CL 127/INF/3


Hundred and Twenty-seventh Session

Rome, 22-27 November 2004



CL 127/1-Rev.1 Provisional Annotated Agenda
CL 127/2 State of Food and Agriculture 2004
CL 127/3 Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board on its Activities in 2003
CL 127/4 Election of Six Members to the WFP Executive Board
CL 127/4-Sup.1 Supplement to document CL 127/4
CL 127/5 Report of the 76th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)
(Rome, 30 March 2004)
CL 127/6 Results of the Application of the New Methodology for Equitable Geographic Distribution
CL 127/7 Medium Term Plan 2006-2011
CL 127/8 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 91st Session of the Programme Committee and the 107th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 12 May 2004)
CL 127/9 Report of the 18th Session of the Committee on Agriculture
(Rome, 9-10 February 2004)
CL 127/10 Report of the 30th Session of the Committee on World Food Security
(Rome, 20-23 September 2004)
CL 127/10-Sup. 1 Supplement to CL 127/10
- Intergovernmental Working Group for the Elaboration of a Set of Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security
(Rome, 23 September 2004)
- Final Report of the Chair
CL 127/11 Report of the 91st Session of the Programme Committee
(Rome, 10-14 May 2004)
CL 127/12 Report of the 92nd Session of the Programme Committee
(Rome, 27 September – 1 October 2004)
CL 127/13 Report of the 106th Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, 16 February 2004)
CL 127/14 Report of the 107th Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, 10-18 May 2004)
CL 127/15 Report of the 108th Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, 27 September- 1 October 2004)
CL 127/16 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 92nd Session of the Programme Committee and the 108th Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, September 2004)
CL 127/17

Application for Membership in the Organization

CL 127/18 Outcome of the Second FAO/WHO Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators (Bangkok, 12-14 October 2004) and of Regional Meetings on Food Safety
CL 127/19 Date for Nominations for the Office of Director-General
CL 127/20 Progress Report from the Secretariat of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
CL 127/21 Report of the 77th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)
(Rome, 7-8 October 2004)
CL 127/21-Corr.1 (English/French /Spanish only) Corrigendum to document CL 127/21
CL 127/22 Advance Funding for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities
C 2005 Series
C 2005/8 Programme Implementation Report 2002-2003
C 2005/8-Corr.1 Corrigendum to Document C 2005/8
CL 127/ INF/Series
CL 127/INF/1 Provisional Timetable
CL 127/INF/2 Provisional List of Delegates and Observers
CL 127/INF/3 Provisional List of Documents
CL 127/INF/4 Entry into Force of the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
CL 127/INF/5 Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme and Finance Committees
CL 127/INF/6 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States
CL 127/INF/7 Implementation of Decisions taken at the 125th and 126th Sessions of the Council
CL 127/INF/8 Progress Report on the Implementation of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
CL 127/INF/9 International Year of Rice 2004
CL 127/INF/10 The Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) Response to the Independent External Evaluation conducted in 2001-2002
CL 127/INF/11 no document
CL 127/INF/12 no document
CL 127/INF/13 Summaries of the Main Recommendations of Regional Conferences held in 2004
CL 127/INF/14 Preparations for the FAO Ministerial Meeting on Forests
CL 127/INF/15 Preparations for the FAO Ministerial Meeting on Fisheries
CL 127/INF/16 Report of the Joint Inspection Unit
CL 127/INF/17 Programme of Work of the Joint Inspection Unit for 2004 (A59/75)
CL 127/LIM/ Series

CL 127/LIM/1

Status of Contributions 2004

CL 127/LIM/2 Invitations to Non-Member Nations to attend FAO Sessions
CL 127/LIM/3 Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and other Main Sessions 2005-2006

CL 127/LIM/4

A Comprehensive and Independent External Evaluation of FAO (Paper submitted by Canada and the United States of America on Behalf of the North America Group)
CL 127/LIM/5 Appointment of Representatives of the FAO Conference to the Staff Pension Committee
CL 127/LIM/6 Director-General’s Report on the Proposal to Carry out a Comprehensive and External Evaluation