126.1117.91.07
27 8140.0210.0162.4149.70.97
28 8140.0210.0162.4167.80.97
29 3175.0210.0193.3187.21.03
30 2170.0195.0182.5208.10.88
31 2205.0215.0210.0230.40.91
34 1240.0240.0240.0307.50.78

Table 2. Length-weight relationships in centimeters and grams of farmed Clarias batrachus (Srisawantach et. al. 1980)

Total length
No. of fishRange in weight (gm)Average empirical weight (gm)Calculated standard weights (gm)Kn
 5 5  1  11  0.971.03
 6 3  2  22  1.711.17
 710  1  3  2.3  2.740.84
 819  1  6  3.9  4.140.94
 919  4  8  5.8  5.960.97
1026  4 13  8.0  8.250.97
1122  4 16 10.2 11.080.92
1227 10 20 14.6 14.481.00
1325 14 24 20.2 18.541.09
1427 18 32 24.6 23.301.06
1531 22 36 29.1 28.831.01
1638 22 43 35.7 35.181.01
1737 34 52 41.9 42.400.99
1842 44 62 51.9 50.61.03
1948 48 80 61.8 59.811.03
2045 42 86 70.1 70.031.00
2154 68112 84.4 81.411.04
2234 84116 98.2 93.971.05
2332 92128110.5107.71.03
25 8122152135.3139.40.97
26 6144166157.7157.41.00
28 2168184176  197.90.89

Table 3. Relative condition index of farmed Clarias batrachus based on comparison of observed weights of cultured fish and standard weights of wild fish.

Total length
Empirical weight of cultured fish
Standardized weights, wild fish
 7  2.3  2.21.05
 8  3.9  3.41.15
 9  5.8  4.91.18
10  8.0  6.81.18
11 10.2  9.091.12
12 14.6 11.91.23
13 20.2 15.31.32
14 24.6 19.31.27
15 29.1 23.91.22
16 35.7 29.31.22
17 41.9 35.41.18
18 51.9 42.31.21
19 61.8 50.01.24
20 70.1 58.71.19
21 84.4 68.41.23
23110.5 90.81.22

The Programme for the Development of Pond Management
Techniques and Disease Control
(DoF-UNDP/FAO THA/75/012)


THA/75/012/WP 1Report on Aquaculture Training Undertaken at the International Center for Aquaculture, Auburn University, U.S.A.
Chanchai Sansrimahachai
THA/75/012/WP 2Third Semi-Annual Report (Sept. 1/80-Feb. 28/81) of Progress on the “Programme for the Development of Pond Management
echniques and Disease Control (DoF-UNDP/FAO THA/75/012)”.
Alex N. Fedoruk
THA/75/012/WP 3Management in Clarias Culture, Thailand.
James Muir
THA/75/012/WP 4Collecting Clarias Fry from Natural Waters.
Montree Muangboon
THA/75/012/WP 5Preliminary List of Diseases of Cultured Clarias in Thailand.
National Inland Fisheries Institute, Thailand and Institute of Aquaculture, Stirling, Scotland.
THA/75/012/WP 6Electrophoretic Analysis of Tilapia from the Dusit Palace Stock, Thailand.
Brendan McAndrew
THA/75/012/WP 7Water Quality Conditions as Disease Related Stressors inClarias Pond Culture.
Vijai Srisuwantach, Rangsarn Soungchomphan and Pathipath Sae-Eng.
THA/75/012/WP 8Analysis of NIFI Clarias Diet No. 12.
Albert J. Tacon and M. Beveridge
THA/75/012/WP 9Summary of the Report “Raising Clarias Fry on an Artificial Diet”.
Prasert Sitasit and Alex Fedoruk
THA/75/012/WP 10A Management Perspective on Stress and Infectious Diseases in Clarias Farming.
Alex N. Fedoruk
THA/75/012/WP 11Feeds for Catfish (Clarias batrachus Linn.) Fry.
Samran Dhamrongrat and Prasit Kasesuchi
THA/75/012/WP 12Assessment of a Vitamin Mineral Premix in an Artificial Feed for Pla Duk Oui (Clarias macrocephalus) Fry.
Krittiya Taechajanta and Prasert Sitasit
THA/75/012/WP 13Management and Research Approaches in Clarias Culture, Thailand.
B. Hepher
THA/75/012/WP 14Synopsis of the Report “Production Costs and Incomes in Clarias Pond Culture, Bang Pla Ma District, Suphanburi Province”.
Vanich Varikul and Alex Fedoruk
THA/75/012/WP 15Comparison of the Effects of Trash Fish and Pelleted Diets in Clarias Grow-out Operations.
Vijai Srisuwantach, Rangsarn Soungchomphan and Prasert Sitasit
THA/75/012/WP 16Water Conditions as Limiting Factors in Clarias Culture.
John A. Colman and S. Chinabut
THA/75/012/WP 17A Bibliography of Clarias (Family Clariidae) in Thailand.
Alex Fedoruk and Kamolphorn Pawaputanon
THA/75/012/WP 18Snakehead (Channa Striatus) Farming in Thailand.
Kok Leong Wee
THA/75/012/WP 19Assessment of the Program for the UNDP/FAO Supported Catfish Project in Thailand.
Ronald J. Roberts.
THA/75/012/WP 20Selected Clarias Bibliography from Countries Other than Thailand.
Wantanee Kate-Pasook and Alex N. Fedoruk
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