C 2001/INF/4


Thirty-first Session

Rome, 2 - 13 November 2001



C 2001/1-Rev.1 Provisional Agenda
C 2001/2 The State of Food and Agriculture
C 2001/3 Programme of Work and Budget 2002-2003
C 2001/3-Corr.1 Programme of Work and Budget 2002-2003
C 2001/3-Corr.2-Rev.1 French/Spanish only) Programme of Work and Budget 2002-2003
C 2001/4 Programme Evaluation Report 2001
C 2001/5 Audited Accounts FAO 1998-99
C 2001/5-Corr.1
French only)
Audited Accounts FAO 1998-99
C 2001/6 no document
C 2001/7 Progress in the Revision of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
C 2001/8 Programme Implementation Report 1998-99
C 2001/8-Corr.1 Programme Implementation Report 1998-99
C 2001/9 FAO Gender and Development Plan of Action (2002-2007)
C 2001/9-Corr.1(French only) FAO Gender and Development Plan of Action (2002-2007)
C 2001/10 Applications for Membership in the Organization
C 2001/11 Election of Council Members
C 2001/12-Rev.1 Arrangements for the 31st Session of the Conference
C 2001/13 Admission to the Session of Representatives and Observers of International Organizations
C 2001/14 Appointment of Representatives of the FAO Conference to the Staff Pension Committee
C 2001/15 Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council
C 2001/15-Rev.1 (Spanish only) Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council
C 2001/16 International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
C 2001/INF/Series 
C 2001/INF/1 Report of Informal Meeting of Observers from International non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs)
C 2001/INF/2-Rev.1 Guide on Conduct of Plenary Meetings
C 2001/INF/3 Provisional List of Delegates and Observers
C 2001/INF/4 Provisional List of Documents
C 2001/INF/5 Statement by the Director-General
C 2001/INF/6 Presentation of the B.R. Sen Awards (2000-2001)
C 2001/INF/7 Presentation of A.H. Boerma Award (2000-2001)
C 2001/INF/8 Presentation of Edouard Saouma Award 2000-2001
C 2001/INF/9 22nd McDougall Memorial Lecture
C 2001/INF/10 Medium Term Plan 2002-2007
C 2001/INF/11 Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission I
C 2001/INF/12 Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission II
C 2001/INF/13 Status of Contributions
C 2001/INF/14 Implementation of 2000 Regional Conferences Recommendations
C 2001/INF/15 FAO Members, Council Members, Members of the Council Committees and of the World Food Programme Executive Board
C 2001/INF/16 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States
C 2001/INF/17 Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Director-General (Status as at 31 August 2001)
C 2001/INF/18 Notification of Membership in the Open Committees of the Council 2002-2003
C 2001/INF/19 Extracts from Council Reports
C 2001/INF/20 7th Progress Report on the Implementation of the Plan of Action for Women in Development (1996-2001)
C 2001/INF/21 International Year of Mountains 2002 - Information Note
C 2001/INF/22 FAO's Cooperation with UN System Organizations, including the Bretton Woods Institutions
C 2001/INF/23 Evaluation Report on EMPRESS
C 2001/INF/24 Evaluation of the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) Progress Report
C 2001/INF/25 Reykjavik Conference on Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem (Reykjavik 1-4 October 2001)