Abrecht, J. 1993. Tropical forest conservation and development: a bibliography. St Paul, Minnesota, University of Minnesota Forestry Library.

Amadi, R.M. 1993. Harmony and conflict between NTFP use and conservation in Korup National Park. Overseas Development Institute.

Anderson, D.M.W. 1993. Some factors influencing the demand for gum arabic and other water-soluble tree exudates. Forest Ecology and Management, 58: 1 -18. Amsterdam, Elsevier.

Anon. 1988. Seminar on products from the Mediterranean forest. Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste, Italy.

Anon. 1992. Sustainable harvest and marketing of rain forest products. Washington, USA, Island Press.

Anon. 1992. A guide to the cultivation of rattan. Malayan Forest Record No. 15. Forest Research Institute, Malaysia.

Anon. 1992. Non-timber products from tropical forests. Evaluation of a conservation and development strategy. Advances in Economic Botany, Vol. 9. The New York Botanical Garden.

Anon. 1992. Journal of herbs, spices and medicinal plants, Vol. 1 (1/2). Binghampton, NY, Food Products Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc.

Anon. 1993. Natural pharmaceuticals III - a worldwide market study. New Haven, CT, USA, The Technology Management Group.

Anon. 1993. Ethics, ethnobiological research and biodiversity. WWF.

FAO. 1993. More than wood, special options for multiple use of forests. Forestry Topics Report No. 4. Rome.

More than wood

This report stresses and illustrates the importance and use of plants for people around the world from the basic function of a life-supporting system to the provision of food products, construction materials, traditional and modem medicines, and their role of restoring ecosystems. It describes terrestrial biomes through a simple classification and discusses some of the factors that threaten plants as well as measures to preserve plant wealth.

Anon. 1993. Workshop: economic valuation and sustainable management of non-timber tropical forest products. Economic Botany, 47(3). Issue 10.

Baba, S. et al. (eds). 1992. Natural resources and human health plants of medicinal and nutritional value. Amsterdam, Elsevier.

Coppen, J.J.W. & Hone, A. 1992. Eucalyptus oils. A review of production and markets. Natural Resource Institute Bulletin No. 56.

Coppen, J.J.W. & Dyer, L.R. 1993. Eucalyptus and its leaf oil. An indexed bibliography. Publication FY2. Chatham, UK, Natural Resources Institute.

Coppen, J.J.W., Gay, C., James, D.J., Robinson, J.M. & Mullin, L.J. 1993. Variability in xylem resin composition amongst natural population of Indonesian Pinus merkusii. Phytochemistry, 33: 129-136.

Coppen, J.J.W., Gay, C., James, D.J., Robinson, J.M. & Mullin, L.J. 1993. Xylem resin composition and chemotaxonomy of three varieties of Pinus caribaea. Phytochemistry, 33: 1103-1111.

Cunningham, A.B. 1993. African medicinal plants. People and plants. Working Paper No.1. Unesco.

Cunningham, A.B. & Mbenkum, F.T. 1993. Sustainability of harvesting Prunus africana bark in Cameroon. People and Plants Working Paper No. 2. Unesco.

de Beer, J.H. 1989. The economic value of non-timber forest products in Southeast Asia. Netherlands Committee for IUCN.

Dove, M.R. 1993. Smallholder rubber and swidden agriculture in Borneo: a sustainable adaptation to the ecology and economy of the tropical forest. The New York Botanic Garden.

Dransfield, S. 1992. The bamboos of Sabah. Sabah Forest Records No. 14. Forestry Department, Sabah, Malaysia.

Edwards, D.M. 1993. The marketing of non-timber products from the Himalayas: the trade between East Nepal and India. Overseas Development Institute.

Elisabetsky, E. et al. 1992. Traditional Amazonian nerve tonics as antidepressant agents: Chaunochiton kappleri: a case study. Journal of Herbs, Spices end Medicinal Plants. Vol. 1(1/2).

Falconer, J. 1992. Non-timber forest products in southern Ghana: a summary report. ODA Forestry Series No. 2.

FAO. 1992. Marketing of Brazil nuts. A case study from Brazil. Prepared by J.R. Lafleur. Rome.

FAO. 1992. Forestry researchers. A directory of forestry researchers in the Asia-Pacific Region. Forestry Research Support Programme for Asia and the Pacific (FORSPA). Publication No. 1. Bangkok.

FAO. 1992. Chemical processing and utilization of Acacia catechu Wild. Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA). Publication 1992/19. Bangkok.

FAO. 1993. Produits forestiers non-ligneux dans la r�gion m�diterran�enne. Prepared by S. Baldini. Working document. FO:Misc/93/4. Rome.

FAO. 1993. Non-wood forest products in Indochina. Focus: Viet Nam. Prepared by J.H. de Beer. Working Paper FO:Misc/93/5. Rome.

FAO. 1993. Selected species and strategies to enhance income-generation from Amazonian forests. Prepared by J.W. Clay and R. Clement. Working Paper FO:Misc/93/6. Rome.

FAO. 1993. Indigenous multipurpose trees of Tanzania: uses and economic benefits for people. Prepared by D. Hines & K. Eckman. Working Paper FO:Misc/93/9. Rome.

FAO. 1993. International trade of non-wood forest products: an overview. Prepared by M. Iqbal. Working Paper FO:Misc/93/11. Rome.

FAO. 1993. Cosecha de hongos en la VII region de Chile. Estudio monogr�fico de explotaci�n forestal-2. Rome.

FAO. 1993. Forestry statistics today for tomorrow. 1961-1991, 2010. Rome.

FAO. 1993. Tree and land tenure in the eastern Terai, Nepal. A case study from the Siraha and Saptari districts. Community Forestry Case Study Series No. 9.

FAO. 1993. Indigenous people and rattan. Case studies from the Philippines. Forestry Research Support Programme for Asia and the Pacific (FORSPA). Publication No. 5. Bangkok.

Fischer, F.U. 1993. Beekeeping in the subsistence economy of the Miombo savanna woodlands of South-Central Africa. Overseas Development Institute.

Fortin, D., L� Modou & Maynart, G. 1990. Plantes m�dicinales du Sahel. S�rie: �tudes et recherches ET-133-134-135. CECI.

Fox, Jefferson (ed.). 1992. Society and non-timber products in Asia. East-West Center, Honolulu.

Franz, C. 1993. Domestication of wild-growing medicinal plants. Plant Research and Development. 37: 101 -111.

Ganesan, B. 1993. Extraction of Non-Timber forest products, including fodder and fuelwood, in Mudumalai, India. Economic Botany, 47(3): 268-274.

Gautami, S. & Bhat, R.J. 1992. A monograph on gum karaya. Hyderabad, India, National Institute of Nutrition.

Godoy, R. & Bawa, K. 1993. The economic value and sustainable harvest of plants and animals from tropical forest: assumptions, hypotheses and methods. Economic Botany, 47(3): 215-219.

Godoy, R., Lubowski, R. & Markandaya, A. 1993. A method for economic valuation of Non-Timber tropical forest products. Economic Botany, 47(3): 220-223.

Godoy, R. & Lubowski, R. 1994. How much is the forest worth? Guidelines for the economic valuation of non-timber tropical forest products. (In press)

Gunatilleke, l.A.U.N. & Gunatilleke, C.V.S. 1991. Underutilized food and medicinal plant resources of Sinharaja rain forest in Sri Lanka. Proc. Symposium on Food and Nutrition in the Tropical Forest: Biocultural Interactions and Applications to Development. Paris.

Gunatilleke, l.A.U.N., Gunatilleke, C.V.S. & Abeygunawardena, P. 1993. Interdisciplinary research towards management of Non-Timber forest resources in lowland rain forests in Sri Lanka. Economy Botany, 47(3): 282-289.

Gunatilleke, H.M., Senaratne, D.M.A.H. & Abeygunawardena, P. 1993. Role of non-timber forest products in the economy of peripheral communities of Knuckles National Wilderness Area in Sri Lanka: a farming systems approach. Economic Botany, 47(3): 275-281.

Honychurch, P.N. 1993. Caribbean wild plants and their uses. MacMillan Press.

House, A.P.N. & Harwood, C.E. 1992. (eds). Australian dry-zone acacias for human food. CSIRO Publication. Canberra.

Iwu, M.M. 1993. A handbook of African medicinal plants. Florida, CRC Press.

Janssen, J.J.A. 1993. Building with bamboo. Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd.

Krisnamurthy, T. 1993. Minor forest products. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Lewington, A. 1993. Medicinal plants and plant extracts: a review of their importation into Europe. A Traffic Network Report. Traffic International.

Liese, W. 1992. Production and utilization of bamboo and related species in the year 2000. IUFRO Conference on Forest Products. Nancy, France.

WWF. 1993. The vital wealth of plants. Gland, World Wide Fund for Nature.

The vital wealth of plants

This report describes and discusses the use and the development of products other than wood derived from forests, in the overall context of integrated forest management for sustainable rural development. his booklet presents examples of the wise use of NWFPs, illustrates their importance in diverse circumstances and proposes a framework of action for further promoting and developing NWFPs for the benefit of rural communities.

Maia, J.G., Green, C.L. & Milchard, M.J. 1993. New sources of natural safrole. Perfumer and Flavourist, 18: 19-22.

Malhotra, K.C., Deb, Debal, Dutta, M., Vasulu, T.S., Yadav, G. & Adhikari, M. 1993. The role of non-timber forest products in village economies in South-West Bengal. Overseas Development Institute.

Milliken, W., Miller, R.P., Pollard, S.R. & Wandelli, E.V. 1992. Ethnobotany of the Waimiri Atroari Indians of Brazil. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Negi, S.S. 1993. Minor forest products of India. Delhi, Periodical Experts Book Agency.

Packham, J. 1993. The value of indigenous fruit-bearing trees in Miombo areas of South-Central Africa. Overseas Development Institute.

Panayotou, T. & Ashton, P.S. 1992. Not by timber alone: economics and ecology for sustaining tropical forests. New York, Island Press.

Peters, C.R., O'Brien, E.M. & Drummond, R.B. 1992. Edible wild plants of sub-Saharan Africa. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Richards, E.M. 1993. Commercialization of non-timber forest products in Amazonia. Socio-Economics Series No. 2. NRI/ODA.

Ruiz Murrieta, J. 1992. Food from the forest: the Peruvian case. Journal of Tropical Science, 5(2): 115-129.

Saw, L.G., LaFrankie, J.V., Kochummen, K.M. & Yap, S.K. 1991. Fruit trees in a Malaysian rain forest. Economic Botany, 45(1): 120-136.

Scoones, l., Melnyk, M. & Pretty, J.N. 1992. The hidden harvest: wild foods and agricultural systems. A literature review and annotated bibliography. London, IIED/SIDA/WWF.

Shultz, E.B. et al.1992. Neem: a tree for solving global problems. Washington, DC, National Academy Press.

WWF. Ethics, ethnobiological research and biodiversity. WWF International Publication. Gland.


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Essences foresti�res fruiti�res et alimentaires. 1. Exemples d'Afrique orientale. Etude FAO: For�ts 44/1. 1984.

Essences foresti�res fruiti�res et alimentaires. 2. Exemples de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Etude FAO: For�ts 44/2. 1986.

Especies fores tales productoras de frutas y otros alimentos. 3. Ejemplos de Am�rica Latina. Estudio FAO Montes 44/3. 1987.

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Non-timber uses of selected arid zone trees and shrubs in Africa. FAO Conservation Guide No. 19. 1988.

The major significance of "minor" forest products. Community Forestry Note 6. 1990.

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Prosopis tamarugo: fodder tree for arid zones. Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 25. 1981.

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The sago palm. Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 47. 1983.

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The NWFP horizon


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