C 2001/INF/8


Thirty first Session

Rome, 2-13 November 2001

AWARD 2000-2001


1. The Twenty-Seventh Session of the FAO Conference in November 1993 adopted Resolution 2/93 and decided to institute, as a new permanent feature in FAO, an award to a national or regional institution which - in the course of the biennium preceding the Conference - has implemented with particular efficiency a project funded by the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). The award bears the name of Dr. Edouard Saouma and is directed towards the goals he served. It is conferred every biennium.

2. The elements of the Award are (i) a medal inscribed with the name of the recipient institution; (ii) a scroll describing its achievements; (iii) a cash prize of US$ 25,000; (iv) travel to FAO headquarters in Rome by a representative of the winning institution to participate in the Award ceremony and to receive the award on behalf of the institution.

3. The Edouard Saouma Award Selection Committee, under the Chairmanship of the Director-General selects the Award winning institution; it comprises the Independent Chairman of the Council, the Chairman of the Programme Committee and the Chairman of the Finance Committee. The selection has been made from a short-list drawn up by an Ad Hoc inter-departmental Screening Committee, chaired by the Deputy Director-General and comprising the Assistant Directors-General of all the Headquarters Departments, the Director of the Field Operations Division, and the chief TCOT as Secretary.

4. Nominations are submitted by national institutions to FAO Representatives or UNDP Resident Representatives, as appropriate, for endorsement and eventual submission to the technical Department in charge of the project's technical backstopping. FAO Representatives, FAO Regional Representatives or UNDP Resident Representatives, as appropriate, may also submit nominations directly to the technical department concerned.

5. The Award is presented by the Director-General at a special ceremony held at the beginning of each regular session of the Conference to the representative of the winning institution. The Award for the 2000-2001 biennium will be presented at the Thirty first Session of the FAO Conference, at a ceremony to be held on Friday, 2 November 2001.

6. On this fourth occasion, the Award is given to a national institution that excelled in the implementation of the TCP assistance.

7. Each of the national institutions nominated has had remarkable achievements in terms of impact, catalytic effects and follow-up. From the thirteen nominations, this national institution stands out due to the commitment and enthusiasm with which it implemented and transformed an initially modest contribution by the Organization's Technical Cooperation Programme into a success that well exceeds the amount invested by FAO.

8. The performance of the project has been outstanding in terms of efficiency of project implementation as well as impact and catalytic effects, which are well described in the documentation attached. The personal commitment and enthusiasm of the Director and the staff of the institution have been vital for the achievements of the project and is at the origin of its success, not only in terms of immediate objectives but also with regard to the sustainability of its achievements.

Goat and Rabbit Research Centre, Son Tay, Hatay Province, Vietnam

(TCP/VIE/6613 (T) - Improving the Wellbeing of Poor Farmers by Developing Milk Production From Local Resources)

9. The demand for milk and milk products was being met in Vietnam, primarily through the importation of dairy products. Although there was a huge potential for goat milk production, particularly by small-scale women farmers, the country was lacking the technical know how to develop and introduce milk processing at grassroots level. FAO assistance was requested to address this situation.

A TCP project was initiated with the objective of increasing goat milk production using available local resources combined with market-driven processing of milk to increase producers' returns for their milk. FAO provided short-term technical assistance in the form of practical training on improved goat milk production processing.

The Centre demonstrated its ability in motivating its staff as well as the farmers and maintained excellent relations with the trainers. The Centre was particularly successful in transferring the simple technologies developed to farmers in the area. Efficient extension work was the key to rapid and effective project implementation. Effective implementation resulted in sustainable local enterprises driven by targeted marketing of high quality goat cheese which continue to provide increased (up to 50%) incomes for households in the project area and beyond.

The project has triggered considerable catalytic effects. Several institutions involved in poverty alleviation in Vietnam, such as GTZ, have replicated the project approach in their activities and also IFAD in India. FAO continues to apply this type of approach under the TCP mechanism in other countries in the region, e.g., North Korea.