Technical Assistance on Oyster and Pearl Culture in Bangladesh


R. Pagcatipunan
Oyster and Pearl Culture Expert
FAO/UNDP Fishery Advisory Services/Project
(BGD 81/034)
(Nov. 6, 1983 - Oct. 5, 1984)

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Pilot Oyster Culture Farm

2.1 Background Information

2.2 Oyster Culture

2.2.1 Species of Oysters

2.2.2 Location of Farms

2.2.3 Status of Farms as of November 1983

2.2.4 Oyster Culture Methods Bamboo Plot Method Concrete Structures Clay Bricks Trays Stakes

2.3 Hydrobiological Studies

2.3.1 Growth

2.3.2 Spat Attachment

2.3.3 Plankton Samplings

2.3.4 Pests and Predators

2.3.5 Water Condition

2.4 Training of Counterparts

3 Pearl Culture at Mymensingh

3.1 Background Information

3.2 Technique of Pearl Culture

3.3 Pearl Culture Requirements

3.3.1 Pearl Technician

3.3.2 Pearl Mussels

3.3.3 Instruments

3.3.4 Nuclei/irritant

3.3.5 The site

3.3.6 Laboratory Building

3.4 Pearl Culture Activities

3.4.1 Gathering

3.4.2 Surgical Operation

3.5 Training of Counterparts

4 Recommendations

5 Manual for Oyster Culture



List of Tables and Figures

Itinerary of Consultant

List of persons/officers contacted met
