


Windermere, United Kingdom, 12-19 June 2002

PROSPECTUS - Symposium on Inland Fisheries
Management and the Aquatic Environment
The effects of fisheries management on freshwater ecosystems

The European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission will hold a Symposium on Inland Fisheries Management and the Aquatic Environment: The effects of fisheries management on freshwater ecosystems in connection with its Twenty-second Session in June 2002.


There is an increasing requirement for an international forum to consolidate our understanding of the inter-relationship between fisheries management activities and other environmental issues. The relationships between environment and fisheries act in two directions: first, adverse and beneficial environmental activities which impinge on fish populations and fish communities (e.g. physical disturbances, pollution); and secondly, the effects of fish and fisheries management practices on the environment (e.g. improvement of fish habitats contributes to a better quality of the environment; modifications of the structure of fish communities change the food web and can improve the water quality; or, alternatively, stock enhancement or rehabilitation may lead to an unforeseen deterioration in the ecosystem or loss of biodiversity).
The focus of this Symposium will be on the effects of fish and fisheries management practices on the aquatic environment.

Symposium objectives


The EIFAC Symposium on Inland Fisheries Management and the Aquatic Environment aims to collect and discuss case studies on the benefits and negative impacts of fisheries management measures on the aquatic environment. The Symposium will deal with these effects in a number of sessions:

The case studies are likely to include topics such as:

The Symposium is addressed to stakeholders in several levels of the decision making process, user groups and scientists. Participation and contributions are expected from persons in various institutions like:

The Symposium should contribute to a better awareness of the role and effect of good fisheries management practices on the aquatic environment and show how fisheries management measures can be applied to maximize the positive effects and to minimize the negative impact on the environment. The Symposium should identify and guide actions to be taken both within the fisheries sector and by agencies and persons involved in environmental management issues. The output should lead to an integrated management of fish stocks in which fisheries and environmental objectives are met.

Call for Papers

Contributions are invited within any of the above broad headings. It is suggested that the majority will relate to experiences within countries, both reviewing past and present and predicting future opportunities for more sustainable and responsible management of fish, fish habitats and fisheries. Inter-active discussion during the Symposium will lead to a major statement embracing the entire concept of the inland fisheries of Europe. Anyone wishing to present a paper or poster display should submit an abstract not exceeding 150 words by 15 September 2001 to the Secretary of EIFAC, Fishery Resources Division, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, E-mail: [email protected], Fax: (39) 065705 3020.
Papers will be accepted in English or French, the working languages of EIFAC, but no interpretation will be provided during the Symposium. The Steering Committee will review all abstracts in relation to the objectives and themes of the Symposium and the authors will be informed of the outcome by 1 December 2001. Successful authors must submit a full manuscript not later than 1 March 2002.
The Convener of the Symposium is Mr D. Gerdeaux (France), E-mail: [email protected], Fax: (33-1) 5026 0760.
The Chairman is Mr I. Cowx (United Kingdom), E-mail: [email protected], Fax: (44-1482) 470129.