C 99/19


Thirtieth Session

Rome, 12-23 November 1999



1. At its Hundred and Sixteenth Session the Council decided, in accordance with Rule XXIII-1(b) of the General Rules of the Organization, that nominations for the office of Independent Chairman of the Council should be communicated to the Secretary-General of the Conference and Council by 12.00 hours on Friday, 20 August 1999.

2. By the date set by the Council, the Secretary-General of the Conference and Council had received two nominations. The nominations and the curriculum vitae of the nominees are appended as follows:

Appendix A - Sjarifudin Baharsjah (Indonesia)

Appendix B - Jean Syrogianis Camara (Guinea)


Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia



No.: 0826/DB/VII/99                                                  Rome, 5 July 1999

Dear Mr Secretary-General,

In accordance with the decisions adopted at the Hundred and Sixteenth Session of the FAO Council, with regard to the closing date for submission of nominations for the Independent Chairman of the Council, allow me on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, to submit herewith the candidature of Dr Sjarifudin Baharsjah for re-election to the post of Independent Chairman of the Council.

Enclosed please find the Curriculum Vitae of Dr Sjarifudin Baharsjah.

Accept, Mr Secretary-General, the assurance of my highest consideration.

Ambassador/Permanent Representative
of the Republic of Indonesia to FAO

Mr. Frederick B. Zenny
Secretary-General of the Conference and Council of FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla


Address : Jl. Widycandra No. 28, Komplek Perumahan Peejabat Tinggi Negara, Jakarta 12196, Indonesia
Phone : 62-21-5253779
Nationality : Indonesian
Date of Birth : Sindang Laut, West Java, May 16, 1933
Status : Married, with two grown-up daughters
Education : -PhD. in Agriculture Economics, 1974
North Carolina State University, Raleigh

-MSc. in Agriculture Economics, 1965
University of Kentucky, Lexington

-Agriculture Engineer, 1960
University of Indonesia, Bogor

Positions held : -Minister of Agriculture, 1993-1998
-JuniorMinister of Agriculture, 1988-1993
-Secretary-General of MOA, 1982-1988
-Director, Centre for Agro-Economic Research, AARD,
Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 1977-1982
-Vice Dean, Graduate School, IPB, 1976-1982
-Vice Rector, IPB, 1976-1982
-Professor in Agriculture Economics, Bogor Agriculture
University (IPB), 1960 -
Current Position : -Independent Chairman of FAO Council
Professional Membership: -Chairman of the Indonesia Society of Agricultural Economics
-President Elect, Asian Agricultural Economics Association
-Vice Chairman, Association of Coffee Producing Countries
-Member of the Board of Trustees, International Food Policy
Research Institute (IPRI)

Jakarta, May 1999



Work - Justice - Solidarity


No 1435/MAE/DAPC/OCIN/99

The Minister                                                              Conakry, 18 August 1999


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Guinea presents its compliments to the Secretary General of the Conference and Council of FAO and has the honour to inform him of the decision of the Guinean Government to submit the candidature of Mr JEAN SYROGIANIS CAMARA for the post of Independent Chairman of the Council of FAO for the 1999 - 2000 biennium, for which elections will take place at the 30th Session of the Conference, to be held at FAO Headquarters in Rome in November 1999.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs attaches hereto the curriculum vitae of Mr JEAN S. CAMARA and would be most grateful if the Secretary General could kindly bring this candidature to the attention of the Member Nations of FAO, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Organization.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Guinea avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Secretary General of the Conference and Council the assurance of its highest consideration.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Guinea

Secretary General
of the Conference
and Council of FAO
Rome - Italy


I. Personal Details 
Date and place of birth: Bogori (Boffa), 4 April 1934
Nationality: Guinean
Family status: Married with two children
Languages: French, English, Italian
Title: Ambassador
II. Higher Education 
1959 - 60 University for Foreigners, Perugia (Italy) Diploma in Italian
1960 - 66 University of Florence (Italy)
Doctorate in Political Science:
Thesis on the evolution of political parties, the Democratic Party of Guinea
III. Professional Experience 
1. National Public Sector 
1956 - 57 Primary school teacher, Madina School, Conakry
1958 - 59 Chief Supervisor, Donka High School, Conakry
1970 - 71 Civil Administrator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Extramural Teacher at the Gamal Abdel Nasser Polytechnic Institute
Subject taught: International Relations
2. Diplomatic Career 
1971 - 75 Embassy Attach�, Embassy of Guinea for Western Europe, Rome (Italy), responsible for the Consulate, the International Organizations based in Europe (Rome, Geneva, Paris, Vienna) and publication of the Embassy's Monthly Bulletin
1976 - 80 Minister-Counsellor of Economic Affairs, Embassy of Guinea in Italy, with responsibilities also covering Greece and the Scandinavian Countries
1976 - 80 Representative to FAO, WFP and IFAD
3. International Activities 
1971 - 75 Member of the Guinean Delegations to conferences and meetings of the following international organizations, programmes and agencies: FAO, UNESCO, ILO, WHO, UPU, ITU, WMO, UNDP, UNCTAD, WFP
1972 - 75 Representative of Guinea at the summer sessions of the Economic and Social Council, Geneva
1975 Delegate at the World Food Conference, Rome
1975 - 79 Conferences of FAO, Rome
1974 - 80 FAO Regional Conferences for Africa (Mauritius, Freetown, Arusha, Lom�)
1974 - 76 Representative at the FAO Council
Vice-Chairman of the Council in 1975
1975 - 76 Alternate Representative of the Minister of Labour at the Governing Body of ILO
1975 - 77 Representative at the World Food Council
1976 - 79 Representative at the WFP Committee on Food Aid Policies
Member of the FAO Programme Committee
1976 Member of the Working Group
(7 members) of the FAO Council charged with reviewing the composition of the Programme and Finance Committees and the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters, and in addition the term of office of the Director-General of FAO
1976 - 78 Vice-Chairman of the Preparatory Committee charged with drafting the texts establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development, IFAD
1977 World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
1979 Alternate to the Governor at the first Conference of Governors of IFAD
1972 - 79 Delegate at the meetings of the Technical Committees of FAO: Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, Commodities, Forestry, Food Security
1996 Member of the Guinean Delegation to the World Food Summit
1997 Member of the Guinean Delegation to the 29th Session of the Conference of FAO
4. Other Activities 
1975 - 76 Chairman of the Group of 77 (FAO/WFP)
1977 - 78 Chairman of the Africa Group (FAO/WFP)
Participation in meetings of the
Group of 77 to determine its position
vis-�-vis UNCTAD IV, V
IV. Professional Activities within the United Nations System 
1. Office  
February 1980 - April 1996 International Civil Servant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
1980 - 85 Senior Officer - Liaison Office with the United Nations, New York
1986 - 88 Deputy Representative to the United Nations, New York
1988 - 94 Representative to the United Nations, New York
1995 - 96 Director, Office for External Relations, FAO, Rome
1995 - 96 Chairman of the Director-General's Advisory Committee on World Food Day
2. International Conferences 
1980 - 95 United Nations General Assembly, 36th to 50th Sessions
1981 Special session of the General Assembly to determine the strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade
1982 Special session of the General Assembly: United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development (UNPAAERD)
1989 Special session of the General Assembly: New Agenda for the Development of Africa (UN-NADAF)
1992 Earth Summit (Environment and Development) Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
1995 World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Participation in all the preparatory phases of these two summits, as well as those for the United Nations Conference on Population and Development
1994 - 96 Drafting of the International Convention to Combat Desertification and Drought, notably in Africa
1980 - 95 Observer at the Security Council
Representative at the Economic and Social Council
1980 - 94 Representative at the Trusteeship Council
Representative at the Committee on Decolonization
Governing Council of UNDP/UNEP
Executive Board of UNICEF
1985 - 94 Representative at the Policy and Programming Coordination Committee
1980 - 96 Participation in numerous inter-agency meetings, notably those of the Administrative Committee on Coordination which twice yearly groups the UN Secretary General and all the Heads of the Specialized Agencies, including the Bretton Woods Institutions