C 2009/1

Provisional Agenda

C 2009/2

Review of the State of Food and Agriculture

C 2009/2-Add.1

Proposed theme for the General Debate: "Improved Preparedness for, and Effective Response to, Food and Agricultural Threats and Emergencies"

C 2009/3

Strategic Framework 2010-19

C 2009/3-Add.1

Addendum to the Strategic Framework 2010-19

C 2009/4

Programme Evaluation Report 2009

C 2009/5 A

Audited Accounts 2006-2007 

C 2009/5 B

Audited Accounts 2006-2007: Report of the External Auditor

C 2009/6

Appointment of Representatives of the FAO Conference to the Staff Pension Committee

C 2009/7

Report of the CoC-IEE on the Immediate Plan of Action for FAO Renewal

C 2009/8

Programme Implementation Report 2006-2007

C 2009/9

Appointment of the Independent Chairperson of the Council

C 2009/10

Applications for Membership in the Organization

C 2009/11-Rev.1

Election of Council Members

C 2009/12

Arrangements for the 36th Session of the Conference

C 2009/13

Admission to the Session of Representatives and Observers of International Organizations

C 2009/14

Interim Report on the Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System



C 2009/15

Medium Term Plan 2010-13, and Programme of Work and Budget 2010‑2011

C 2009/16

Report of the 28th Session of the Committee on Fisheries
(2-6 March 2009)

C 2009/17

Report of the 19th Session of the Committee on Forestry
(16-20 March 2009)

C 2009/18

Report of the 67th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (20-22 April 2009)

C 2009/19

Report of the 21st Session of the Committee on Agriculture (22-25 April 2009)

C 2009/20

Report of the 34th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (14-17 October 2008)

C 2009/21-Rev.1

Report of the 35th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (14-17 October 2009)

C 2009/22

Status of Implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources

C 2009/23

Global Strategy for Agricultural and Rural Statistics

C 2009/24

Report of the Twelfth Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
(Rome, 19-23 October 2009)



C 2009/INF Series


C 2009/INF/1

Provisional Timetable

C 2009/INF/2

Provisional List of Delegates and Observers

C 2009/INF/3-Rev.1

List of Documents

C 2009/INF/4

Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community and its Member States

C 2009/INF/5

Statement of the Director-General

C 2009/INF/6

Presentation of the B.R. Sen Awards

C 2009/INF/7

Presentation of the A.H. Boerma Award

C 2009/INF/8

Presentation of the Edouard Saouma Award

C 2009/INF/9

McDougall Memorial Lecture

C 2009/INF/10

Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council on its Activities in 2007

C 2009/INF/11

Status of Contributions

C 2009/INF/12

Implementation of 2008-2009 Regional Conference Recommendations

C 2009/INF/13

Notification of Membership in the Five Technical Committees of the Council

C 2009/INF/14

Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council on its activities in 2008

C 2009/INF/15

Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Director General

C 2009/INF/16

Outcome of the High Level Expert Forum on "How to Feed the World in 2050"

C 2009/INF/17

Report on the XIII World Forestry Congress (Buenos Aires, 18-23 October 2009)

C 2009/INF/18

Progress Report on the International Year of Natural Fibres 2009

C 2009/INF/19

Evaluation of the International Year of the Potato 2008

C 2009/INF/20

Incentives and Other Measures to Encourage Timely Payment of Contributions

C 2009/INF/20-Add.1

Incentives and Other Measures to Encourage Timely Payment of Contributions - Addendum

C 2009/INF/21

Possible Increase in the Membership of the Council



C 2007/LIM Series


C 2009/LIM/1

First Report of the General Committee

C 2009/LIM/2

First Report of the Credentials Committee

C 2009/LIM/3

Audited Accounts 2006-2007 (Draft Resolution) (Extract from the Report of the Hundred and Thirty-sixth Council Session June 2009)



C 2009/LIM/4

Scale of Contributions 2010-2011 (Draft Resolution) (Extract from the Report of the Hundred and Thirty-sixth Council Session - June 2009)

C 2009/LIM/5

Margarita Lizárraga Medal (Extract from the Report of the Hundred and Thirty-sixth Council Session - June 2009)

C 2009/LIM/6-Rev.1

Preparations for the Thirty-sixth Session of the FAO Conference (Recommendations to the Conference)

C 2009/LIM/7

Programme Implementation Report 2006-2007 (Extract from the Report of the Hundred and Thirty-sixth Council Session - June 2009)

C 2009/LIM/8

Amendments to the Basic Texts Required for the Implementation of the Immediate Plan of Action for FAO Renewal (Extract from the Report of the Hundred and Thirty-seventh Council Session - September-October 2009)

C 2009/LIM/9

Strategic Framework 2010-19, Medium Term Plan
2010-13 and Programme of Work and Budget 2010-11 (Extract from the Report of the Hundred and Thirty-seventh Council Session – September-October 2009)

C 2009/LIM/10

Report of the CoC-IEE on the Immediate Plan of Action for FAO Renewal (Draft Resolution) (Extract from the Chair’s Aide-Mémoire of the Conference Committee for IEE Follow-up - Thursday 17 September 2009)

C 2009/LIM/11-Rev.1

Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (Extract from the Report of the Hundred and
Thirty-seventh Council Session – September-
October 2009)

C 2009/LIM/12-Rev.1

Report of the 89th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (27-28 October 2009)

C 2009/LIM/12-Add.1

Report of the 89th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (27-28 October 2009)

C 2009/LIM/13

Second Report of the Credentials Committee

C 2009/LIM/14

Third Report of the Credentials Committee

C 2009/LIM/15

Second Report of the General Committee

C 2009/LIM/16

Third Report of the General Committee

C 2009/LIM/17

First and Second Reports of the Resolutions Committee

C 2009/REP/Series


C 2009/REP/1 to 5

Draft Report of Plenary



C 2009/REP/18 to 30.8


C 2009/I/REP/6 to 13

Draft Report of Commission I

C 2009/II/REP/14 to 17-Add.1

Draft Report of Commission II



C 2009/PV/Series


C 2009/PV/1 to 5

Verbatim Records of Plenary



C 2009/PV/7 to 9


C 2009/I/PV/1 to 3

Verbatim Records of Commission I

C 2009/II/PV/1 and 2

Verbatim Records of Commission II



C 2009/DJ/Series


C 2009/DJ/1 to 6

Daily Journal of the Conference


Table of contents Table of contents Table of contents