Fish Feed Technology Consultancy Report
September - December 1991


UNDP/FAO Project THA/89/003

Fish Nutrition and Aquaculture Diets Research Project
National Inland Fisheries Institute
Kasetsart University Campus
Bangkhen, Bangkok, 10900

Thomas Wilson, PhC.
School of Fisheries, HF-15
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington, 98195

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Terms of Reference


Analysis of the Feed Mill at NIFI

Current Status of Equipment for Extruded Feeds

Current Status of Equipment for Compressed Feeds

Micro-Ingredient Distribution in Feed Materials

Improvement of Nutritional Value and Reduction of Toxic Materials in Feeds

The Research Programme Related to Fish Feed Technology

Digestibility Trials

Chromic Oxide

Feeding Regimes

Calcium and Phosphorus Analysis

Water Stability and Float of Extruded Feeds

Operation of Freeze Dryers

Sinking Pellet Manufacturing

Floating Pellet Manufacturing

Improvement of Employee Health and Safety in the QC Laboratory

Improvement of Analytical Methods in the QC Laboratory


Personnel Contacted

Annex A
Notes taken from Charles Botting's Lecture on Feeds Extrusion

Annex B
Summary of the Production of Extruded Feeds

Annex C
Analysis of the Performance of the Tunnel Dryer

Annex D
Recommendations of Process Engineer

Annex E
Water Stability Measurements of Extruded and Sinking Feeds

Annex F
The Protein Solubility Index for Soybean Meals

Annex G
Summary of Protein Solubility Index Method

Annex H
Cresol Dye Test to Determine Heating of Soybean Meals

Annex I
Results of Cresol Dye Test

Annex J
Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor Assay

Annex K
Results of Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor Assay

Annex L
Diets for Digestibility Trials

Annex M
Procedure for Chromic Oxide Assay

Annex N
Dr. Supis' Experimental Macrobrachium Diets

Annex O
Extruded Diets based on Warmwater Catfish Feed

Annex P
Extruded Diets Using Local Ingredients

Annex Q
Extruded Diets Produced by Dr. Wimol

Annex R
Penkhar Nasuwan's Soybean Meal Diets for Clarias

Annex S
Siriporn Rajchapakdee's Carbohydrate Diets for Clarias

Annex T
Quantitative Recovery of Nitrogen during Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analysis

Annex U
Notes for Lecture on Proximate Analysis and Nutrient Analysis

Annex V
Notes for Lecture on Raw Materials for Feed Ingredients

Annex W
Notes for Lecture on Feed Production

Annex X
Notes for Lecture on Feed Formulation