6 July to 26 August 1990




John E. Halver


Seattle, Washington, USA

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Terms of Reference
Review of Progress on THA/87/004
Amino Acid and Protein Study Programme
Lipid Research Programme at NIFI
In-Service Training
Nutrition Laboratory and Diet Development Needs
General Nutrition Consultancy
Personnel Contacted

Amino acids and Protein Requirements proposalAnnex A
Schedule for In-Service Training CourseAnnex B
Enrollment in In-Service Training CourseAnnex C
Protocol for C1 and Bound C assaysAnnex E
Tucker - Halver modification for C assaysAnnex F
Felton - Halver protocol for HPLC assaysAnnex G
Equipment needed for assaysAnnex H
Lipid literature for crustaceansAnnex J
Amino acid and protein literatureAnnex K



Description of Duties:

  1. To formulate and initiate a research programme to develop optimal needs for freshwater prawn and marine shrimp including:
    1. demonstration of lipid and amino acid analysis techniques;
    2. designing of nutritional experiments for brood stock and grow-out;
    3. advise on feed formulation for freshwater prawn and marine shrimp;

  2. To provide in-service training of national staff on shrimp nutrition with special reference to amino acids and lipids.

  3. To advise on the appropriate equipment needed for studies on lipids and amino acids, and their installation and operation.

  4. To submit a technical report at the end of his assignment.

On arrival the TOR were focused upon demonstration of fatty acid profile analysis and development of the amino acid and protein requirement studies programme at NIFI. Amino acid analysis on the HPLC equipment was defered to a later period since the fume hood was not yet installed and preparation of the phenyisocyanate derivatives of the amino acids was too dangerous without a proper fume hood. A demonstration of reference amino acid standards derivatives on hand was performed for the in-service trainees in a special week long intensive nutrition review requested by the Government Project Coordinator. Protein requirement studies for Pangasius catfish were initiated. Special emphasis was also placed upon developing the capability and training personnel to determine and monitor vitamin C levels in diets and fish tissue. The fume hood listed as a primary need in the THA/87/004 consultancy report submitted in July 1989 was finally installed and became operational only during the last two weeks of this consultancy period. The experimental feed mill has not been completed and therefore only research planning and research proposal development was possible for diet development, diet manufacture and diet testing experiments for shrimp and catfish.

1. Review of Progress on THA/87/004

1.1 Dr. Mali Boonyaratpalin completed the study initiated last year with Sea Bass fed PHOSPHATAN-C (Vitamin C3) as the vitamin C source in moist diets. All levels tested failed to provide adequate vitamin C intake and fish become scorbutic. In addition the donated supplies of ascorbate polyphosphate received from UTI became discolored upon storage at ambient temperature and could not be used one month after receipt.

1.2 Nanthiya Unprasert completed 50 assays of amino acids in various feedstuffs and diets used for shrimp and fish diets using the HPLC equipment in the new laboratory. She prepared the Phenylisocyanate derivatives in the preparation room without benefit of an adequate hood - - the temporary hood constructed at the station had insufficient air evacuation and therefore she burned her hands and fingers repeatedly during the preparations. I ordered a stop to amino acid derivative preparations for the HPLC analysis until a proper hood was available to protect personnel. Therefore no amino acid analysis was possible during the current consultancy. This situation has now been remedied, albeit only very recently, and Dr. Hardy should now be able to proceed with vitamin preparation for the HPLC analysis programme.

1.3 Vitamin C requirements for Pangasius catfish were initiated using laboratory preparations of semi-moist diets containing coated C which were then dried and stored in the refrigerator until fed. Eighteen lots of fish held in the wet laboratory circular tanks were started on 6 diets 2 July 90 containing 0, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200 mg of coated C per Kg dry diet. Fish have been fed at about 3 % body weight per day. At date of this report no scurvy has been detected in any lot (C stores not yet exhausted). When scurvy appears, repletion studies are planned using samples of L-ascorby1–2-sulfate (ASTON) donated by Pfizer Inc.; L-ascorly-2-triphosphate (STAY-C) donated by UTI, coated C, and reference L-ascorbic acid (C1). Assays for C1 content of fish diets and for C1 and bound C content of fish tissue were performed. Residual C activity in the prepared diets, dried and kept frozen or in the refrigerator was very low indicating most of the bound C was lost during the preparatory or 6 week diet storage period.

1.4 A brief summary of results of the vitamin A, C, E and D experiments was reviewed with Nanthiya Unprasert before her departure for graduate study at Mississippi State University.

1.5 The study with growth promoter added to Penaeus monodon diets indicated about 15 % increase in growth when the promoter was added compared to the same diet devoid of the compound.

1.6 The following recommendations in consultancy report for THA/87/004 of 15 July 1989 were completed: 4.1 the clean room was done, 4.2 an additional air conditioner was installed in clean room; 4.8 a microwave oven was purchased; 4.9 the quality control proximate analysis room was completed including installation of a fume hood; 4.10 the milling equipment budget was increased by US$ 42,000; 4.17 two scientists were sent to the training school at University of Washington.

2. Amino Acid and Protein Study Programme

2.1 Amino Acid requirements of fish and shrimp determine growth rate and protein source profiles in efficient economical formulated feeds. A first approximation of indispensable amino acid requirements may be obtained from amino acid analysis of fish flesh and fish eggs. Therefore a three year amino acid and protein requirement experimental programme was developed with Dr. Wimol Jantrarotai submitting proposals for amino acid analysis using the HPLC equipment for profiles in tissues and eggs, then using this foundation information to develop amino acid increment test diets for experimental feeding of fish, and finally using experimental results to confirm quantitative requirements for the 10 IAA, then formulating practical diets from available feedstuffs for testing under practical rearing conditions. See Annex A.

2.2 Amino acid analysis of fish tissues and fish eggs is planned as soon as Dr. Hardy arrives on about 1 October 90. The Government Project Coordinator urged that catfish be examined first to be followed later by shrimp tissues and eggs. Dr. Wimol has been briefed on operation of the HPLC for amino acid analysis and Dr. Hardy is experienced in amino acid assays as well as vitamin assays. Therefore this element of the amino acid and protein study programme should be implemented early in the next nutrition consultancy period.

2.3 Test diets for determining amino acid quantitative requirements were planned using the Mertz - Halver technique of feeding a test diet containing whole protein components supplemented with crystalline amino acids to duplicate whole egg amino acid profiles except for graded levels of the indispensable amino acid to be tested. Estimates of material needed for these studies were made and purified test diet ingredients were ordered. These experiments will be initialed as soon as the amino acid profiles of flesh and eggs are completed. (See schedule in Annex A).

3. Lipid Research Programme at NIFI

3.1 Fatty acid analysis capability was demonstrated to Dr. Wimol Jantrarotai, Pairat Kosutarak, and Amornrat Sermwatanakul by Nanthiya Unprasert. Folch extraction of liver tissue from catfish, from diets, and from brine shrimps were made by the trainees following the techniques outlined in Watanabe's laboratory manual. After dried total lipid was obtained, the lipid was saponified, then acidified to yield free fatty acids hydrolysed from the triglycerides and phospholipid present in the tissues. These free fatty acids were then methylated and dried before dilution to levels appropriate for GLC fatty acid analysis. Each trainee then injected his/her sample into the gas chromatograph and estimated extracted lipid. Results were compared with fatty acid profiles of Clarias liver oil, pollack liver oil and fatty acid methyl ester standards.

3.2 Amornrat Sermwatanakul plans to assay for fatty acids in various brine shrimp preparations and larval diet mixtures she is testing during development of a larval feed for fish and shrimp.

3.3 New lipid research personnel are necessary at NIFI or a better cooperative and exchange programme with NICA is needed before more emphasis can be placed on developing a strong lipid research and diet testing effort for freshwater and marine shrimp nutrition.

4. In-Service Training

4.1 In response to a request from GPC an intensive review on principles of nutrition of fish and shrimp was organized (Annex B). A number of fishery officers, scientists and students attended the one week course schedule (Annex C). Principles and practices of nutrition and diet development were reviewed each morning with a tutorial ending these sessions. Demonstrations were organized for each afternoon. Practices of Proximate Analysis were demonstrated by Pairat and Wimol one afternoon on the new equipment in the feed proximate analysis laboratory. The new GLC was demonstrated for methylester analysis of fatty acids in feeds and fish tissues. The HPLC was demonstrated for amino acid analysis of reference standards on hand by Nanthiya Unprasert. The feed milling equipment was demonstrated by Pairat and Prasert Sitasit.
Details of the lectures and demonstrations can be found in the handouts of outlines used (Annex D).

4.2 Special training was organized for Dr. Wimol, Pairat and Amornrat, the UBC graduate student on thesis research with the Department of Fisheries, Fisheries Extension Division. Various methods for partial and total lipid extraction of feedstuffs, feeds and animal tissues were used and each individual prepared his own lipid preparations. Techniques for non - destructive free fatty acid preparations were performed by each person under close supervision. Careful methylation of the fatty acids was performed by each, then total methylesters were dried and quantitated. The qualitative and semi-quantitative fatty acid profiles of these methyl esters was determined on the Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph. SAFETY in preparation and in SAFE operations was stressed during the training. Chromatograms obtained were compared with Clarias liver oil and reference Pollack liver oil obtained from Dr. Watanabe at Tokyo University of Fisheries. Assays were compared with Watanabe's chromatograms run with a micro capillary column and the NIFI glass coil column. New standards of methylesters of the C20:5n-3; C22:6n-3 as well as the C18:3n-3; C18:2n-6; C18:1n-9; C18-0; and C16:0 were ordered to complete common fatty acid references for those important and essential for normal fish/shrimp physiology, growth and general nutrition.

4.3 Special training was organized for Pairat and Wimol for analysis of various forms of vitamers C. A simple method for extraction and assay for L-ascorbic acid in feeds and in tissues was reviewed with each person preparing standard curves and sample extractions. The general modified Roe-Keother method for C1 using water, micro wave, and 6 % TCA extraction procedures were used (annex E). All feed samples showed heavy interference and a sample clarification modified procedure was developed (Annex F). Assays for total C yielding tissue bound C were tested and results verified the presence of bound C in animal tissues. Dr. Wimol will work with Dr. Hardy on the HPLC equipment for more exact quantitative determinations using the Felton-Halver method with tandem C-18 Bondapak columns (Annex G).

5. Nutrition Laboratory and Diet Development Needs.

5.1 Laboratory equipment arrangements in the clean room are adequate except for the electrical supply. Inadequate outlets necessitate use of extension cords and multiple outlets. Only one outlet is properly grounded to protect the expensive equipment, therefore a new set of outlets is needed above the work benches. In addition more outlets are needed on the wall above the outer room work tables. All these should be grounded or at least each outlet should have a + - indication on the main and ground side.

5.2 Outer preparatory table space is inadequate and can be easily improved by installing a work table under the observation windows into the clean room. Electric outlets are also needed above this work table.

5.3 Safety chains are needed for the gas cylinders in the work area by the hood and by the entrance door.

5.4 The proximate analysis and feed quality control laboratory needs an improved “adequate” water supply for the fiber extracting machine. Low water pressure prevent use for fiber determinations which are very important in assessing the nutrients present and cost effectiveness of diet formulations.

5.5 A list of minor equipment to facilitate assays in the nutrition laboratory is listed in Annex H.

5.6 The feed milling equipment is not organized into an efficient line operation. Several pieces of equipment have not been ordered; VIZ; boiler, hammermill, mixer, dryer, conveyors, etc. These were planned in July 1989 but orders and requisitions have been postponed pending receipt of quotations from local and regional equipment suppliers. It may be doubtful if equipment ordered now can be delivered and installed as a complete heat extruded pellet mill for shrimp and fish feeds in time to manufacture diets for field testing which is one major objective of Project THA/89/003, the modified project implemented in January, then June 1990. The existing CPM compressed pellet mill is still operational but one mill is down because of lack of appropriate Die for pellet manufacture. When the new boiler is ordered and installed, and a new die is purchased, this old but operational unit will expand capabilities for experimented diet formulation and pelleting for practical feed treats. These extensive delay may jeopardize the completion of the diet milling capabilities of NIFI and relegate the field diet testing to some future date beyond the tenure of THA/89/003.

6. General Nutrition Consultancy

6.1 Field trip to shrimp feed mill and shrimp rearing areas in SW Thailand was conducted with Prasert Sitasit, GPC for project. The shrimp rearors cooperative feed mill near Surat Thani was examined. The capacity is about 4 tons per day of dried 2 mm pellets made by reconstitution of dry meals, premixes, oils and water, then extrusion through a meat grinder with 2 mm die, then tunnel drying before bagging. Capacity is sufficient for the local farmers involved but limited for much expansion.

6.2 The Fisheries Research and Development station at Sichon was visited. This large shrimp and marine fish larval rearing station has a fairly good marine water supply and many tanks which could be used for shrimp and marine fish diet trials during the off season when demand is light for shrimp post larvae production. The indoor tanks could be used for closely monitored pilot plant diet trials where response of animals would be dependent upon nutrients in the diets used without supplementation from pond water environment.

6.3 Recruitment procedures for temporary employees (NTE 3 months) was reviewed with FAO administrative personnel and THA/89/003 personnel.

6.4 Purchasing procedures for Field Purchase Orders and for UNDP Requisition for purchase was reviewed with THA/89/003 personnel. Imre Csavas, RAPA Regional Aquaculture Officer will approve by signature those FPO's and UNDPR's issued. FPO's are issued for outside country purchases and UNDPR's issued for local purchase of equipment and supplies.

6.5 Assistance in administrative clearance for fellowship training abroad was offered for the Ph.D. training programme at Mississippi State University for Nanthiya Unprasert. After several delays she was able to obtain all clearances and travel space for a last minute departure on 20 August to arrive at MSU 21 August at noon on last day of registration before classes started on 22 August. Contacts with Mr. McNaughton of IDRC were very productive and his rapid response with official support letters to DTEC enabled clearance and passport release in time. Professor Robert Wilson at MSU was also very helpful and understanding about the late arrival.

6.6 Contacts with Professors Shell and Grover at Auburn University resulted in acceptance of Munsiri as a M.Sc. program graduate student and Ms. Sonkphan Lumlertdacha as a special student pending completion of her GRE examination at Auburn before she will be accepted there for graduate study. Mr. J. M. Meyour, the Senior Fellowships Officer, FAO Rome was also very helpful and prompt in response to requests for early release of official award papers to expedite its clearances necessary by various offices in Thailand before passport and visa are obtained.

6.7 A list of catalogues, references and special supplies for the GLC and HPLC were assembled and filed in the office cabinets for Dr. Hardy's use on arrival.


7.1 Complete the sample preparation room next to the GLC - HPLC clean room. Install work bench and electrical outlets below window.

7.2 Rewire clean room with grounded labelled outlets above table inner wall.

7.3 Install water purification system for HPLC sample preparations.

7.4 Recruit and train research technician to operate GLC and HPLC equipment as sole duties under supervision of Dr. Wimol.

7.5 Have Mr. Pairat redesign coated vitamin C experiments with diets manufactured at monthly intervals and monitored for C levels during feeding trials.

7.6 For all diet trials with small fishes/shrimp have personnel feed early (0700) and late (1600 – 1700) daily to cover animal not human needs.

7.7 Purchase 6–10 Carousel type automatic feeders for diet trials in wet laboratory.

7.8 Have Dr. Wimol redesign and repeat protein requirement study with Pangasius catfish extending protein levels to 50 % of diet treatments (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 % CP).

7.9 Purchase or requisition for purchase all remaining equipment immediately to allow time for delivery, installation and operation before end of project period.

7.10 Design Layout for extruder expanded pellet mill for line operation complementary to existing compressed pellet line.

7.11 Plumb boiler (to be ordered) into existing CPM mills.

7.12 Purchase another die and put second CPM mill into operating capability.

7.13 Clean service and connect existing standly generator to feed quality control and nutrition research laboratory for emergency use during long overnight type assays.

7.14 Adopt a major project proposal proforma system to plan and implement research effort according to documented priorities. See examples enclosed in THA/87/004 report of July 1989.

7.15 Develop cooperative use of facilities at Sichon research station for feeding trial testing on pilot scale diets formulated for marine shrimp and fish.

7.16 Request return of nutrition consultant for 1.5 man months during August - September 1991.

Personnel Contacted

Dr. Kitjar JaiyenDirector
National Inland Fisheries Institute
Mr. Prasert SitasitGovernment Project Manager THA/89/003
Dr. Mali BoonyaratpalinHead, Aquaculture Nutrition Researh Group
Mr. Chen Foo YanCoordinator
Network of Asian Centers of Aquaculture
Dr. Michael NewCoordinator
Asian Aquaculture Development Cooperation Programme (AADCP)
Mr. Abu Y. SelimDeputy Regional Representative
UNDP, Bangkok.
Ms. Norma BethkeThai Affairs Officer
Mr. Imre CsavasRegional Aquaculture Officer
Mr. Fouad ShomaliAssistant Regional Representative
UNDP, Bangkok.
Professor Robert P. WilsonMississippi State University
Professor E. W. ShellAuburn University
Professor John GroverAuburn University
Professor Beryl MarchUniversity of British Columbia
Dr. Andrew McNaughtonIDRC, Singapore
Ms. Sue Marie DamonNorthwest Airline, Bangkok
Dr. Pimsac MenasavetaChulalongkorn University
Dr. Ron HardyNational Marine Fisheries Commission
Mr. V.M. MeyourSr. Fellowship Officer, FAO, Rome

Annex A


Amino acids and protein requirement of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus)


Amino acids profile in fish feeds influence fish growth since fish do not have a true protein requirement, but need a well-balanced mixture of indispensable and dispensable amino acids (Wilson and Halver 1986). Fish, like other monogastric animals, require the same 10 indispensable amino acids : arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Qualitative and quantitative requirement for these indispensable amino acids has been studied intensively in only four species ; chinook salmon (Halver 1972), common carp and Japanese eel (Nose and Arai, cited by Cowey and Sergent, 1979), and channel catfish (Wilson, et al 1977).

Walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) are one of the most raised fish in South-east Asia because of their fast-growing and ability to tolerant low oxygen conditions. The fish are scavengers and depend on high protein in their diet to grow. Protein requirements range from 25–35 % and DE/P range from 5.8-12 kcal/g (Amnuey and Weing 1982 ; Kuanruthai 1984 ; Banyat 1989). The inconsistency of protein requirements are due to the different protein sources. Therefore if the amino acids requirement were known, it could serve as basic information for formulation of Clarias feed regardless of the protein source.


Protein is the most expensive part in the fish diets. Protein is required for fish growth because it provides the mixture of amino acids necessary for protein synthesis. At present, Clarias diets are formulated to contain high protein levels (at least 30 %) to satisfy growth of the fish. However, the actual amino acids requirement by Clarias are not known. Therefore, the protein content recommended maybe too low to promote the full potential growth or maybe too high and cost more than it should. Qualitative and Quantitative requirements for amino acids by Clarias are needed to be the foundation for solving the problems associated with fish growth and feed cost. Amino acids requirements will be more universal than protein requirement by fish and will be useful for farmers scientists or feed formulators from different regions to establish standard feeds for Clarias.


The objectives of this proposal are as following :

  1. Determine the amino acids profiles in Clarias flesh and eggs.
  2. Determine the amino acids requirement by Clarias using amino acids profiles in flesh and eggs as reference amino acids levels.
  3. Protein digestibility of practical ingredient ; fish meal, soybean meal, rice bran and broken rice for Clarias.
  4. Formulate Clarias production feed with protein level to satisfy all 10 indispensible amino acids and test in large scale ponds.


Objective 1

Walking catfish and matured female walking catfish fed traditionally formulated commercial feed will be collected from commercial farms in central plain of Thailand and wild walking catfish and matured female walking catfish from natural waters will be purchased from fisherman. As soon as possible after the fish have reached the laboratory, egg from the matured female walking catfish will be removed. Carcass and egg of the walking catfish from each group will be analyzed for all indispensable amino acids. Amino acids will be determined in the National Inland Fisheries Institute by method of Chang et al. (1981) using high performance liquid chromatography.

Objective 2

Profiles of the indispensable amino acids in fish eggs and carcass will be used as references for amino acids requirements by fish. To determine each indispensable amino acid requirement, five basal diets will be formulated for each amino acid study. The diets compose of Casein (Vitamin-free), Gelatin, White dextrin, Cellulose, Corn oil, Fish oil, Vitamin mix, Mineral mix, CMC and Amino acid mixture. The diets will be isonitrogenous and isocaloric which contain 24 % crude protein and 275 Kcal DE/100 g diet (Wilson 1982). The basal diet in each study will be supplemented with graded levels of the amino acid to provide the appropriate test range under study.

The experimental diets will be fed to triplicated groups of fingerling walking catfish (2–5 cm in size) held in 80 liter glass aquaria for 10 weeks. Each group will be fed 3 % of body weight three times each day. The fish will be sampled biweekly, and the feed allowance will be adjusted accordingly. At the end of the experiment, growth curves of each amino acids study will be plotted. The break point where the growth rate leveled off will be considered as level required by the fish.

Objective 3

To formulate practical walking catfish feed to satisfy indispensable amino acid requirement using fish meal, soybean meal, rice bran and broken rice as main ingredients. Protein digestibility in these ingredients need to be determined. Each ingredient evaluated will be combined as a mixture of test diet which composed of reference diet, test ingredient, and chromic oxide. The protein digestibility of test diet will be compared to the protein digestibility reference diet and allow to calculate the protein digestibility of the ingredient. The procedure for protein digestibility determination will follow Brown et al. (1985).

Objective 4

When each of 10 indispensable amino acids required by walking catfish and protein digestibility of raw ingredients are known, practical diets will be formulated to have similar amino acids patterns as requirements. Formulated feed will compose of fish meal, soybean meal, rice bran and broken rice, and supplemented with crystalline amino acids if necessary. The requirement for amino acids will determine protein level in the feeds. Formulated feeds will be then evaluated under practical conditions with comparison with commercial floating pellet for walking catfish, traditional trash fish + rice bran diet, and NIFI walking catfish feed. Sixteen earthen ponds, 400 m2 in area, each will be stocked with 10,000 fingerlings (5 cm in size). Group of four ponds each will be randomized for each of the diet evaluated. The fish will be fed at 3 % body weight twice daily at 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM for three months. Fish from each ponds will be sampled biweekly and adjusted for feed allowances. At the end of the experiment, the ponds will be drained and fish will be harvested. Twenty five fish from each pond will be collected for further determination of composition of gain.

Literature Review

Amino acid compositions influence the dietary protein requirement for fish (Wilson and Halver 1986). Quantitatively, amino acids requirements in fish have been established in only four species; chinook salmon, channel catfish, Japanese eel and common carp (NRC 1983). All fish seem to require 10 indispensable amino acids. Even one amino acid present in the protein at a level below that require by the fish prohibited growth (Halver 1987) in fish feeds.

The first successful amino acid test diet for fish was developed by Halver et al. (1957). They compared crystalline-L-amino acid supplemented diet referenced to the amino acid patterns of whole chicken egg protein, chinook salmon egg protein, and chinook yolk sac fry protein. The results indicated that the test diet based on whole chicken egg protein gave the best growth and feed efficiency for chinook salmon for a 12-week period. Ketola (1982) suggested that although the amino acid contents of fish eggs appear to differ from the reported dietary requirements of the fish, the composition of the egg provided an effective guide for successful amino acid supplementation of proteins in fish feeds for Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout.

Test diet of Halver et al. (1957) was unsuccessful in common carp for determination of amino acids requirement since a marked reduction in growth rate was observed corresponding to the relative amount of free amino acids in the test diets (Aoe et al 1970).

It has been suggested that for warm water fish such as channel catfish and common carp, the amino acids test diets must be neutralized with base for utilization by the fish (Dupree and Halver 1970; Nose et al. 1974). Wilson and Robinson (1982) showed that a significant improvement in crystalline amino acids used by channel catfish was observed by adjusting the pH of the test diets, and a diet of pH 7 produced a growth rate similar to the whole egg protein control diet.

Facilities and Equipment

Facility are available at the National Inland Fisheries Institute for preparing the sample for amino acids analysis and for preparing feeds. A high performance liquid chromatograph for amino acids analysis is also available. Sixty-80L-glass aquaria with two compressors for air supply are required. Sixteen-400 m2 -earthen ponds will be available at Supanburi Fisheries Station. Walking catfish fingerlings need to be bought from hatchery. Purified ingredients and crystalline amino acids need to be ordered from the United States. Practical feed stuffs are locally available. Two technicians are required. One for HPLC operation and another for feed preparation and feeding.

Research Time Table

Jan. 91Jan. 92Jan. 93Jan. 94Jan. 95Jan. 96

1. HPLC determination of amino acids profiles in walking catfish carcass and eggs.

2. Qualitative and Quantitative 10 indispensable amino acids requirement of walking catfish.

3. Protein digestibility study and practical walking catfish feed evaluation.


Amnuey C. and C. Weing. 1982. Protein requirement by walking catfish fry. Thai Fish. Gazzette 35:251–260.

Aoe, H., I. Masuda, I. Abe, T. Saito, T. Toyoda, and S. Kitamura 1970. Nutrition of Protein in young carp. I. Nutritive value of free amino acids. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 36:407–413.

Banyat, S. 1989. Growth Respons of Walking Catfish Fingerling Fed Isocaloric Diets with Variable Protein Levels. Master Thesis. Kasetsart University.

Brown, P. B., R. J. Strange, and K. R. Robbins. 1985. Protein digestibility coefficients for yearling channel catfish fed high protein feedstuffs. Prog. Fish-Cult. 47:94–97.

Chang, J-Y, R. Knecht, and D. G. Brawn. 1981. Amino acid analysis at the picomole level: Application to the C-terminal sequence analysis of polypeptide. Biochem J. 199:547.

Cowey, C. B. and J. R. Sargent. 1979. Nutrition P. 1–69 in Fish Physiology, Bioenergetics and Growth, Vol. VIII, W. S. Hoar, D. J. Randall, and J. R. Brett, (eds.). Academic Press. New York.

Dupree H. K. and J. E. Halver 1970. Amino acids essential for the growth of channel catfish. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 99:90–92.

Halver, J. E. (Ed). 1972. Fish Nutrition. Academic Press, New York.

Halver, J. E. (Ed). 1987. Fish Nutrition. Second Edition. Academic Press.

Halver, J. E., D. C. Delong, and E. T. Mertz 1957. Nutrition of salmonoid fishes. V. Classification of essential amino acids for chinook salmon. J. Nutr. 63:95–105.

Ketola, H. G. 1982. Amino acid nutrition of fishes: requirements and supplementation of diets. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 73B:17–24.

Kuanruthai, T. 1984. Effect of Isonitrogenous Feed with Different Energy Levels on Growth and Surviving of Walking Catfish Fry. Master Thesis. Kasetsart University.

Nose T., S. Arai, D-L Lee, and Y. Hashimoto 1974. A note on amino acids essential for growth of young carp. Bull. Jap. Soc. Scient. Fish 40:903– 908.

NRC 1983. Nutrient Requirements of Warmwater Fishes and Shellfishes. National Academy Press. Washington D. C.

Wilson, R. P., D. E. Harding, and D. L. Garling, Jr. 1977. Effect of dietary pH on amino acid utilization and the lysine requirement of fingerling channel catfish. J. Nutrition 107:166–170.

Wilson, R. P., and J. E. Halver (1986). Protein and amino acid requirements of fishes. Ann. Rev. Nutr. 6:225–244.

Wilson, R. P. and E. H. Robinson 1982. Protein and Amino Acid Nutrition for Channel Catfish. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.

Budget (5 years duration proposed)

a) principal researcher 360,000.-
    name: Jantrarotai, W.
b) co-researchers 300,000.-
    names: Kosutarak, P.
c) technicians 240,000.-
d) labourers (2) 360,000.-
e) others  
Total personnel 1,260,000.-
a) feedstuffs and feed 300,000.-
b) chemicals 100,000.-
c) supplies 20,000.-
d) other (books, etc.) Fish 100,000.-
Total supplies & material 520,000.-
a) Sixty - 80L glass aquaria 42,000.-
b) Two - compressor 20,000.-
c) HPLC column and ascessory 80,000.-
04RENT & FACILITIES COSTS (other than those on Station) 
a) car/truck 50,000.-
b) pumps, motors 30,000.-
c) power/water 70,000.-
Total rent & facilities costs 150,000.-
a) national 50,000.-
b) international -
Total travel 50,000.-
a) reports/manuscripts 10,000.-
b) scientific journals (page charges) 7,000.-
c) reprints 10,000.-
Total publication costs 27,000.-
a) Station overhead - 20 % of direct costs 429,800.-
b) NIFI-tax - 5 % of direct costs 107,450.-
Total indirect costs 537,250.-


a) quarter one671,562.-    Baht
b) quarter two671,562.-    Baht
c) quarter three671,562.-    Baht
d) quarter four671,562.-    Baht

Annex B

Principles of Fish Nutrition

 Lecture Schedule           Topic
 Tuesday 7 August 1990 
1.0900 – 0945General Fish Nutrition
2.1000 – 1030Energy and Sources
3.1100 – 1145Questions and Answers Tutorial
4.1330 – 1600Proximate Analysis
 Wednesday 8 August 1990 
5.0900 – 0945Water Soluble Vitamins (5)
6.1000 – 1045Water Soluble Vitamins (6)
7.1100 – 1130Questions and Answers Tutorial
8.1330 – 1600GLC and HPLC analysis
 Thursday 9 August 1990 
9.0900 – 0945Fat Soluble Vitamins (5)
10.1000 – 1045Fats and Lipids
11.1100 – 1130Questions and Answers Tutorial
12.1330 – 1600Feed milling operations
 Friday 10 August 1990 
13.0900 – 0945Proteins and Amino acids
14.1000 – 1045Digestion / Bioavailability / Nutrient Score.
15.1100 – 1130Questions and Answers Tutorial
16.1330 – 1600Critical problems in Diet Development

Annex C



Annex E

Protocol for C1 and Bound C Assays

  1. Weigh 1 g wet tissue into test tube.

  2. Add 9 mL Cold 5 % Trichloracetic acid solution.

  3. Homogenize in Polytron 1 min advancing to high speed.

  4. Transfer to clinical centrifuge.

  5. Spin 5–10 min hi speed angle head.

  6. Take 2 mL of supernatant for A and B.

  7. For A

    1. Add 1 mL color reagent;
    2. Incubate at 37° C one hour;
    3. Chill in ice bath;
    4. Add 2 mL 75% H2SO4 slowly;
    5. Mix and let stand 20–30 minutes;
    6. Read @ 515 mm in spectrophotometer.

    Compare with standard curve of 5 – 30 (Mg) C1/mL.

    For B

    1. Add 1 mL color reagent;
    2. Hold in water bath at 90–100° C for 20 minutes;
    3. Chill in ice bath;
    4. Add 2 mL 75% H2SO4 slowly;
    5. Let stand 20–30 minutes;
    6. Read @ 515 mm in spectro photometer.

    Reads Total C in sample.
    Bound C = Total C - C1

Color Reagent

1 mL 0.6% CuSO4
1 mL 5% Thiourea
20 mL 2.2%, 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution in 25% H2SO4
Mix reagents daily - Color mix will hold in refrigerator for 1 day.

Note : Make up all C1 standard solutions in 5 % TCA.

Annex F

Tucker - Halver Modification of C Analysis

Reagents :

75 % H2SO4
9N (25 %) H2SO4
DNPH : 2.2 % in 9NH2SO4
CuSO4 : 0.5 g CuSO4.5H2O in 100 mL HOH
Thiourea : 1.0 g Thiourea in 100 mL . HOH
DTC reagent : Prone to selfoxidation
Mix 10 DNPH : 1 Thiourea : 1 CuSO4 Solutions daily
TCA : 6 % Trichloracetic acid in HOH

Stock standards - good for one week in refrigerator
C1 (MW 176) : 20 mg made to 100 mL with 5 % TCA
C2 (MW 368) : 21 mg made to 50 mL with HOH
Dilute to concentrations desired (20 ug C1 equivalent/mL)
Develop standard curve 5 – 25 ug/mL C1

Procedure :

  1. Extract 1–2 g Liver or 0.5 g feed + 9 parts 6 % TCA with polytron homegenizer for 1 minute.
  2. Spin down in clinical centrifuge at high speed for 3–5 minutes. Save supernatant.
  3. Take 1 mL. aliquote for Sample A Take 1 mL. aliquote for Sample B
  4. Add 0.3 mL Color Reagent to A and B
  5. Incubate Sample A 2–3 hrs @ 37° C
  6. Treat Sample B at 95–100° C for exactly 20 minutes
  7. Chill Sample B
  8. Add 1.7 mL 75 % H2SO4
  9. Chill Sample B
  10. Let Stand 20–30 minutes @ room temperature
  11. Read in Spectrophotometer at 515 nm = Total C
  12. Add 1.7 mL 75 % H2SO4 to Sample A
  13. Chill Sample A
  14. Let stand 20–30 minutes @ room temperature
  15. Read in Spectrophotometer at 515 nm = C1

    Total C - C1 = bound C

Annex G

Protocol for C1, C2, C3 Assays

  1. Weigh 0.50–1.00 g liver tissue or feed to plastic test tube.

  2. Calculate weight and dilute W/ 9 parts water.

  3. Homogenize one minute in Polytron.

  4. Transfer homogenate to 100 mL glass beaker W/ cover.

  5. Micro wave one minute. Cool in icebath.

  6. Transfer beaker contents to centrifuge tube.

  7. Centrifuge 3 min hi speed in clinical centrifuge.

  8. Decant and save supernatant in icebath.

  9. Add calculated 5 mL water to pellet in tube.

  10. Homogenize one minute in Polytron.

  11. Transfer to same 100 mL beaker W/ cover glass.

  12. Microwave homogenate one minute ; Cool.

  13. Transfer to centrifuge tube.

  14. Spin 3 min hi speed in clinical centrifuge.

  15. Decant - off supernatant. Combine with first.

  16. Mix supernatants on Vortex mixer; Place in icebath.

  17. Remove 1–2 mL; Pressure filter thru 0.45 um disk.

  18. Collect 1–1.5 mL filtrate.

  19. Inject 25–50 uL into HPLC.

  20. Read C1, C2, Cx, C3 etc.

  21. Calculate Quantitative yield from aliquot used.

Annex H
Equipment Needed for Analysis

  1. Clinical centrifuge with angle head 18 mm tubes.

  2. Spectrophotometer, double beam, UV and visible light.

  3. Protein hydrolysis tubes - 12.

  4. Adjustable auto pipettes 0.1 – 1.0 mL size.

  5. Tips for above, 200

  6. Purified water supply for HPLC - - ordered.

  7. Cuvettes for spectrophotometer 2 mL quartz - 4

  8. Heating block, 12 space, 18 mm.

  9. Test tubes 18 × 100 mm. - 100.

  10. Separatory funnels 500 mL - 10.

  11. Separatory funnels 250 mL - 10.

  12. Water aspirator suction unit 3.

  13. Voltage Regulator for HPLC.

Annex J



Dept. Wildlife and Fisheries, Mississippi State University,
P.O. Drawer LW, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA.


Dr. John D. Castell,
Invertebrate Nutrition Group Leader, Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans, Biol. Sci. Br.,
Benthic Fish & Aquacult. Div., P.O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7, Canada.

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Annex K
Crustacean Protein and Amino Acid Requirements


Dr. John D. Castell
Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Sciences Branch,
Benthic Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, Scotia-Fundy Region,
P.O. Box 550, Hallfax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S7, Canada.

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