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Seventh Session

Bremen, Germany, 22-25 March 2000


Wednesday, 22 March 2000
Morning: 08:00 hours


Morning: 09:30 hours

1. Opening of the Session

2. Election of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Rapporteur: for decision

3. Adoption of the agenda and arrangements for the session: for decision (COFI:FT/VII/2000/1, COFI:FT/VII/2000/Inf.1)

4. Status and important recent events concerning international trade in fishery products (COFI:FT/VII/2000/2 and COFI:FT/VII/2000/Inf.5) for information and comments

Afternoon: 14:00 - 17:00 hours

5. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and responsible fish trade (COFI:FT/VII/2000/3): for discussion (Provides also the opportunity for comments on draft Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries "Responsible International Trade" and "Laws and regulations relating to fish trade")

6. Globalization and implications for international fish trade and food security (COFI:FT/VII/2000/4): for discussion (Includes presentation of results of the e-mail Conference on Fish Trade and Food Security, 19 October - 12 December 1998)

Evening: 19:30 hours

Reception by Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

Thursday, 23 March 2000
Morning: 09:00 hours

Opening of FISCH 2000

Afternoon: 14:00 hours

7. Implementation of World Trade Organization's agreements and Multilateral Trade Negotiations

7.1 Agreements on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Technical Barriers to Trade, Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, and on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (COFI:FT/VII/2000/5): for discussion

7.2 Ongoing Multilateral Trade Negotiations and FAO training programme (COFI:FT/VII/2000/6): for information and comments

7.3 Safety and quality of fishery products (COFI:FT/VII/2000/7): for discussion

8. Matters arising from COFI:FT/VI

8.1 Subsidies and their effects on fish trade (COFI:FT/VII/2000/8): for discussion

8.2 Issues of sustainable resource use and international fish trade (COFI:FT/VII/2000/9 and COFI:FT/VII/2000/Inf.6): for discussion

Friday, 24 March 2000
Morning: 09:00 hours

9. COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade as International Commodity Body and its relationship with the Common Fund for Commodities (COFI:FT/2000/10 and COFI:FT/VII/2000/Inf.7): for decision

10. Implementation of the FAO Strategic Framework - Trade aspects (COFI:FT/VII/2000/11): for information and comments

11. Any other matters

12. Date and place of the Eighth Session: for decision

Afternoon: 14:00 hours

Press conference (to be confirmed)

Saturday, 25 March 2000

Visit to FISCH 2000

Afternoon: 16:00 hours

13. Adoption of the Report

Evening: 20:00 hours

Gala Evening of International Fisheries