FC 94/15-Sup.


(From Decisions and Recommendations of the
First Regular Session 2000)

2000/EB.1/1 Report on WFP Chartered Flight KSV 3275 to Kosovo

In considering the Report on WFP Chartered Flight KSV 3275 to Kosovo (WFP/EB.1/2000/3/1), the Executive Board extended its deep sympathy to the families of the victims of the accident, and expressed great appreciation to the staff and the Executive Director of WFP for their very efficient and compassionate handling of this tragic situation. The Executive Board also thanked the Italian Government for its exceptional support.

The Board looked forward to the publication of the final report on the circumstances of the accident, to addressing the conclusions that come forward from that report and to regular updates by the Secretariat on the status of charges made to the Special Account and insurance-related issues. It endorsed the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) made in its report (WFP/EB.1/2000/3/2) to take steps towards developing a United Nations-wide standard operating procedure to address such type of crisis in the future.

  The Executive Board
  1. took note of the actions taken by the Secretariat in the handling and management of the crisis; and
  2. authorized on a post facto basis that the un-earmarked balance of the General Fund of the Programme be used to fund the KSV 3275 Disaster Special Account.



8 February 2000